Content Posted in 2020
001a. 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18, Mark Seifrid
001b. Luke 1:26-38, Jeffrey Oschwald
001b. Mark 1:1–8, David Lewis
001b. Philippians 2:1–4 (5–13) 14–18, Mark Seifrid
001. Hebrews 13:8, Daniel Preus
001. Isaiah 51:1–6, David Adams
001. Matthew 15:21-28, Jeffrey Oschwald
002. Ezekiel 33:7–9, Thomas Egger
002. Matthew 16:21–28, Jeffrey Oschwald
002. Matthew 16:23, Scott Holder
003b. Isaiah 5:1–7, Thomas Egger
003. Isaiah 55:6–9, Thomas Egger
003. Matthew 18:1-20, Joel Elowsky
003. Matthew 18:21–35, Jeffrey Oschwald
004a. Ezekiel 33:7–9, Thomas Egger
004. Isaiah 5:1–7, Thomas Egger
004. Philippians 2:1–4 (5–13) 14–18, Mark Seifrid
004. Psalm 73, Erik Herrmann
005a. Exodus 17:1-7 (Part 1), David Adams
005b. Exodus 17:1-7 (Part 2), David Adams
005. Philippians 4:4–13, Mark Seifrid
005. Psalm 46, Thomas Egger
005. Romans 13:1-10, Jeffrey Oschwald
006. John 8:31–36, Bruce Schuchard
006. Matthew 18:21-35, Douglas Rutt
006. Philippians 4:4–13, Mark Seifrid
006. Psalm 149, Timothy Saleska
007. 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18, Mark Seifrid
007a. Genesis 3 (Part 1 — Introduction), David Adams
007b. Genesis 3 (Part 2 - 3.1-7), David Adams
007c. Genesis 3 (Part 3 - Gen 3.8-13), David Adams
007d. Genesis 3 (Part 4 - Gen 3.14-19), David Adams
007e. Genesis 3 (Part 5 - Gen 3.20-24), David Adams
007. Psalm 90:1–12, Timothy Saleska
007. Romans 14:1-2, Daniel Mattson
008. Genesis 50:15-21, Mark Rockenbach
008. Isaiah 64:1–9, Timothy Saleska
008. Matthew 25:31–46, Jeffrey Oschwald
009. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Phil Penhallegon
009. Mark 1:1–8, David Lewis
009. Psalm 40:8, Joel Biermann
010. Luke 1:26-38, Jeffrey Oschwald
010. Psalm 98, David Adams
010. Romans 14:1-12, Richard Marrs
011. Isaiah 55:6-9, Timothy Dost
012. Romans 1:14-17, Roosevelt Gray Jr
013. Acts 6:1-7, Micah Glenn
014. Mark 11:27-33, Paul Sieveking
015a. Psalm 46, Thomas Egger
015. Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32, David Adams
016. Philippians 2:1-18, Glenn Nielsen
017a. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Phil Penhallegon
017. Matthew 21:33-46, Joel Okamoto
018. John 11:45-57, Tyler Arnold
019b. John 8:31–36, Bruce Schuchard
019. Isaiah 5:1-7, Erik Herrmann
01-Bb - Building the Content Menu - Faculty, Jamie Dienell
01. Personal Impact: Spiritual Health within Ministry Part 1, Leopoldo Sánchez
020. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Joshua LeBorious
021a. Psalm 90:1–12, Timothy Saleska
021. John 7:37-52, Bruce Schuchard
022a. Psalm 98, David Adams
022. Isaiah 25, Matthew Berry
022. Psalm 98, David Adams
023b. Matthew 15:21-28, Jeffrey Oschwald
023. Isaiah 25:6-9, Daniel Greg
024b. Matthew 16:21–28, Jeffrey Oschwald
024. Philippians 4:4-13, Randy Asburry
025d. Matthew 18:21–35, Jeffrey Oschwald
025. Isaiah 45:1-7, David Schmitt
026. Matthew 17:22-27, William Schumacher
027. Isaiah 45:1-7, Philip Penhallegon
028. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, Alex Schrader
029. Daniel 6:1-28, Richard Rudowske
02-Bb - Posting a File - Faculty, Jamie Dienell
02. Personal Impact: Spiritual Health within Ministry Part 2, Leopoldo Sánchez
030. Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, Paul Sieveking
031. Acts 15:12-22a, Abjar Bahkou
032. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13, Douglas Rutt
033. Romans 3:21-31, Mark Seifrid
034. Micah 3:5-12, Henry Rowold
035. Matthew 23:1-12, Aaron Hickey
036a. Matthew 25:31-46, Jeffrey Oschwald
036. Matthew 23:13-28, Scott Holder
037. Matthew 5:1-12, Robert Kolb
038a. Isaiah 51:1–6, David Adams
038a. Psalm 149, Timothy Saleska
038. Matthew 25:1-13, Andrew Johnson
039. Matthew 25:14-30, Timothy Dost
03-Bb - Creating an Assignment - Faculty, Jamie Dienell
03. Personal Impact: Cultural Health within Ministry, Kou Seying
040. Matthew 24:36-51, Peter Nafzger
041. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Leopoldo Sanchez
042. Matthew 25:31-46, Kevin Peterson
043. Mark 1:1-2:12, Michael Zeigler
044. 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, Mart Thompson
044b. Isaiah 55:6–9, Thomas Egger
045. 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, Micah Glenn
046. Matthew 12:38-42, David Lewis
047. John 1:35-42, Michael Tanney
048. Mark 1:1-8, Kent Burreson
049. Isaiah 40:1-11, David Harmelink
04. Personal Impact: Vocational Health within Ministry, Joel Elowsky
050. 2 Peter 3:8-14, Steve Hokana
051. Malachi 2:10-3:1, Rod Benkendorf
052. John 1:6-8, 19-28, John Schmidtke
053a. Isaiah 64:1–9, Timothy Saleska
053. Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11, Thomas Egger
054. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Heath Curtis
055. Great O Antiphons of Advent, Erik Herrmann, Hayden Brown, and Mason Vieth
056. Luke 1:26-38, Randy Asburry
058. Matthew 2:1-12, Scott Holder
059. Matthew 3:13-17, Dale Meyer
05. Personal Impact: Relational Health Part 1, Jeffrey Gibbs
060. Isaiah 42:1-9, Daniel Mattson
061. Isaiah 49:1-7, Joel Biermann
062. Exodus 1-2, Michael Zeigler
063. Matthew 17:1-9, William Utech
064. Matthew 4:12-25, Ben Griffin
065. Faith and Film Festival, Travis Scholl; Jacob Wampfler; and Heather Choate Davis Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
065. Matthew 8:5-13, Ben Haupt
066. 2 Kings 4:8-36, David Schmitt
066. Faith and Film Critic Abby Olcese, Travis Scholl and Abby Olcese
067. Faith and Film Filmaker Philip Hohle, Travis Scholl and Philip Hohle
067. Luke 2:33-40, Richard Marrs
068. Christian Counseling with Dr. Rick Marrs, Richard Marrs and Erik Herrmann
068. Matthew 5:13-20, Mark Rockenbach
069. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Robert Kolb
069. Lutheran Voices on Racism, Leopoldo Sánchez, Warren Lattimore, and Micah Glenn
06. Personal Impact: Relational Health Part 2, Heidi Goehmann
070. Hope in Anxious Times, Leopoldo Sánchez and Jorda Schut
070. Isaiah 58:3-9a, Bruce Kaseman
071. 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, Rodney Benkendorf
072. Matthew 5:21-37, Matthew Clark
073. Matthew 19:1-12, Benjamin Akers
074. Deuteronomy 30:15-20, David Lewis
075. Proverbs 2:1-15, Timothy Saleska
076. Matthew 17:1-9, Joel Christiansen
077. Exodus 24:8-18, David Adams
078. 2 Peter 1:16-21, Robert Weise
079. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21, Douglas Rutt
07. PI Emotional Health within Ministry, Richard Marrs
080. Matthew 4:1-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
081. Genesis 3:1-21, Paul Sieveking
082. Romans 5:12-19, Jonathon Rusche
083. John 3:1-17, John Karolous
084. Genesis 12:1-9, Richard Rudowske
085. Genesis 12:1-9, Scott Holder
086. John 4:5-26, Bruce Schuchard
087. Mark 15:6-11 9 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
088. Mark 15:11-14 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
089. Lord's Prayer (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
08. Personal Impact: Intellectual Health within Ministry, William Schumacher
090. Mark 15:21 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
091. John 15:24 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
092. Mark 15:24:28 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
093. Matthew 28:11-66 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
094. Mark 15:33-34 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
095. Mark 15:34-36 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
096. Luke 24:36-49 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
097. Colossians 3:1-7 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
098. Acts 5:29-42 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
099. Psalm 115:1-18 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
09. Personal Impact: Physical Health within Ministry, Timothy Saleska
100. John 21:1-14 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
101. 1 Peter 1:3-10 (COVID-19 Devotion), Kent Burreson
102. Matthew 15:21-28, Hank Rowold
10. Personal Impact: Financial Health within Ministry, Eustolio Gomez
11. Personal Impact: Single Pastor, David Peter
12. Bible Study Structure, Jeffrey Gibbs
12. Bible Study Structure, Jeffrey Gibbs
13. Teaching the Faith with HBLT, Mart Thompson
13. Teaching the Faith with HBLT, Mart Thompson
1 Corinthians 15_3b-5: Primitive Christian Proclamation, Jerome Schoel
32. William Utech on his January 27, 2020 Sermon., William Utech and David Schmitt
33. Ben Griffin on his January 28, 2020 Sermon, Ben Griffin and David Schmitt
35. Roosevelt Gray on his September 22, 2020 sermon., Roosevelt Gray Jr and David Schmitt
36. Micah Glenn on his September 23, 2020 sermon., Micah Glenn and David Schmitt
A Beauty Walk A Systematic Compendof Navajo Theology, Walter Snyder
A Brief Survey of Some Modern Views of the Historical Development of the Kingdom of God Concept in the Old Testament, Karl Koslowsky
A Brief Survey of the History and Problems of Education in the Philippines and their Bearing on Mission Work, Alvaro A. Carino
A Case Study in Exegetical Methodology George Stoeckhardt and Johann Philip Koehler on Ephesians, William John Hassold
A Chaplain's Work in a Prisoner of War Camp, G A. Zoch
Achieving Homiletical Skills and Techiques from Jesus' Use of the Parable, Ronald Starenko
A Christian Answer to Marcion of Pontus by Tertullian and Irenaeus, Carl Willard Beuschlein
A Christian Interpretation of Sex, Richard Scheimann
A Comparison of Ephesians with Colossians, Martin Haendschke
A Comparison of Peter's Discourses in the Acts of the Apostles with Peter's First Epistle, Willard Lewis Burce
A Comparison of Selected Portions of the Reina-Valera and Moderna Versions of the Spanish Bible, Edwin T. Brown
A Comparison of Selected Portions of the Reina-Valera and Moderna Versions of the Spanish Bible, Fred J. Pankow
A Comparison of the Code of Hammurabi and Mosaic Law, Ernst R. Pflug
A Comparison of the Ethics of the Qumran Scrolls and the Epistle of James, Warren Schmidt
A Comprehensive Survey of the Problems of Old Age, Past and Present Solutions Offered for Them, and the Obligation of the Church with Regard to Them, William Henry Lehmann Jr
A Critical Analysis of the Harmony of the Passion Story, Robert Gussick
A Critical Analysis of the Principal Sermon Methods in the Lutheran Church, Adolph Meyer
A Critical-Exegetical Study of Hebrews 6:4-8, Herbert Hohenstein
A Criticism of Religious Implications in the Writings of Aldous Huxley, Richard Luecke
A Criticism of the Madras Conference from the Standpoint of a Christian Believer, Wilbert Griesse
Adapatation of the Religious Dance and Similar Physical Movements in the Indigenous Church, Manfred Berndt
A Descriptive Study of the Methods of Argumentation Employed by the Writers of the New Testament, Waldemar Streufert
A Discipleship Workshop for Trinity Lutheran Church, Walnut Creek, California, David Moore
Administrating the Church Toward Stronger Spiritual Relationships Among its Members, Edward E. Busch
AdobeConnect_Instructor, Ray Foreman
AdobeConnect_Instructor 02, Ray Foreman
AdobeConnect student, Ray Foreman
Advent-History, Meaning and Customs, John S. Damm
A Grammatical Study of the Passive Voice in the Synoptic Gospels, David Moke
A Historical and Political Study of Antipater, the Idumean, Who Established a Political Dynasty in Palestine, Neil R. Schmidt
A Historical Critical Analysis of Rudolf Bultmann's Form Criticism as Related to his Demythologization, Lorman Petersen
A Historical Study of the Early Missouri Synod Missionary Work in Kansas, Williard E. Mueller
A History of Concordia College, New Orleans, Henry Niermann
A History of Lutheran Missions to Islam, Robert E. Jones
A History of Missouri Synod Work Among the Japanese, Arthur H. Strege
A History of the Cithara Sanctorum (Tranoscius), Jaroslav Vajda
A History of the Early Catechisms of the Missouri Synod, Richard Maassel
A History of the Lutheran Church in New Zealand from 1843-1950, Clemens I. Koch
Albrecht Durer and the Lutheran Reformation, William Scar
Alexander Campbell's Principals of Interpretation of Interpretation as Seen in his Conception of the Church, George Estes
Alleged Anachronisms in the Pentateuch, Eugene Bertermann
A Lutheran Looks at the Motion Pictures, Walter C. Rubke
A Lutheran View of Vactican II on Liturgy and Scripture, Raymond Mueller
A Manual for Summer Bible School--An Experiment in Christian Education, Allan Hart Jahsmann
Amerindian Creation Myths and a Common Tradition, Robert L. Lail
Analogies Between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gospel According to Saint Paul, Richard John Gotsch
An Analysis and Development of the Baptismal Rite of the Lutheran Agenda, Hans Boehringer
An Analysis and Survey of the Theology of American Lutheranism Based Upon the Definite Platform of Samuel Simon Schmucker, Norbert H. Mueller
An Analysis of Clericalim in some Philippine Church Bodies as an Obstacle to Lay Activty in the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, Norbert Becker
An Analysis of Missouri Synod Sermons Based onthe Contentof the New Testament Kerygma, D William Backus
An Analysis of the Extent of Growth in Doctrinal Knowledge of St Louis Children in the Nine Months After Confirmation, Donald William Backus
An Analysis of the Introductions and Conclusions of C E MaCartney's Sermons, Carl A. Streufert
An Anaylsis and Comparison of Eschatological Elements in the Hymns and Sermons of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, James R. Luecke
An Annotated Translation of Georg F Vicedom's Missio Dei, Dennis Hilgendorf
Ancestor Worship, E C. Zimmermann
An Effort to Sample Scientifically the Attitudes of Pastors Toward Alcholism in a Section of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, James Hallerberg
An Evaluation and Comparison of the Methods and Principles Followed by the New Testament Translators of the AV, RV, ASV, and RSV, Oscar William Luecke Jr
An Evaluation of a Parochial School Education, Frederick Rehwaldt
An Evaluation of Current Proposals for Religion in Public Schools-Practical, Edgar Trinklein
An Evaluation of the Arguments for and Against Tax Exemption for No-Profit Private Schools in California, Robert K. Menzel
An Evaluation of the Nineteeth Century English Hymn Tune for American Lutheran Worship, Elmer N. Witt
An Evalutation of the Theological Content of This is the Life, Victor Constien
An Examination and Refutation of Mary Baker Eddy's Teaching on Marriage, Paul Ludwig Jr
An Examination of Osiander's Imago Dei in its Relation to Justification, Ralph Frederick Fischer
An Examination of the Ethical Injunctions of St Paul, Herbert T. Mayer
An Examination of the Passages in the New Testament which Speak of the Royal Priesthood of Believers, Norman Brauer
An Examination of the Philosophy, Theology, and Healing of Christian Science, Erwin J. Kolb
An Examination of the Practice of Personal Announcement for Communion on the Basis of its Pastoral Concerns, Herbert E. Borchelt
An Examination of the Premises of Wesley's Doctrine of Christian Perfection, Anthony S. Gedwillo
An Examination of the Teachings of Faith-Healers, Walter F. Fisher
An Examination of the Worship of Mary of Guadalupe, Martin Luther Frenk
An Exegetical-Doctrinal Study of I Cornithians 15:35-58, Richard Otto Reinisch
An Exegetical Study of First Corinthians 10_14-22, Herbert C. Spomer
An Exegetical Study of Marriage in Ephesians 5, 21-33, Karl H. Lepper
An Exegetical Study of Second Corinthians 5_17-21 with Special Reference to Reconcilliation, George Evenson
An Exegetical Study of St Paul's Concept of Santification as Found in Ἁδεάζω and Ἁδεασμόs, Harvey Lange
An Exegetical Treatment of I Timothy 2:9-15 as it Pertains to the Privieges of Women in the Church, William Goerss
An Experimental Course for Adult Confirmation Structured by the Nicene Creed, Paul Malte
An Exploratory Study of Anthroposophy, Everett Kalin
Anglican and Orthodox Reunion, Milton Rudnick
An Historical and Exegetical Study of the Messianic Hope of the Post-Exilic Prophets, William John Hausmann
An Historical Study of the Lutheran Sources of the Book of Common Prayer of 1549, Arthur A. Preisinger
An Historical Survey of Liturgical Vestments for Clergy and Sanctuary with Final Reference to Good Lutheran Usage, Harry Krieger
An Historical Survey of Old Testament Theology since 1922, Delbert R. Hillers
An Historical Survey of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments and Intertestamental Periods, Ralph Frederick Juengel
Animism in Africa, John Louis Konz
An Indian Venture- The History of Missouri Synod Indian Missions in Michigan and Minnesota, 1840-1868, Walter Schoenfuhs
An Intergrating Theology of Parish Administration, Michael Keyne
An Interpretation of the Epistle of St. Jude, William Hassold
An Interpretation of the First Three Petitions of the Lord's Prayer, Edgar Krentz
An Introductory Study of the Terms Used of Idols in the Old Testament, Roland Dede
An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Preaching for the Purpose of Teaching Christian Doctrine, Martin Brauer
An Investigation of A Select Number of College Fraternities and Sororities, Milan Alfred Nesko
An Investigation of Contemporary Feminist Arguments on Paul's Teaching on the Role of Women in the Church, Hershel House Wayne
An Investigation of Ode Fourteen of the Septuagint ‘‘ΟΑΑΙ, John Recks
An Investigation of the Factors of Persuasion in the Sermons of Dr Walter A Maier, Lester Zeitler
An Investigation of the Factors that Contribute to the Inspirational Quality in Christian Preaching, Orlen Walter Lapp
An Investigation of the Youth Section in the Sunday Morning Bible Study Program of Two Protestant Parishes, Milford Brelje
An Outline of Intergration Strategies for the Christian Principles in the Lutheran Secondary School, Karl John Schweder
An Outline of Symbolism in the Bible, Paul E. Schuessler
A Pastoral Approach to Interfaith Marriage in the Light of Significant Sociological Data and Christian Principles, Ronald L. Johnstone
A Practical Program of Adult Evangelism, Thomas A. Droege
A Search for the Archetype of the Greek Gospel Lectionary, Karl Rutz
Aspects of Pragmatisim in Relation to Christian Theology, Frederick Gumz
Aspects of the Relationship of Faith to Conscience in Luther's Sermons, 1528-1532, William Arthur Olsen
A Student of the Old Testament Proclaims Jesus as Messiah and Lord, Erwin Brese
A Study of Applications Used in the Sermons of the Concordia Pulpit of the Years 1955-1964, Erwin Kolb
A Study of Epistemology in the Theologies of Emil Brunner, Martin Heinecken, Taito Kantonen, and Joseph Sittler, John Heinemeier
A Study of Hindu Eschatology, Kenneth W. Behnken
A Study of Jesus' Counseling Techniques with Individuals in the Gospel of St John Chapters Three and Four, Edward A. Rauff
A Study of Lutheran Church Work in Blighted Areas, Charles Manske
A Study of the Anacolutha in the Pauline Corpus, Raymond Carl Schulze
A Study of the Canon at 170 A. D., Harry DeQuincey Smith Jr
A Study of the Cross, Harold Krueger
A Study of the Curricular Materials of the Intermediate Department of the Sunday School, William Carl Beckmann Jr
A Study of the Marcan Miracles, Donald Kreuger
A Study of the Paraclete Passages in the Gospel of St. John, Dale G. Lasky
A Study of the Religious Attitudes of a First-Year Class at Concordia Seminary, Edward W. Wessling
A Study of the Residence Counselor in the Men's Dormitories of the Missouri Synod's Preparatory Schools, Norbert Dettmann
A Study of the Root HESYCH- In the New Testament, John Armstrong
A Study of the Temple in the Gospel of John, Harold E. Remus
A Study of the Use of the Phrase Faithful is God in the New Testament Writings, Donald D. Schaeffer
A Study of the Values and Uses of Group Dynamics for the Pastor's Work in Church Groups, Walter James Wenck
A Study of ΑΙΩN in Paul's Epistles, G Waldemar Degner
A Survey and Evaluation of Religious Broadcasting, A Karl Boehmke
A Survey for Confirmation Instruction for Children, Paul K. Koepchen
A Survey of and Approach to the Problems of Old Testament Eschatology, Horace Hummel
A Survey of Past and Present Principles of Dealing with Desertion in the Four Major Non-Lutheran Protestant Church Bodies in America, Howard R. Klenz
A Survey of Problems Confronting the Christian Missionary to the Rural Areas of Japan, Paul H. Pallmeyer Jr
A Survey of Recent Teaching on Holy Scripture in Selected American Lutheran Theologians, Leander Waechter
A Survey of Representative Lutheran Preachers Concerning Technical Language in the Exposition of Selected Doctrines, Theodore W. Schubkegel
A Survey of the Confirmation Instruction of the Children within a Pastoral Conference, Robert T. Koehler
A Survey of Theories Proposed for the Basis of the Transfer of Training and their Application in Lutheran Religious Education, Allen Henry Nauss
A Survey Study of the Lutheran Schools of the Missouri Synod in Minnesota, 1857-1947, Wilbert Rosin
A Theological Interpretation of John 17:17, Carl W. Querbach Jr
A Theological Study of Baptism and the Lord's Supper as Expressed at the Hanover Convention of the Lutheran World Federation, Paul Martin Volz
Attitudes and Policies of the Lutheran Church Toward the Negro, George Hans Liebenow
Augustana VII and the Unity of the Church Major Interpretive Accents in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century American Lutheranism, Mark Wangerin
August Crull: His Contributionsto the Missouri Synod, Glen Johnson
Augustine's Doctrine of Original Sin in Two Anti-Pelagian Writings, William Traugott
Autonomy or Multi-Site? A Policy Capturing Study of Two Models of Church Planting for the Guidance of Future Site Planting at Ascension Lutheran Church, Wichita, Kansas, Michael Bingenheimer
A Witness Workshop Based on the Christian Doctrine of Vocation and Informed By the Two Kinds of Righteousness, Dean Rothchild
Bb - Create and Reply to Discussion Boards - Student, Jamie Dienell
Bb - Submit an Assignment - Students, Jamie Dienell
Becoming Lutheran: Exploring the Journey of American Evangelicals into Confessional Lutheran Thought, Matthew Richard
Beginnings of Irish Monasticism, Milton Ernstmeyer
Bekenntnismaessige Erziehung in der Lutherischen Kirche-Missouri Synode, Otto Meinardus
Berith Olam- Studies in the Davidic Covenant Traditions, James Rimbach
Bible Truth, W F. Beck
Biblical Angelology and Resultant Problems, Robert Kamphoefner
Biblical Concept of ΔιαθηϏη, Elmer Griesse
Biography of Pastor Ernst Moritz Buerger (1806-1841) with Special Emphasis on his Decision to Leave Perry County, Missouri, Ernst Albert Wolfram Jr
Bishop Bo Harald Giertz-Pietism and the Ordo Salutis-The Office of the Holy Ministry, the Word, and Soul Care, Eric Andrae
Building a Bridge to Community Creating Belonging by Intentionally Incorporating Christians into the Life of the Congregation, Michele Doel
Burreson Mark 8:27-Mark 10:52, Kent Burreson
Call & Vicarage Service 4-28-20, Dale Meyer, Glenn Nielsen, David Maier, and Matthew Harrison
Calvinism in England During the Reformation Period as Seen in the Formularies of the Established Church, Walter Sohn
Casidoro De Reina Translator of the Spanish Bible, Robert Gerhard Huebner
Cass 76-60-2 criteria and expectations
Categories of Lutheran Preaching in America and their Communication Systems for Apprehending Revealed Truth, Harlan Wendler
Catholic Action, Paul A. Zimmerman
Celtic Chrisitinaity A Survey of its History and Influence, Gerald Schaus
Changing Theologies of Private and Public Confession and Absolution, Fred Precht
Chapel stained glass windows installation behind the Altar., Dale Ward
Chapel stained glass windows removal, Dale Ward
Characteristics of Southeast Asian Islam as Factors in A Theology of the Christian Mission to Philippine Muslims, Robert McAmis
Characteristics of the Pre-Reformation Age as they are Reflected in Some Selected Preaching of the Age Particulary in Germany, Henry H. Wilhelms
Chargis a Study on the Word for Grace in the New Testament, Robert Zorn
Christ as Creator: A Theology from Paul for Racial Integration in the Church Based Especially on Colossians 1:15-20, Herbert Schulze
Christian Admonition and its Practical Implications for the Church, Eugene E. Heckmann
Christian Approaches to the Oriential Foreign Student in the United States, Paul Strege
Christian Architecture and Art in the Service of the Word, August Waechter
Christian Citizenship, Valentine J. Mack
Christian Growth and the Word of God, Mark Steege
Christianity and the Mystery Religions wit Special Reference to Mithraism, Edwin Lehman
Christian Love as a Loadstar and a Standard of Judgment, Samuel Boda
Christian Navy Chaplains and the Challenge of Expanding Religious Pluralism, Timothy Oswald
Christian Participation in the Second World War, Ralph Moellering
Christian Worship of the Ante-Nicene Church, Harold Krenz
Christ's Method of Dealing with Sin, Richard T. Hinz
Christ, The Prophesied Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53, Rudolph Rehmer
Chrysostom and Luther on the Intergenerational Character of the Faith: Retrieving the God-Designed Parental Role in the Transmission of the Faith to the Next Generation, Charles Samuel Voigt Ledebuhr and Charles Samuel Voigt Ledebuhr Mr.
Chrysostom A Study of his Theology, his Sermon Methods, and his Preaching, John Mager
Chrysostom's Theology of the Priesthood, Albert Hahn Gaal
Church Union, L W. Heidemann
Citationsof the Church Fathers in the Augsburg Confession and the Apology, Robert Heckmann
Commencement 5-15-20 Speeches & Diplomas, Dale Meyer, Glenn Nielsen, David Lewis, Mark Kiessling, Douglas Rutt, David Peter, and Todd Peperkorn
Compulsory Military Training from the Viewpoint of the Church, Herman J. Grimm
Concept of Evil in Berdyaev, Paul E. Pfotenhauer
Concept of Personal Freedom in Berdyaev, David J. Klumpp
Concept of Sin New Testament, August Waechter
Concordia Seminary Magazine Fall/Winter2019, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary magazine Spring 2018, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary magazine Spring 2020, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary magazine Summer 2019, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary magazine Summer 2020, Daniel Preus
Confirmation Instruction in the Light of Adolescent Psychology, Donald Roth
Conflict of Religious Cultures: A Study in the Relevance of Ugaritic Materials for the Early Faith of Israel, Norman Habel
Congregational Renewal Through Adult Education, Lester Nilson
Contemporary Architecture in the Lutheran Church of America, Arlis John Ehlen
Contemporary Confessional Commitment: A Models-Based Approach with a Particular Focus on Global South Lutheranism, Roberto Bustamante
Contemporary Roman Catholic Reactions to the Lutheran Liturgical Movement, Irvin Arkin
Contributions of the Confessions to a Lutheran Philosophy of Education, John Mager
Cosmology and Soteriology in Alexandrian Judaism and the Christology of Hebrews, Jonathan Grothe
Critical Studies in the Text of Romans Based on P46, Elmer Moeller
Criticism and Evaluation of the Book of Revelation, Lorenz Blankenbuehler
C S Lewis- His Method and Message, Paul W. Harms
Current Lutheran Thought in America on Church-State Relations, Robert C. Seltz
Das Buch Ochlah W'ochlah, Salomon Frensdorff
Daughters of Serbin, 1870-1905 History of the Lutheran Churches at Fedor and Warda, Texas, Arthur C. Repp
Deepening Our Welcome- Embracing Relational Hospitality in Our Homes, Rance Settle
Demoniac Possession, Harold Maleske
Demonology in the Old Testament, Harold W. Rast
Die Lehre Von Der Kirche Bei Luther, C.F.W. Walther und in Der Neueren Neutestamentlichen Forschung, Reinhart Mueller
Die Selbstbezeichnung Jesu der Menschensehn, Werner Wadewitz
Dignified Methods of Church Publicity, August Brustat
Divine Healing as Defined by Thomas Wyatt, Leonard R. Kutscher
Divorce and Remarriage in the Light of Holy Scriptures, Otto E. Sohn
Doctrinal Peculiarities of the Espistle of St James, Milo Lee
Doctrine of Verbal Inspiration and Its Opponents, Wallace McLaughlin
Dramatic Elements in Mark, Kenneth Henry Breimeier
Dr Norman Vincent Peale's Concept of Faith, Ronald G. Goerss
Economic Aspects of Reformation, Robert Boedecker
Eine Exegetische Studie Ueber Johannes 6, 48-58 mit Besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Herrenmahles, Martim Walter Flor
Election of Grace A Comforting Doctrine, Ottmar Cloeter
Emil Brunner and his Idea of Chrisitan Philosophy, Vernon Boriack
Emil Brunner's Criticisms of the Epistemology of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Hubert Riedel
Engaging Ecclesia: A Model for Training and Leading Circuits to Engage in Mission as Ecclesia, Jeffrey Shearier
England and the Thirty Years' War, Walter Sohn
English Preaching Before the Reformation- A Historical, Structural, and Critical Survey, with an Anthology of Sermons 950-1550, Theodore John Kleinhans
Epicurean Catchwords in the Letters of Saint Paul, Eugene Walter Nissen
Erasmus and the German Reformation, Roland H. Seboldt
Ethical Content of Proverbs, George Thomas
Evangelistic Approaches to the Fillipino Lowlander, James Johnson
Evangelistic Preaching in the Missouri Synod, Donald Ehlers
Evidence from Papyrus 46 for the Early Existence of the So-Called Western Text with Special Reference to the Epistle of St Paul to the Ephesians, Robert E. Plagens
EXH-332 - Deuteronomy 30:15-20, David Adams
Exodus 3:14 as a Word-Play, James Shaud
Ezekiel 40-48, Gerald White
Ezekiel's Locale (Palestine or Babylon or Both) with the Implications of the Same on His Message, Roger Janke
Ezra and Nehemiah: A Review of the Return and Reform, Martin Leeseberg
Factors in the Development and Growth of Sects in Western New York from 1815 to 1850, Gordon Coates
Factors Related to the Life and Growth of Adult Bible Classes in the Lutheran Church, Paul Pallmeyer
Factors Which Influenced the Development of Jonathan Edwards, Donald L. Biggs
Fall Placement Day 2020, Andrew Johnson, Glenn Nielsen, and Corey Christians
Filing and Indexing Methods for Students and Pastors, Palmer G. Ruschke
First Sunday in Advent Devotion 2020, Christopher Sturges
Form-Criticisim: A Critique and an Evaluation, Robert Jaeger
Frederich Conrad Dieterich Wyneken 1810-1876, Edward Saleska
Friendship and Gift in 2 Corinthians 8–9: Social Relations and Conventions in the Jerusalem Collection, Ruth Whiteford
Fundamentalism and the Missouri Synod, Milton Rudnick
Genesis, Genetics, and Evolution, John William Klotz
Geographical and Historical Factors to be Considered for an Effective Misson Program in China, Donovan Bakalyar
Georg Albert Schieferdecker and his Relation to Chiliasm in the Iowa Synod, August R. Suelflow
German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages and its Effects on the Reformation, Walter L. Rosin
Giftive Dialogue: An Analysis of the Use of the Giftive Metaphor in the Pluralist Context of the Lutheran University of Brazil, Maximiliano Silva
Gnostic Elements in Chrisitian Science, Paul Strickert
Gnosticism and its Conflict with Christianity, Gerhardt Nitz
God in the Moderen Novel with Special Reference to the Young Christian Reader, Walter Riess
God's Debt to Man, Herbert Hohenstein
God's Manifestation as Jehovah in Exodus 3-15, 18, Willis Laetsch
Guidelines for Lutheran Worship Covering the Festival Half of the Church Year, Charles T. Knippel
Guiding Principals for the Parish Ministry in our Syncretistic Age, Gordon E. Schultz
Guilt and the Terminal Patient-Some basic Considerations for pastoral Care, Gilbert Mueller
Habits and Practices which Enhance or Deter Effectiveness in the Pulpit, Earl Edwin Weis
Hades the New Testament Equivalent of Sheol, Louis A. Brighton
Hebrews- An Exegetical Study, James W. Mayer
Hebrews- A Rhetorical Study, Walter A. Jennrich
He Learned Obedience, Hebrews 5:18, Charles Froehlich
Helpers, Lovers, Friends, and Neighbors: Four Essential Vocations in Marriage, Heidi Goehmann
H. Emil Brunner - 1914-1928, The Critical Period of his Theological Developments and Writings, Heino Kadai
Henotheistic Abberatons in Ancient Israel, Robert Wiltenburg
Henry VIII and the Smalcaldic League, George Hoyer
Hermeneutica Sacra- Principles of Old Testament Interpretation in Seventeenth-Century Lutheran Orthodoxy, Kenneth Miller
He Who Came by Water and by Blood - A Summary and Critique of the Majo Interpretations of 1 John 5:6, F Peter Brinkman
Hispanidad, Wilfred C. Langefeld
Historical Evidence for Infant Baptism, John D. Frey
History in the Hermeneutics of Jurgen Moltmann, Lloyd Gross
History of Protestant Missions in Nigeria, Arthur W. Machinske
History of the India Mission of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod 1945-1957, James Arthur Fergin
Holy Ordination and the Call in the First Hundred Years of Lutheranism and in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Walter C. Kalbhen
Horace Bushnell's Moral Influence Theory of the Atonement, Arlin A. Holtz
I Believe in One Catholic Church: Thinking About Diversity as a Christian, Leopoldo A. Sanchez
Ideas of History in the Epistle of Barnabas, Harold Rast
Ideas of Salvation Amoung the Chinese, Herbert Meyer
Incarnation and the Lord's Supper in Luther, Norman Nagel
In Christ Jesus An Approach to the Ε̂ŵμα Τoȗ Χειδτοȗ Concept through the Pauline Use of the E’v Xeidtω̑ Formula, Walter Bartling
Infant Baptism in the Early Chrisitan Church, Lowell Edgar Eckert
Influences that Contributed to the Theoology of Samuel S Schmucker, Karl Koch
Instrumental Music from the Golden Age of the Lutheran Heritage, Robert R. Bergt
Integration and the Lutheran Church in the South, Joseph William Ellwanger
Intercessory Prayer its Nature and Efficacy, Robert Hoyer
Inviting Community, Robert Kolb, Charles Arand, Joel Biermann, Kent Burreson, Bruce Hartung, Theodore Hopkins, Jeffrey Kloha, Matthew Kobs, Rick Marrs, Michael Merker, Dale Meyer, Jeffrey Oschwald, David Peter, Timothy Saleska, and David Schmitt
Jakob Matthias Buehler: Conservative Missionary and Theologian, Eldon R. Stohs
Jesuit action in England, Lyle R. Mueller
Jesuit Activity in the Catholic Reformation in Bavaria, Frank Bauer
Jesus as the True Israel According to the Passion Narrative of Saint Mark, Roy Schroeder
Jesus Christ According to the Koran, John Gall
Jesus in Islam Part 1, Abjar Bahkou
Jesus in Islam Part 2, Abjar Bahkou
Jesus in Islam Part 3, Abjar Bahkou
Jesus Training for His Disciplines for Their Work, Harry DeQuinecy Smith
Jewish Customs Reflected in the Parables of Jesus as Given in St Matthew's Gospel, Martin Lopahs
Jewish Fidelity to the Law in the New Testament, Bernard Wittrock
Joachim of Flora and the Eternal Gospel, Theodore Moeller
Johann Friedrich Buenger, The Founder of Lutheran Charities, Kenneth R. Molnar
John 20:16-17: The Ascenison of Christ as the Prerequisite of His Abiding Presence, Lowell Lubben
John R Mott, His Work with the Student Christian Movement to the Founding of the World's Student Christian Federation, John K. Sorensen
John Tauler His Life, Work and Influence on Luther, Walter Boss
John Wesley's Concept of Santification, Robert Day McAmis
Justification as Described in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Matthew 18:23-35, Ray Fred Martens
Justification by Faith in Modern Theology, Henry Hamann
Justification in Article III of the Formula of Concord, John Meyer
Kierkegaard's Critique of Hegelian Idealism, Curtis E. Huber
KOSMOS in John, Donald Heinz
Laurentius Valla and the Donation of Constantine, Markus Koch
Lent for All Nations 1, Benjamin Haupt
Lent for All Nations 2, Robert Scudieri
Lent for All Nations 3, Benjamin Haupt
Lent for All Nations 4, Benjamin Haupt
Liberialism in Contrast to the Biblical Faith, William Grunow
Life After Death According to the Old Testament, Merrill Kluhsman
Life and Death in the Prophets, Martin Buerger
Life with Yahweh After Death: How the Psalter’s References to Life After Death Cohere, Bill Tackmier
Liturgical Reform at Vatican II- A Lutheran Appraisal, Philip Stephan
Luther and Brunner on Creation, Henry Reimann Jr
Luther and Calvin on the State and Heretics, Henry W. Reimann Jr
Luther and Evangelical Radicalism, Walter L. Bouman
Luther and the Canon, Erwin Prange
Lutheran Hymns in English Translations, W Harry Krieger
Lutheranism in the Philippines 1952-1966, Herbert Kretzmann
Lutheranism in the Region of New York Until the Time of Falckner, Eugene F. Helms
Lutheran Principles in Government, Walter M. Lossner
Lutheran SOLA FIDE vs Roman Catholic EX OPERE OPERATO of the Basis of the Confessions, John G. Deterding
Lutheran Theology in the Tranoscius with Special Attention to the Doctrine of the Church, Samuel Boda
Lutheran Youth Groups in Action, Walter Schoedel
Luther Research in America 1900-1960, Walter Tillmanns
Luther's Attitude Towards Allegory, George Rode
Luther's Concept of Conscience, Raynold Eckhoff
Luther's Concept of the Two Kingdoms and the American Situation, Walter Charles Pieper
Luther's Doctrine of Justification According to the Holl-Walther Controversy, Robert Hoeferkamp
Luther's Hermeneutical Approach and Principles as Determined by an Inductive Examination of his Lectures of Romans, Clifton Bruland
Luthers Leher von Altarsakrament 1525-1529, Jobst Melchior Schone
Luther's Principals of Education, Eldor Richter
Luther's Principles of Teaching as Reflected in his Preached Sermons 1528-1532, Franklin Ritthamel
Luther's Social Ethics in Contrast to Rome's Asceticism, Arnold Wessler
Man's Attitude, by Nature, to Christ as Articulated in the Fourth Gospel, David Ralph Krampitz
Mariolatry in the Roman Catholic Church Since 1854, Lawrence Reilly
Marriage and Remarriage of Divorced People, Arthur E. Graf
Marsiglio De Padua and the Defensor Pacis, Luther T. Engelbrecht
Martin Chemnitz and his Locus DE SACRA SCRIPTURA Against Roman Errors, Arthur Bernard Lossner
Martin Luther's Concept of the Devil, Lester Zeitler
Martin Luther's Hymn Texts, With Special Reference to Their Use in Some Hymnals, Luther Engelbrecht
Martin Luther the Formative Years, Erwin A. Gerken
Matthew 23: The Comprehensive Polemic of Jesus Christ, Ray Martens
Matthew's Concept of the Son of God in the Context of Jesus' Baptism and First Temptation, Paul Bretscher
Matthew's Method of Quoting the Old Testament, Lorenz Otto Nieting
Methods of Bible Reading and Study and thei Critical Evaluation, Paul H. Strege
Methods of Expressing Purpose in Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Hebrews, Charles D. Froehlich
Meyer Mark 1:10-Mark 4:34, Dale Meyer
Ministering to those in Stress, Edward J. Mahnke
Mishpat and Zedeq in the Eighth-Century Prophets, James P. Rath
Mission Approach of Lutheran Church to Korea, Won Youg Ji
Mission in the Margins: An Emplaced Missional Ecclesiology for the Brazilian Church in Urban Environments, Samuel Fuhrmann
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 01, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 02, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 03, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 04, Dale Meyer and Christian Pieper
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 05, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 06, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 07, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 08, Dale Meyer
Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 09, Dale Meyer
Missouri Synod and Buffalo Synod to 1866, Roy Sueflow
Missouri Synod's Practice of Fellowship with Non-Lutheran Christians, Albert Neibacher
Monasticism- Its Interest in the Missions of the Middle Ages, Herman Klann
Musical Forms in the Chrisitian Church from Apostolic Times to the Gregorian Age, M Alfred Bichsel
Mysticism in Roman Catholic Theology, Elmer William Matthias
NAOε as a New Testament Figure for the Church, Maynard Dorow
Native Christian Movements in the Philippine Islands, Arnold Strohschein
Natural Law and the New Testament, Robert Hoeferkamp
Natural Theology in Lutheran Theology, Elvin Walter Janetzki
New Testament Exegesis, Elmer Griesse
New Testament Preaching- An Analysis of its Character and Purpose on the Basis of Word Studies of Αγγελλω and its Compounds and Κηρυσσω, Bernhard Kurzweg
Nicolas of Cusa His Life and Thought, Paul M. Riedel
Not Discerning the Body in 1 Corinthians 11:29 in the Light of Pauline Eucharistic Theology of 1 Corinthians, Ralph C. Kruger
Old Testament Quotations in John's Gospel, Roger Humann
Old Testament Temple Worship, Edwin Jording
Opening Service 8-28-20 Sermon, Installations & Welcome, Daniel Preus, Kent Burreson, R Lee Hagan, Todd Peperkorn, and Glenn Nielsen
Origen's Doctrine of God as Relected in De Principiis, Carl A. Volz
Original Sin in Arminian Theology and its Antitheses, Harlan C. Wendler
Pagan Elements in the Catholicism of Guatemala, Fred Pankow
Partners in the Gospel: A Study in Dual and Multi-parish Ministry, Paul Winningham
Pastoral Counseling-, Karl A. Tubesing
Pastoral Techniques in the Counseling of Young People Preparatory to Marriage, Eugene Jobst Jr
Pauline Eschatology in 2 Corinthians 5_1-10, Robert Hausman
Pauline Teaching of the Future, Bernard Wittrock
Paul's Activity After His First Roman Imprisonment, Elmer Kroening
Paul's Baptismal Theology with Special Reference to Rom. 6, Walter Keller
Paul's Concept of Christ as the Wisdom of God, Bernhard Kurzweg
Paul's Personality Traits- A Potent Factor in His Success as a Missionary, Edwin Wiebel
Paul's Process of Preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles, Otto C. Hintze Jr
Paul's Source and Use of Tradition as Reflected in his Writings to the Corinthians, Paul Andrews
Paul's Treatment of Error in Galatians, Frederick C. Hinz
Paul, The Pastor (His Corinthian Ministry), David Paul Bergmann
Paul Tillich's Theory of Symbol, Norbert Oscar Schedler
Peirasmos in the New Testament - Its Exegetical and Theological Implications, Delwin B. Schneider
Personal Evangelism- The Causes of Lethargy, Carl Streufert
Philip Melanchthon's Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist, Randell Tonn
Pieper's Principium in its Historical-Theological Setting, David Meyer
Pietism and Methodism: A Comparative Study, Alvin V. Kollmann
Pietism and Traditional Worship Practices of the Lutheran Church, Henry Dequin
Piety of the Germanic and Celtic Peoples Between their Christianization and the Era of Charlemagne as Seen from the Chronicles of Time, Walter Wayne Oetting
Pioneers Find Friends, Carl S. Meyer
Popular Religious Thought in Medieval England as Reflected in the Mystery Play Cycles of York, Toweley, Coventry, and Chester, Kenneth Streufert
Preaching the Law and Persuasion, Paul Boecler
Pre-Darwinian Interpretations of the Concepts of the Origin of Life, Variation, and Survival of Characters, Daniel DeBlock Jr
Predestination, John Herzog
Predestination According to Ephesians 1, 3-14, Delvin Ressel
Preparation for Discipleship- Discipleship in Jesus' Farewell Discourses, St John13-17, L Dean Hempelmann
Presenting Himself as an Approved Worker: The Narratological Function of the Prayers in the Book of Nehemiah, Philip Penhallegon
Primitive Eucharistic Belief as Reflected in the Catacombs of Rome, Raymond W. Koster
Principals Applicable to Racial Problems Enunciated by Selected Lutheran Theologians, Howard Armin Moellering
Principal Sects of Islam: Their Orgin and Beliefs, John Gall
Principals of Biblical Interpretationin the Lutheran Confessions, Ralph Bohlmann
Principles for the Development of Adult Premembership Instruction, Robert Conrad
Principles for Winning Unchurched High School Youth for Christ, Raymond Mueller
Principles of Christian Leadership, Kenneth Gangel
Principles of Planning a Manual for use by the Pupil in First-Year Confirmation Class, Paul Richard Malte
Problems in the Book of Jonah The Date and Authorship, Howard W. Tepker
Problems of Administration in a Downtown Church, Harley Meyer
Prolegomena in Pieper and Aulen- A Comparison, Kurt E. Marquart
Promoting Congregational Public Relations in Public Press and Parish Journalism, Norbert E. Hattendorf
Psalms 2 and 110: A Comparison of Exegetical Methods, Herbert Hohenstein
Psychology in Relationship to Theology, Martin L. Maehr
Psychology in the Service of a Lutheran Pastor, Alfred A. Bodtke
Psychology in the Service of the Ministry- Its Value, Foundation, and Application, David A. Preisinger
Purity/Impurity and the Lordship of Jesus in the Gospel According to Mark, David Issac Lewis
Purpose Clauses in the Pauline Epistles, Herbert Mueller
Qualifications of a Chrisitan Minister and Teacher and Teaching Procedures as Exemplified in the Life and Teaching of Jesus, Leonard Thaemert
Quinque Viave: The Five Ways of St Thomas Aquinas, Robert Ridall
Radhakrishnan: Prophet to India, Jack Wood Munro
Radio Biblical Drama, Darrell Duane Helmers
Rall Mark 11:1-Mark 13:37, Ron Rall
Reaching the Community through Childcare: A Plan to Use Early Childhood Centers to Assimilate Members into Resurrection Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Christopher Ascher
Recent trends in the interpretation of the English Reformation, Peter Brooks
Recent trends in the interpretation of the English Reformation, Peter Brooks
Reflections of New Testament Passages Found in the Apostolic Fathers, Kieth Gerberding
Reinhold Niebuhr's Concept of the Church, David L. Luecke
Relation of the Common Service to the Roman Mass, Martin Louis Russert
Religion and the Adolescent Personality, Robert E. Meier
Religion in the Negro Spiritual, Hubert R. Hasskamp
Religious Attitudes in the Young Men as Encountered in the U S Army, Edward G. Deffner
Religious Conditions in Israel in the Age of Eli and Samuel, Paul Sohn
Religious Practices as Found Amoug Certain Natives of New Guinea, Erwin Luther Spruth
Requirements for a Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics for Use in Training Filipino Pastors, Robert McAmis
Research Studies in Religious Education, Louis F. Rush
Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer - Change or Die Conference 2019, Dale Meyer
Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer - Change or Die Conference 2019 Questions and Answers, Dale Meyer
Rev. Seying Funeral 12-7-2019, Chang Tao Vang, David Gruenwald, Dale Meyer, Douglas Rutt, Kevin Golden, and Matthew Harrison
Roger Williams' Individualism in Baptist Theology and Church Polity, Rudolph Ritz
Rom 1:1-7- The Christology of an Early Christian Church Formula and the Apostle Paul's Reinterpretation, Kenneth Neumann
Romans 3:24-26: An Evaluation of Form Critical Studies, Ronald Lehenbauer
Rome and the First Amendment of the Federal Constitution, Norbert Walter Meyer
Rome's Doctrine of Justification, A J. Schauer
Rudolf Bultmann's Concept of Gnosticism and Some Contemporary Criticism of It, Theodore Eisold
Sacramentalism in the Roman Catholic Church, Jack H. Ruff
Saint Paul's Use of the Old Testament in Romans, Harold Elmer Heinlein
Scenario Bible Stories Photographed in Color, Paul George Kiehl
Schmitt Mark 14:1-Mark 16:8, David Schmitt
Selected Sample Definitions of Evanelism, Kenneth B. Kramer
Self-Examination- An Investigation of I Corinthians 11:28, Norman Threinen
Seminary Wives workshop, January 13, 1979, Arlene Harm
Seminary Wives workshop, January 13, 1979, Arlene Harm
Sexual Temptations, Mark Rockenbach
Shalom in the Old Testament, Howard Tepker
Shinto the Principle of Japan, George Shibata
Short-Term Overseas Mission Trips An Opportunity for Training in Local Outreach, Paul Biber
Sin and Forgiveness in Dostoyevsky, Milton L. Rudnick
Six Psychological Principles of Successful Teaching Applied to the Teaching of Religion in a Christian Day School, Eugene Vetter
SMP Call Day 1-10-20, Daniel Mattson, Kent Burreson, and Glenn Nielsen
SMP Vicarage Assignments 2-6-20, Robert Kolb, Glenn Nielsen, and Alex Smith
Social and Political Thinking in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod from 1920-1955, Arthur Simon
Social Casework Principles of Value to a Pastor in Counseling, Vernon Robert Wiehe
Some Basic Principles of Stewardship According to the Parables, Roland Grumm
Some Implications of a Modern Understanding of Grief for the Pastoral Care of the Bereaved, Paul John Bauermeister
Some of the Hermeneutical Presuppositions and Part of the Exegetical Methodology of Georg Stoeckhardt, William Goerss
Some Proposed Criteria for an Examination of Adult Pre-Membership Instruction, Michael Keyne
Soren Kierkegaard's Critique of Nineteenth Century Christiandom, Andrew M. Weyermann
Spiritual Care of Patients in Army Hospitals, George W. Kautz
Spring 2020 Orientation Presentation 1, Richard Marrs
Spring 2020 Orientation Presentation 2, Richard Marrs
St. Augustine's Theology of Grace, John Van Lierop
St. Augutine--Sacrifice in Eucharist and Life, John Meether
St. Bernard of Clairvaux and Martin Luther on Monasticism, James Pragman
St. Paul's Attitude Toward False Teaching According to the Pastoral Epistles, Ronald Halamka
St Paul's Concept of Joy, Kenneth Rogahn
St Paul's Ethical Terminology, Arthur Vincent
St Paul's Use of Military Terms in his Epistles, Robert A. Hobus
St Paul's Use of the Word πΝΕΥΜΑ, Paul Meyer
Suggested Criteria for Determining the Antiquity of the Ancient Poems in the Old Testament, John Miller
Tapeinophrosyne, Praytes, and Makrothymia in Paul's Theology- with Special Reference to Ephesians 4:1,2, Robert Elosser
Teaching for the Intergration of the Christian Personality, Ronald Arthur Michel
Techniques from the Secular Fields of Counseling and Psychotherapy Pertinen to Pastoral Care, Harold Irwin Haas
Tertullian--His Life and Theology, Elmer Hethke
Testimony and Evidence in the Fourth Gospel, Julius Farup
That the Scriptures Might be Fullfilled, Roy Schroeder
The Adaptaton of Monasticism to Meet the Exigencies of the Times, George Robbert
The Allegorical Method of Preaching on Narrative Texts, Martin W. Brauer
The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ, Robert Kolb, Joel Biermann, Anthony Cook, R Reed Lessing, David Lewis, Dale Meyer, Joel Okamoto, Paul Robinson, Leopoldo Sanchez, and David Schmitt
The Anabaptists and their Rejection of Infant Baptism, James T. Heinemeier
The Angel of Revelation -An Angel of God and an Icon of Jesus Christ, Louis Brighton
The Anthropology of Communism, Arthur Simon
The Apostle Paul as a Model for Our Preaching and Writing, Ahlert H. Strand
The Apostolic Concept of Being Filled with the Spirit, Robert Bernard Ehlers
The Approach to the Unchurched, Earl Schmiesing
The Areopagus Speech of Paul, Carl Querbach
The Art of Exegesis Part 1, Martin Franzmann
The Art of Exegesis Part 2, Martin Franzmann
The Art of Exegesis Part 3, Martin Franzmann
The Art of Exegesis Part 4, Martin Franzmann
The Art of Exegesis Part 5, Martin Franzmann
The Attitude of St Paul Toward Gentiles, Luther W. Meinzen
The Attitude Toward the Confessions Among the Lutherans in the United States from 1800 to 1867, Paul Frederick Maassel
The Authenticity of Ephesians, Carl William Schrader
The Authorship, Canonicity, and Authenticity of the Epistle of St Jude, Leroy Biesenthal
The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel in Present-Day Thought, Walter Heyne
The Background and Objectives of Luther's Formula Missae and Deutsche Messe, Thomas Reuther
The Basic Content of the Christian Gospel, Paul Harms
The Bearing of the Theory of Evolution Upon the Chrisitian Doctrine of Man, Theodore Martin
The Beatitudes, Wilbur May
The Bible of Kralice, Jaroslav Jan Pelikan
The Biblical Concept of the Soul According to Nephesh-Psyche, Paul Lessmann
The Biblical Teaching of the Visio Dei- A General Overview of its Scope and its Implications for the Christian, Richard William Baldes
The Biblical Teaching on the Eschatological Vision of God, Robert Smith
The Book of Daniel, A. Kamphausen
The Book of Ezekiel, C. H. Toy
The Book of Genesis, C. J. Ball
The Book of Isaiah, T K. Cheyne
The Book of Jeremiah, C. H. Cornill
The Book of Job, C. Siegfried
The Book of Joshua, W. H. Bennett
The Book of Judges, G. F. Moore
The Book of Leviticus, S. R. Driver and H. A. White
The Book of Numbers, J. A. Paterson
The Book of Proverbs, August Müller and Emil Kautzsch
The Book of Psalms, J. Wellhausen
The Books of Chronicles, R. Kittel
The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, Hermann Guthe and L. W. Batten
The Books of Kings, Bernhard Stade and Friedrich Schwally
The Books of Samuel, K. Budde
The Brethren of the Lord and Their Relation to Jesus, Norman Wangerin
The Brief Study of the Double Edition of St Cyprian's DE UNITATE ECCLESIAE, Herbert John Bouman
The Canonicity and Authorship of the Epistle of James, Norman P. Wangerin
The Catechumenate of the Church, G F. Busch
The Celestial Element in the Sacrament of the Altar in Contemporary Lutheran Theology (1945-1963), Donald Veitengruber
The Chief Function of the Parish Minister for Effective Evangelism in the Modern Chrisitan Church, Clydrow Durbney
The Chief Heretical Groups of the Early Church, Lewis Gerbhardt
The Chrisitan Education of the Adolescent in the Home, Samuel Roth
The Chrisitian Attitude Toward Birth Control, Don C. Preisinger
The Chrisitian Day of Worship Gatherings- Its New Testament Practice and Theological Basis, David Fielding
The Christian Apologists of the Second Century their Message and Mission, Clarence Bopp
The Christian Family: Implications of Familial Language for the Identity of the Church, Rebekah Lukas
The Christian Life According to the Three Epistles of John, Lester Behnken
The Christian Looks at Communism, Ralph Luther Moellering
The Christian Under Grace, According to Romans 6:1-14, Walter Maier
The Christology of St. Mark, Roy Blumhorst
The Christology of the Apocalypse Based on the Lamb Passages, Donald R. Krueger
The Church a Covenant Community as Seen in the Jerusalem Council Implications for the Church Today, Edgar Copeland
The Church and its Battle with Gnosticism, Luther Koepke
The Church and its Individual Teen-Agers, Paul L. Wagner
The Church and State in Calvin, Bong Rin Ro
The Church Resists the Nazis, G J. Gerike
The Colossians Heresy, Gabriel H. Mendelman
The Comparison of Tao in Tao Teh Ching and the Word in the Bible, Andrew Chiu
The Comparison of the Christian Doctrine of Sin with that of the Three Religions of China, LeRoy Hass
The Concept of Authority in the Persuasion of Christ and St Paul, Robert A. Grunow
The Concept of Basileia in the Synoptic Gospels, Walter H. Mehlberg
The Concept of Doxa Chiefly in the Gospel of St. John, Herman Charles Waejten
The Concept of Faith and Hebrews 11:1, John R. Nielsen
The Concept of Faith in Romans, Bernard Geerdes
The Concept of Free Will in the Lutheran Confessions and in Selected Writings of Soren Kierkegaard, David Klumpp
The Concept of God in Chrisitian Science, George R. Kraus
The Concept of God's Holiness According to the Old Testament, Victor Schulze
The Concept of Holiness in Ezekiel, Paul W. Stanko
The Concept of Human Nature and Destiny in Recent Psycho-Sociological Studies, Paul Heyne
The Concept of Life in the Psalms of David, Richard O. Hoyer
The Concept of Love in the Johannine Writings, Omar Stuenkel
The Concept of "Oneness" in the Fourth Gospel, Leon Gilbertson
The Concept of Pleroma in its Contribution to Pauline Christology, Harold Merklinger
The Concept of Predestination According to Martin Luther and John Calvin, Won Yong Ji
The Concept of Prophet in New Testament, Emil Mach
The Concept of Reward in the New Testament, Wilbur May
The Concept of Salvation in Mormonism, Ralph A. Plautz
The Concept of Sin in the Old Testament, Holland H. Jones
The Concept of Suffering in the Philosophy of Dostoyensky, Francis Carl Rossow
The Concept of the Kingdom of God in Paul's Epistles, E H. Wildgrube Jr
The Concept of Truth in the Gospel According to St. John, John D. Senter
The Concept of πΑρρΗξΙΑ in the New Testament, Frederick Naumann
The Concept of ’σδσ’ς in the Book of Acts, Norbert Streufert
The Concepts of PISTIS and ELPIS and, AGAPEE in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Karl L. Barth
The Concepts of Sin and Grace in Hinduism, Theodore A. Michalk
The Confirmation Manual for Instruction in the Word, Edward Koehler
The Conflict Between Walther and Lohe in the Area of Ecclesiology, William J. Schmedler
The Constitutive Nature of a Christian Marriage and its Application Toward Pastoral Practice in a Remarriage Situation, Walter Koehler
The Conversion of St. Paul as Reflected by Paul's Usage of CHARIS, Marvin Middendorf
The Correspondence of Paul and the Church at Corinth, Alton F. Wedel
The Cosmological Proof for the Existence of God in Post-Reformation Theology, Otto Stahlke
The Cosmology of Scripture, Leander M. Waechter
The Council of Trent As a Landmark in the History of Roman Catholicism, Carl Beiderwieden
The Counter-Reformation in the Netherlands, Herman Mueller
The Covenant Concept in Old Testament Theology-, Edwin C. Sohn
The Critical Evaluation of the Influence of William Sihler in the Development of the Missouri Synod, Lewis William Spitz
The Critical Study of the Doctrine of Baptism in the Catechism of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Richard George Maessel
The Curses of Deuteronomy 27 as a Sanction in the Covenant Form of Deuteronomy, Elmer Flor
The Date of the Exodus, Enno Theodore Claus
The Day of Atonement and its Evaluation in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Theodore Stolp
The Day of Yahweh- Its Background and Usage in Selected Prophets, Walter Emil Rast
The Deaf Can Hear the Word of God, John Reinke
The Debate of Matthew Arnold's Religious Writings, Theodore Kenneth Bundenthal
The Decline of Lutheran Church Music During the Period of Rationalism, Henry John Eickhoff
The Defensor Pacis of Marsilius of Padua and its Relation to the Reformation, August Bernthal
The Development of Lutheranism in the Pacific Northwest with Specific Reference to the Northwest District, Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Theodore C. Moeller
The Development of Principal and Practice Toward Government Aid toReligious Elementary Education in the Lutheran Church of Brazil, Elmer Reimnitz
The Development of the Character of the Jew from the Babylonian Captivity to the New Testament Era, Robert Trautmann
The Development of the Itinerant Ministries in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod 1847-1865, Karl Wyneken
The Development of the Youth Leadership Training in the Walther League, Samuel J. Roth
The Development of th Meaning of Faith in the Understanding and Experience of John Wesley, 1703-1791, Byron Osborn Jr
The Development of Vocational Awareness Among a First-Year Class at Concordia Seminary, David Schuller
The Dispersion of the Jews in the Western World, Paul Martens
The Divine Love Motif in Hosea and Jeremiah, Norman Charles Habel
The Doctrine of Baptism as an Ecumenical Factor, Elvin Janetzki
The Doctrine of Christian Cross-Bearing in the New Testament, Carl Lutz
The Doctrine of Christ's Exaltation in Luther's Theology, Gerhard Galchutt
The Doctrine of Holy Baptism in the Pauline Epistles, Arlo Mueller
The Doctrine of Infant Baptism in the German Protestant Theology of the Nineteenth Century, David Scaer
The Doctrine of Justification According to the Parable of the Merciless Servant (Matt 18), Robert Glen Johnston
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith the Leimotif of the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Lorman Petersen
The Doctrine of Offense, Arthur Weber
The Doctrine of Regeneration as Seen Especially in Romans 6:1-14, Eugene Klug
The Doctrine of Salvation According to the Minor Prophets, W W. Bentrup
The Doctrine of Sanctification as Portrayed in Spener's Pia Desideria in Light of the Lutheran Confessions, Francis Monseth
The Doctrine of Sanctification in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Raymond H. Davis
The Doctrine of the Atonement in New England Theology, Ralph Pomeroy
The Doctrine of the Atonement in the Synoptic Gospels, John H. Geisler
The Doctrine of the Church According to the Ephesians with a Preliminary Disscussion on the Word EKKLESIA, Fred T. Eggert
The Doctrine of the Church in Thomas Aquinas, Ernest B. Koenker
The Doctrine of the Holy Angels in Roman Catholicism as Contrasted with Scripture, M Erich Knippa
The Doctrine of the Holy Ghost According to St Paul, Edward Saleska
The Doctrine of the Humanity of Christ According to the Epistle to the Hebrews, Carl Hiller
The Doctrine of the Lord's Supperwith Special Reference to its Benefits, Roland Karl Lemke
The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body as Taught in the Pauline Espistles, Norbert Becker
The Doctrine of the Status Intermedius in Various Areas of the Teaching of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Wilbur Eugene Barnett
The Doukhobors of Western Canada, Walter F. Seehagel
The Early History of the Aramaeans and Their Contacts with Israel up to the Divided Kingdom, Marlin A. Mentz
The Easter Season, Roger Pittelko
The Educational Ideas and Methods of the Brethren of the Common Life, Clifford H. Peterson
The Educational Implications of Holy Baptism, Franklin Ritthamel
The Effect of Luther’s Philosophy of History on His Writings about Social and Governmental Issues with Special Reference to Some Recent Missouri Synod Interpretation, E Fred Vonderlage
The Effects of the Great Depression upon Several Areas of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Edwin R. Schwanke
The Effects of Urbanization on the Function of the Church, David S. Schuller
The Eighth Century Prophets - Opinion of Cultus, Carl Graesser Jr
The Emerging Objectives of Instruction for Confirmation as Currently Practiced in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Martin Haendschke
The Employment of Textual-Critical Methods and Principles by the Revison Committee, E George Krause
The Ending of St Mark's Gospel A Study in Textual Criticism, Henry Hamann
The Epistemology of Kierkegaard and its Relation to Dogmatic Theology, Clifford L. Brueggemann
The Eschatological Tension of the Kingdom of God and Interpretations by American Protestant Theology, Vernon Schreiber
The Essential Elements of a Christian Congregation, William Schuster
The Essential Elements of the Sinaitic Covenant, Holland Jones
The Ethical Implications of American Freemasonary, Andrew Simcak Jr
The "Euaggelion" According to St Paul, Luther Meinzen
The Eucharistic Prayer- Its Use and Development, Henry C. Dequin
The Eucharistic Theologies of Nineteenth Century Anglican and Lutheran Repristination Movements Compared, Jonathan Charles Naumann
The Exegetical Basis for the Early Lutheran Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration, Martim Warth
The Exodus in Light of the Bible and Archeological Research, Arnold O. Wagner
The Expression of Purpose in the Johannie Writings, William John Hassold
The Factors of Attention in Preaching, Paul Andrew Boecler
The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America with Especial Reference to Social Gospel and Unionism, Herbert Hinz
The Figure of Marriage in Ephesians 5:21-33, Fredrick Wiese
The First Fifty Years of the History of the Igreja Evangelica Lutherana Do Brazil, The Brazilian District of the Missouri Synod, Mario Rehfeldt
The First Ninety Years of Lutheranism in Slovakia, Milan A. Ontko
The Foolishness of Christ Crucified Viewed from the Point of Incipient Gnosticism at Corinth, William Goerss
The Formation of the United Church of Canada, Milton H. Riemer
The Formative Years of Paul, Victor Harold Zwintscher
The Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecy in the Gospel of St Matthew Exegetically and Doctrinally Treated, Herbert Goerss
The Genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and Luke, Theodore Schubkegel
The Geological Implications of Genesis CH 1-11, Fred Kramer
The Glory and Glorification of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John, Arthur Strege
The Gnosticism Opposed and Condemed in the New Testament, Erwin Lueker
The Golden Age of Lutheran Church Music, Walter Buszin
The Gospel as Motivation for Santification in Sermons of Spurgeon, George Rattelmuller
The Gospel in Singapore - The Impact of Civil Religion and Civil Law, Mark Madson
The Great Awakening, Julius Tusty
The Great Harlot of Revelation Chapter Seventeen, Lorman Petersen
The Groaning Creation- An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:18-22, Walter James Bartling
The Herods in the Opinion of Comtemparay Writers, Clarence Bopp
The Historical and Grammatical Interpretations of John Chrysostom Evaualting on the Basis of his Homilies on Romans, Paul Gerhardt Littmann
The Historical Background of the Office of the Word and its Component Parts, Norman Schramm
The Historical Development of the Sunday School Movement in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Martin Haendschke
The Historical Development of the World Council of Churches with Special Reference to American Lutheran Participation, Ralph Underwager
The Historical Deveopment of the Postcommunion Collects for the Sundays and Some Feast Days of the Church Year, Leo La Fontaine
The Historic Difference of the Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, and Buffalo Synod, and the Union Attempts of the Nineteen Twenties, Vernold Aurich
The Historicity and Significance of Peter's Stay in Rome, Clarence Boye
The History and Development of the Hindu Scriptures, Robert John Fiore
The History and Development of the Tithe with Special Reference to Legalistic Aberrations, Otto Fink
The History and Doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses with FInal Reference to Hermeneutical Principles, Arlan H. Brandt
The History and Scriptural Basis of the Doctrine of Christ's Descent into Hell (Descuses ad Inferos), Conrad Coyner
The History, Doctrines, and Customs of the Amish Mennonite Church, Robert N. Raabe
The History of Lutheran City Missions in Saint Louis, John Paul Ellwanger
The History of Lutheran High Schools in St. Louis (1855-1946), Dean Greunke
The History of Puritanism from King James I to William and Mary, Weldon Luther Priebe
The History of Scholasticism and its Influence on the Church and Education of the Middle Ages, Walter Huber
The History of the American Lutheran Foreign Missions in Asia, Africa, and Oceania since World War I, Orville Buntrock
The History of the Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod in Guatemala Until June, 1949, Clarence T. Kuehn
The History of the Missouri Synod During the Second Twenty-Five Years of its Existence 1872-1897, Roy Suelflow
The Hittites, Gerhard Lewerenz
The Holy Spirit as a Seal and an Earnest- An Interpretation of Ephesians 1:13-14, Wesley William Isenberg
The Hussites and Their Work of Reformation in Slovakia, Daniel Michael Estok
The Image of God in the Theology of Paul, Richard Taron
The Immortality of the Soul as Presented in the Lutheran Confessons, Victor Felten
The Impact of the Church on the State in Lutheran and Calvinistic Theology, Roland Lemke
The Implications of the QUIA Subscription to the Lutheran Confessions, George Loose
The Importance and Means in Achieving a Balance in Appeals to Intellect and to Emotionin Preaching, Arnim Henry Polster
The Importance of Man in Baptist Theology, Erwin Kolb
The Industrial Chaplain, Paul John Thielo
The Influence of Plainsong on the Chorales of Luther and those of His Day, Fred L. Precht
The Influence of Scholasticism on Luther, Ewald Otto
The Influence of St. Paul's Jewish Background on his Life and Letters, Henry Ressmeyer
The Influence of the Babylonian Captivity on the Religion of the Jews, Arthur C. Dueker
The Influence of the Black Death Upon the Life and Works of John Wycliffe, William Henline
The Influence of the Servant Songson the Titles of Jesus, Harry W. Hoemann
The Influence of the Thirty Years War on the German Lutheran Hymnists of that Perod, John Koch
The Influence of Thomas Cranmer on Henry VIII and Through Him on the English Reformation, John Edward Golisch
The Influence which the Lapsed had on the Concepts of Baptism and Penance in the Writings of Cyprian and Tertullian, Louis Oetting
The Initial Cause of Wycliffe's Break with the Church-Doctrinal, Moral, Political?, Dale G. Young
The Injunctons of Scripture for a Well -Balanced Personality, Carl T. Geist
The Interdenominational Relations of the United Lutheran Church in America, Carl Bornmann
The Internal Relationship, Linguistic and Theological, Between the Gospel of John and the Epistles of John, Marvin Kammrath
The Jesus Movement of the 1960s and 1970s as a "Great Awakening", Kurt Bodling
The Jewish Marriage Customs at the Time of Christ, Erich Henry Kiehl
The Kingdom of Christ with Special Reference to Premillennialism, Carl N. Last
The Kingdom of God in the Old Testament, Robert Edward Wolter
The Kingship Motif in the Near Eastern Cultures and in the Psalms, Albert E. Glock
The Kingship of Yahweh as a Motif for the Universal Savior in the Old Testament, Pyeng Seh Oh
The Knowledge and Use of the Bible in the Medieval Age, Martin Bertermann
The Koranic Doctrine of Sin, Roland E. Miller
The Lamb of God --An Interpretation of Jesus 1:29, Roy Rhinehard
The Language of Relationships in Christian Education, Robert E. Rediehs
The Latin Office Hymns in the Lutheran Hymnal, John Lemkul
The Latter Judean and Latter Perean Ministry of Christ in the Light of Recent Research, Willard Herman Stark
The Law of Life: God's Alternative to Abortion, Randall Shields
The Life and Career of Gustav Seyffarth, Theodore A. Schulze Jr
The Life and Labors of Eduard Raimund Baierlein, Walter P. Schoenfuhs
The Life and Teachings of John the Baptist, Reinhold Mueller
The Life and Times of Hezekiah, King of Judah, Harold H. Luke
The Life and Work of Ezra, Paul A. Vojtko
The Life and Work of Georg Ernest Christian Ferdinand Sievers, August Sueflow
The Life and Work of H. C. Schwan as Pastor and Missionary, Everette Meier
The Limits Within which Realized Eschatology may find a Place in the Eschatological Reference of the Johannine Corpus, Robert J. Werberig
The Literary Background of the Epistile of Jude, Trenton Ferro
The Lodge Question as Viewed by the Churches Affiliated with the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America, Walter W. Warmann
The Loehe Missioners in America, Outside of the Saginaw Valley, Prior to 1847, W Polack Jr
The Logos Concept of Justin Martyr-Relation to the Person, the Natures, and the States of Existence of the Logos, Marcus T. Lang
The Lutheran Army Chaplain, Walther A. Huchthausen
The Lutheran Church in the Canadian Northwest, Edwin Regal
The Major Premises of Premillennialism in the Light of Scripture, William F. Siefkes
The Material and Non-material being of Man as Expressed in the Pertinent Old Testament Works, William Hansen
The Meaning and Significance of the Suffering and Death of Christ as Found in I Peter, Norman Brauer
The Meaningfulness of Theological Language, Hillman Fischer
The Meaning of DIKAIOŌ, William Beck
The Meaning of Philippians 2:6, William Beck
The Meaning of the Epiphany Seasonof the Church Year, John H. Tietjen
The Meaning of the Passion in the Light of the Word Pictures Used by Jesus, Arthur F. Gronbach
The Meaning of the Term βΑΕΙΛΕΙΑ ΤΟΤ ΟΕΟΤ in the Parables, Marvin Middendorf
The Meaning of ΚΟΙΝΩΝΕΩ in Galatians 6:6, Karl F. Breehne
The Meaning of ΝΟΜΟε in the Epistles of St Paul, Julius Kimpel
The Message of Koheleth and Khayyam, Herman Martin Jank
The Messiah in Exilic and Postexilic Eschatological Prophecy, Werner Wadewitz
The Messiah of the Old Testament Jew, Eugene Kauffeld
The Messianic Sedes in Genesis, Ludwig Helmstetter
The Messsianic Concept in Jewish Apocalyptic Writing, Arne Kristo
The Metaphysical Bases of the Doctrine of God in Aquinas and Augustine, Donald P. Meyer
The Method of Testing Audience Reactions to Religious Television Programs, Ronald Lind
The Ministry During the Period from Saint Clement of Rome to Saint Cyprian of Carthage, James Fackler
The Ministry of the Word According to Titus Chapter I, Gottfried H. Naumann
The Ministry to the Instutionalized Sick, Paul R. Beck
The Minor Biblical Prereformers of the XV Century, Walter Litke
The Missionary Approach of the Roman Catholic Church to the American Negro, Lester Messerschmidt
The Missionary Endeavors of Marcus Whitman-HT -Trinklein, Michael C, Michael C. Trinklein
The Missionary Looks at his Work in the Light of St Paul's Letter to the Colossians, O H. Schmidt
The Missionary Method of Paul as Demonstrated in the Book of Acts, William Graumann
The Mission Commands of Christ, Herbert Manthey Zorn
The Missouri Synod and the Chicago (Intersynodical) Theses, Charles Bunzel
The Mystery Religions and Christianity in the Roman Empire of the First Three Centuries A. D., John B. Koch
The Mystical Union of the Believer with Christ, Waldemar Streufert
The Mystics of the Late Middle Ages and Their Influence on the Lutheran Reformation, E Edward Hackmann
The Natural Knowledge of God as Revealed in Slovak Mythology, Jan Pavel
The Nature and Purpose of Our Savior's Miracles, Carl E. Mehlberg
The Nature of Man in the Philosophy of John Dewey, Richard E. Sommerfeld
The New Commandment John 13:34, Earl P. Merz
The New Quest of the Historical Jesus in Selected Alte Marburger of Rudolf Bultmann, Bruce Barth
The New Testament Attitude Toward Government, David Koenig
The New Testament Canon in the Apostolic Fathers, Howard Schoenfeldt
The New Testament Concept of the Personal Devil, John David Fritz
The New Testament Concept of the Son of Man, John Fritz
The Ocassion and the Purpose of the Escahatological Proclamation of the Thessalonians Epistles of Paul, Robert Joel Riedel
The Old Testament Concept of Polygamy, Jerome Newton
The Old Testament Locus De Novissimis in Contemporary Lutheran Theological Thought, Howard Tepker
The Order of Matins--Its History, Spirit and Character-practical -Strelow, Timothy, Timothy Strelow
The Organization of hte Ministry in the First Century of the Church, Charles Russell Whittington
The Original (God-Intended) Meaning and Purpose of the Old Testament Sacrifices, James Dishop
The Origin and Early Development of Puritanism, V Ralph Weinhold
The Origin and History of Indulgences Up to the Time of the German Reformation with Emphasis on Luther's Attitude Toward Them, Orval M. Oswald
The Origin of the Synodical Conferences, Walter Uhlig
The Origins, Development, and Use of the Litany of the Lutheran Hymnal, Hans Carl Boehringer
The Parable of the Unjust Manager in the Light of Contemporary Economic Life, Erich Kiehl
The Paradoxical Content of the Title Son of Man, Arno M. Klausmeier
The Parenthesis of Paul on the Status of Israel in Romans Nine to Eleven, Erdmann Frenk
The Parish Library, Roger L. Bronsted
The Passive ad Active Obedience of Christ, Bruno Martinelli
The Pastor Counseling Relationship with Teen-Agers, Martin J. Neeb Jr
The Pastor's Need of Prayer As Suggested by the Life and Writings of Saint Paul, James Manz
The Pastor's Relation to the Social Agencies in His Community, Carl L. Wagner
The Peace-Offering of the Old Testament, John Dede
The Peassants' Revolts from 1358 as a Background for the Peasants' Revolt of 1624, W Theophil Janzow
The Personal Wisdom in Proverbs Eight, Rudolph E. Honsey
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit Implicit in the Proclamation of John the Baptist, Walter Rosin
The Person of Christ in the Epistle to the Phillippians, Henry Hamann
The Pharisees, Henry Eggold
The Pharisees, William Hepting
The Philistines, Frederick Schumacher Jr
The Philosophy of Descartes as a Method of Assurance, Richard Edward Graef
The Place of Fund-Raising in the Program of Women's Organizations in the Lutheran Church, Philip C. Gehlhar
The Plight of Man: A Study in Contemporary Preaching, Lary Misner
The Pneuma in Luke-Acts, Ruben C. Baerwald
The Policies and the Practices of Archbishop Laud, Stephan John Korinko
The Political and Economic Conditions in England in Their Relation to the English Reformation, Earl C. Kettler
The Political and Economic Conditions of the Jews in Palestine at the Time of Christ and the Apostles, Julius G. Jacobsen
The Political and Economic Thought of Walter A Maier, Herman Otten
The Position of Present Scholarship with Regard to the Hypothetical Document Designated as Logia or "Q", Arno E. Krentz
The Practical Application of the Sermon, George Kurz
The Practice of Hymn Singing During the Sixteenth Century, Theodore Paul Klammer
The Prayer Life of St. Paul, Donald Walter Balster
The Preaching of the Gospel as the Motive Power for Good Works, Philip H. Lochhaas
The Presbyter John Controversy, Paul H. Heitmann
The Principals of Christian Giving According to Second Corinthians Eight and Nine, Roland E. Grumm
The Problem of Infrequent Communion in the Missouri Synod, Herbert Kern
The Problem of Interracial Marriage and the Church, Daniel August Reeb
The Problem of Mennonite Ethics, Abraham Toews
The Problem of Polygamy in the Chrisitan Church of West Africa, Paul Bartling
The Problem of the Oracles to the Nations in Jeremiah, Elmer Reimnitz
The Problem of Vanity in Ecclesiastes, George Thomas
The Problen of the Apparent Conflict Between Paul and James, Paul Ph Spitz
The Program of Christian Love for the Serviceman and his Family, Warren Schmidt
The Progressive Self-Culture of a Lutheran Pastor, John Weidenschilling
The Prophecies of Balam, Theodore Martin
The Prophectic Office of Christ and the Power of the Word, Ralph Fischer
The Prophectic Protest: Form and Funtion, Henry Rowold
The Protestant Church and Segregration, Karl Thiele
The Psalms: Text for Our Hearts Part 1, Timothy Saleska
The Psalms: Text for Our Hearts Part 2, Timothy Saleska
The Psalms: Text for Our Hearts Part 3, Timothy Saleska
The Psalms: Text for Our Hearts Part 4, Timothy Saleska
The Psychological Interaction Between Speaker and Hearer as the Holy Spirit Works Through the Proclamation of the Word, Norman Steffen
The Psychology of Persuasive Preaching with Special Reference to the Campus Ministry, Kenneth Lee Frerking
The Psychology of Prayer, David Preisinger
The Purpose of the Parables According to Mark 4:10-12, Martin E. Marty
The Qualifications for the Ministry as Outlined in I Timothy 3:1-7, Donald L. Deffner
The Quotations in Hebrews 1:5-13, John Sandri
The Race Question in the Light of the Una Sancta, Harry N. Huxhold
The Race Relations Problem of Today in the Light of St Paul's Letter to the Ephesians, Walter Lang
The Reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Renaissance and its Influence on the Lutheran Reformation, John Nieman
The Real Presence in the Lord's Supper A Comparative Study of Hermann Sasse, Leiv Aalen, and Tom Hardt, Geir Hoass
The References to AntiChrist in II Thessalonians Compares with those in the Epistles of St. John, Peter Moog
The Reformation in the Relation to Elementary Education, E P. Weber
The Reformation Movement in Estonia, Heino Olavi Kadai
The Reformation of Cranmer with Special Reference to Its Doctrine and the Influence Upon It, George S. Robbert
The Relation Between Justification and Sanctification in Romans, Albert A. Behnke
The Relation of Preaching and Life in Medieval England, Franklin W. Ritthamel
The Relation of the Unio Mystica to the Corpus Doctrinae, Herbert Kretzmann
The Relations Between the English and the Scottish Reformations, Carl Napier Jr
The Relationship Between the Baptism of John and Christian Baptism, Walter E. Keller
The Relationship Between the Concept of CHARIS and Santification in the Epistles of Paul, Harold W. Scheibert
The Relationship of Group Psychology to the Work of the Holy Ghost, Marvin L. Albers
The Relationship of the Universal Grace of the Election of Grace, Paul Juergensen
The Relationship of ‘Ο ΝΟΜΟε to the Life of the Christian According to St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, Burton Everist
The Religious Beliefs and Practices of the Ancient Slavs, George Dolak
The Religious History of Eastern Pennsylvania During the Colonial Period, Milford C. Brelje
The Religious Opinions of Thomas A Jefferson, Herbert Fritze
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Goal of Zion, William H. Bartels
The Responsibility of the Church to Offer Guidance to Parents with Regard to the Personality Development of the Child, Edgar P. Senne
The Resurrection of the Body in its Significance for Sanctification, Paul Single
The Return of the Rachel- A Critique of Melville's Moby-Dick, Kenneth Heinitz
The Revelation of God in the Revelation to St John, Williard Mueller
The Reward Concept in the Synoptic Gospels, Robert Mayer
The Righteousness of Job, Bruce Malchow
The Rise of Anticlericalism in Mexico, Erdmann Arthur Frenk
The Rise of Fraternal Organizations in the United States in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century, Frederick William Dodge
The Role of Christianity in Healthy Personality Development, Elmer O. Luessenhop
The Role of the Christian Pastor Today, William K. Hannusch
The Role of the Lutheran Pastor in Dealing with the Problem of Alcoholism, Harold Gene Hermetz
The Role of the Symbols in Australian Lutheranism, Elvin Janetzki
The Roman Catholic and Lutheran Doctrine of Sin, Alfred Frank Volmer
The Sacerdotal Prayer An Exegetico-Doctrinal Study, Wesley J. Kuhn
The Salzburgers and Their Descendants, Norman Kretzmann
The Satanic in St. Paul's Letters with Special Reference to False Teachers, Adrian Max Leske
"These Are Written" Toward a Cruciform Theology of Scripture, Peter Nafzger
The Sermon on the Mount as a Part of Jesus' Call to Repentance, James J. Johnson
The Servant of the Lord in Isaiah Fifity-Three, John Paul Uhlig
The Shepherd-Flock Image in the Old Testament, Carl Graesser
The Significance of Baptism for the Christian's Faith and Life, Bernhardt F. Meschke
The Significance of the New Testament Concept "In the Name", Herman Witzgall
The Significance of the P46 in the Second Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians According to the Nestle Text, Edward Frederick Peters
The Significance of the Progress Reports in the Book of Acts, Robert Smith
The Single Non-College Young Adult and the Church, Paul Hofer
The Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church abd Fellowship with Other Lutherans in America, Andrew Brondos
The Social Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr, Richard E. Koenig
The Social Ethics of St Paul with Implications for Marriage and the Family, Walter Fisher
The Social Outlook of the Lutheran Church, Richard Huegli
The Sola Scriptura with Special Reference to the Denial by the Methodist, Quakers, and Swedenborgians, Harold Merklinger
The Solidarity of the New Israel, Herbert Mayer
The Son and the Sons An Exegetical Study of Hebrews 2:5-18, Edwin Lawrence
"The Son of Man" : a discussion of the term as found in Daniel VII, 13 and in the New Testament passages., Mark Steege
The Soteriology of the Lutheran Chorale of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Norbert Mueller
The Spanish Erasmian Movement of the Sixteenth Century, Hector Lazos
The Spanish Missions of Florida, New Mexico, and California - 1559-1784, Robert Randoy
The Spheres of Action of the Inquisition in the Counter-Reformation, Paul E. Krohn
The Spirit Baptism Relationship in Acts, Jakob Heckert
The Spoken Word in Luther's Theology (1528-1532), George Weller
The Stabilizing Power of Christianity in Personality Disturbances, Richard Delventhal
The Status of the Saturday School in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Marcus Zill
The Structure and Content of the Last Discourse of Jesus, Lester Wolf
The Struggle for Religious Liberty in New England, Richard Meyer
The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, E George Krause
The Study of the Real Presence in the Ante-Nicene Fatherswith Some Lutheran Comparisons, Paul Pahl
The Study of the Relation Between Brunner's General Concept of Revelation and his Christology, George L. Luecke
The Suffering Love of God: The Tension Between Judgement and Grace in the Pre-Exilic Prophets, Theodore Ludwig
The Sword & The Mask: Toward a Confessional Lutheran Account of Spiritual Warfare, Jon Furgeson
The Synagogue as the Center of the Sabbath Worship at the Time of Christ, Gerald B. Wunrow
The Tabernacle of Jehovah, Herman R. Mayer
The Talmud- Descriptive, Historical, and Character Sketch, Eugene C. Ryding
The Teacher of the Righteousness and his Relationship to Jesus Christ, Norman Habel
The Temptation of Jesus in Matthew, Paul Bretscher
The Tennessee Synod--It's History and Church Polity, Alvin Kollmann
The Terminology in Philippians Directed to, and Influenced by, Local Conditions, W Gail Rabe
The Terminology of the Ark of the Covenant, Kenneth K. Miller
The Term Lutron in the New Testament, Arthur Marion Vincent
The Text of the Johanine Espistles: A Critical Study, Marlin Mentz
The Theme of Ecclesiastes, Frederick W. Danker
The Theological Background of the Marcan Account of the Baptism and Temptation of Jesus, George Nickelsburg
The Theological Basis for Adult Bible Study and its Practical Aspects in the Adult Educational Program of the Church, Marvin Mueller
The Theological Significance of Johann Albrecht Bengel, Robert Spieler
The Theology of Dwight L Moody, Howard Kramer
The Theology of Frederick Henry Quitman as Illustrated Primarily by his Catechism and Hymbook, Waldemar Wehmeier
The Theology of Paul Henkel in Relation to his Envirornment, Stanley Padgett
The Theology of the Book of Proverbs, William MacDonald
The Theology of the Pharisees, Victor Bartelt
The Theology of the Psalms of David, Paul G. Bretscher
The Theology of the Wisdom of Solomon, Walter Rast
The Theology Philo, Roland Frantz
The Theory of Adult Christian Education in the Local Lutheran Parish, John Golisch
The Three Categories of Existence According to SØren Kierkegaard, F Dean Lueking
The Training and Education of Saul of Tarsus, Arlo Krueger
The Transition from German to English in the Missouri Synod from 1910-1947, Paul T. Dietz
The Typological Method of Biblical Interpretation: An Investigation, Willard Burce
The Unadopted Witness of P46 in the Nestle Text of Galatians, Colossians, and I Thessalonians and its Treatment in the RSV, Walter A. Ritter
The United Church of Canada History of the Unon of the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregational Churches of Canada, Walter Seehagel
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the Light of Lutheran Theology, Theodore Ernst
The Urban Church in a Transition Community, Vernon Roy Schreiber
The Use of Filmstrips in Adult Education in the Church, Marvin Suhr
The Use of Hades in the New Testament, Louis Meyer
The Use of Illustrations in Christian Preaching, Armand Ulbrich
The Use of Illustrations in Sermons, Norman L. Wolff
The Use of the Bible in Grades Four to Eight of the Elementary Schools of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Donald Roth
The Use of the Old Testament in the Sermons of Acts, Robert C. Schultz
The Use of the Term ο̋νομα in the Gospel According to Matthew, Alvin Young
The Validity of a Sociology of Religion, Samuel Irven Goltermann
The Validity of Conditional Prayer and the Providence of God, Robert Spieler
The Validity of the Sociology of Lutheranism of Ernst Troeltsch, Eugene Brueggemann
The Value of Literature in Lutheran Catechetics, David Lange
The Voice in the Wilderness and the Coming One-- The Old Testament as the Link Between John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, Walter Rosin
The Way of Salvation Under the Old Covenant as it is Revealed in the Psalter, Richard Hoyer
The Witness of God with Special Reference to Hebrews 11:2, Paul Schuessler
The Word of God and Preaching, Henry Eggold
The Words of Institution- An Exegetical Study, Reuben A. Kruggel
The Working Syllabus on the Gospel of St John, Richard Z. Meyer
The Work of the Deanship in the Ministerial Preparatory Schools of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Paul L. Knuth
The Work of the Holy Ghost in the Pauline Epistles with Special Reference to Enthusism, Norbert Mueller
The Work of the Holy Spirit According to Romans Eight, Robert Charles Stade
The World of Jesus in the Words of Jesus, Robert L. Einspahr
Thomas Aquinas' Concept of the Word in his Contemporary on First Corinthians, Robert Scharlemann
Titus 3:5 and Baptismal Regeneration, Adrian Leske
Tongues and Prophecy--A Comparative Study in Charismata, Anthony Palma
Tradition and Reason in the Roman Sacraments, Wilfred Janke
Training Church Council Members for Their Work, David R. Koenig
Training Youth for Christian Youth Leadership, David Eberhard
Truth and Reconciliation in Light of the Cross: Martin Luther’s Theology of the Cross in Relationship to the Current Ubuntu Theology of Desmond Tutu, Nokukhanya Pearl Shabalala
Tyndale's Dependance on Luther, Richard Bode
Types and Formats of Religious Radio Programs in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Victor A. Constien
Variant Readings in the Text of First Corinthians on the Basis of P46, Walter H. Lutz
Voelz Mark 1:1-9, James Voelz
Waiting on the Lord in St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, Kenneth Ballas
Walther, The Preacher, Henry Eggold Jr
Wars of the Israelite Amphictyony, Theodore Ludwig
Was Martha's Confession in John 11:27 Used in the Early Church as a Creed, Robert Holst
Whether St. Luke Used the Gospel of St. Paul in the Composition of his Own, Otto Hintze Jr
Whither the Body: Using the Church’s Hymnody to Reassert the Hope of the Bodily Resurrection, Ruth McDonnell
Who is the Lord of the World to Come An Exegetical Study of Hebrews 2:5-9, Henry J. Otten
Wholly Citizens Session 1, Joel Biermann
Wholly Citizens Session 2, Joel Biermann
Wholly Citizens Session 3, Joel Biermann
Who Wrote Hebrews, Roland Thies
William Alfred Passavant- His Influence on Nineteenth Century American Lutheranis, Charles Reimnitz
William of Orange and the Counter Reformation, Robert R. Moehring
With Christ The Union of the Christian with Christ as Expressed by St Paul, Harold Scheibert
Word and Work Session 46, Dale Meyer and Rick Marrs
Word and Work Session 47, Dale Meyer and Kenneth Haugk
Word and Work Session 48, Dale Meyer, Kent Burreson, and David Schmitt
Word and Work Session 49, Dale Meyer and Peter Nafzger
Word and Work Session 50, Dale Meyer and Kelly Schumacher
Word and Work Session 51, Dale Meyer, Timothy Saleska, and David Lewis
Word and Work Session 52, Dale Meyer and Abjar Bahkou
Word and Work Session 53, Dale Meyer and John Kotovsky
Word and Work Session 54, Dale Meyer and Ron Roma
Word and Work Session 55, Dale Meyer, Glenn Nielsen, and Sue Nielsen
Word and Work Session 56, Dale Meyer and Julie Gary
Word and Work Session 57, Dale Meyer and Joel Elowsky
Word and Work Session 58, Dale Meyer and Thomas Egger
Word and Work Session 59, Dale Meyer and Robert Kolb
Word and Work Session 60, Dale Meyer and Leopoldo Sanchez
Word and Work Session 61, Dale Meyer and John Schmidtke
Word and Work Session 62, Dale Meyer and Micah Glenn
Word and Work Session 63, Dale Meyer and Don Everts
Word and Work Session 64, Dale Meyer and Micah Glenn
Word and Work Session 65, Dale Meyer and Mark Rockenbach
Word and Work Session 66, Dale Meyer and Daniel Preus
Word and Work Session 67, Dale Meyer and Jeffrey Oschwald
Word and Work Session 68, Dale Meyer, Timothy Brackman, and Cindy Burreson
Word and Work Session 69, Dale Meyer and John Eckrich
Word and Work Session 70, Dale Meyer and Mart Thompson
Word and Work Session 71, Dale Meyer and William Engfehr III
Word and Work Session 72, Dale Meyer and Joel Biermann III
Word and Work Session 73, Dale Meyer and Philip Penhallegon
Word and Work Session 74, Dale Meyer and Benjamin Haupt
Word and Work Session 75, Dale Meyer and Timothy Saleska
Word and Work Session 76, Dale Meyer and Keith Duesenberg
Word and Work Session 77, Dale Meyer and James Marriott
Zeigler Mark 4:35-Mark 8:26, Michael Zeigler
Πειραξμοξ In the New Testament of the Gospels, Richard Jeske