Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Theology (Th.M)


Systematic Theology

First Advisor

Paul Spitz

Scripture References in this Resource

Revelation 12:1; Revelation 17:9; John 17:2; Revelation 14:6; Matthew 1:17; Acts 1:5; John 7:39


Joachim of Flora is one of the most facinating characters to arise out of the Middle Ages. In the centuries following his death he has become almost legendary, for as one author puts it, "The story of Joachim takes us into the atmosphere of charming legend." His own contacts with our present age are numerous, and yet he has remained relatively unknown. Dante admired him, honoring him with lines in the Divine Comedy, George Sand based one of her romances, Spiridon his life, and the philosophers such as Schelling and Hegel pay tribute to his work. Certainly such a figure cannot be considered unimportant. But of even greater concern for the student of church history is the conclusion drawn by Professor E. Buonaiuti, one of the leading authorities on Joachim, The struggle of the Curia against the influences of the Joachimites fills the whole story of the church till the vigil of the Reformation. Two thoughts are recurrent in Joachim for which the church was athirst--the thought of freedom and the thought of the Spirit.

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