Browse by Research Unit, Center, or Department
Content posted here has been selected and deposited by the individual campus groups. For more information, see About the Repository.
- Chapel Sermons
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1976-1977
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1977-1978
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1978-1979
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1979-1980
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1980-1981
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1981-1982
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1983-1984
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1984-1985
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1985-1986
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1986-1987
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1987-1988
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1988-1989
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1989-1990
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1990-1991
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1991-1992
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1992-1993
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1993-1994
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1994-1995
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1995-1996
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1996-1997
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1997-1998
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1998-1999
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 1999-2000
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2000-2001
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2001-2002
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2002-2003
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2003-2004
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2004-2005
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2005-2006
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2006-2007
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2007-2008
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2008-2009
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2009-2010
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2010-2011
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2011-2012
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2012-2013
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2013-2014
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2014-2015
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2015-2016
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2016-2017
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2017-2018
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2018-2019
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2019-2020
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2020-2021
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2021-2022
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2022-2023
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2023-2024
- Chapel Sermons Academic Year 2024-2025
- Pre-1975 Chapel Sermons
- Concordia Seminary Scholarship
- CSL Special Collections
- Deaf Resources
- Deaf Lectionary
- Deaf Pah Courses
- Caring for Each Other
- Churches in America
- Church Officers and Boards
- Everyday Life In Bible Times
- Getting to Know Jesus
- Guiding People: The Caring Leader
- How to Teach Adults
- Koehler's Dogmatics
- Luther's Large Catechism
- Small Group Leadership Skills
- The History of the New Testament
- The History of the Old Testament
- Worship Is
- Lay Bible Institute
- Lay Bible Institute: 400 Years Bibles & Battles
- Lay Bible Institute: Acts of the Apostles: Mission Insights for the Church Today
- Lay Bible Institute: Biblical Peacemaking
- Lay Bible Institute: Christian Politics
- Lay Bible Institute: Christ is Risen
- Lay Bible Institute: Confessing Christ & Living His Mission
- Lay Bible Institute: Decoding Apocalypse
- Lay Bible Institute: Early African Christianity
- Lay Bible Institute: Exodus- The Greatest (OT) Story Ever Told
- Lay Bible Institute: From Jesus to the Bible and Back
- Lay Bible Institute: Gospel of Mark
- Lay Bible Institute: How the Early Church Read the Bible
- Lay Bible Institute: Jesus in Islam
- Lay Bible Institute: Justification and Catholicism: agreement or not?
- Lay Bible Institute: Living as Citizens of Heaven/America
- Lay Bible Institute: Lord of Creation
- Lay Bible Institute: Lutherans Listening to C. S. Lewis
- Lay Bible Institute: Mankind's Origins
- Lay Bible Institute: Ministry to People with Special Needs
- Lay Bible Institute: Paul Through Ages
- Lay Bible Institute: Philip Melancthon Luther’s Go-To Layman
- Lay Bible Institute: Prophet, Prostitute, & Prodigal
- Lay Bible Institute: Reading the Psalms for Spiritual Strength
- Lay Bible Institute: Sea to Shining Sea
- Lay Bible Institute: Still Fighting Crusades?
- Lay Bible Institute: Strength for Today. Bright Hope for Tomorrow
- Lay Bible Institute: The Bible, Theology, and the Christ Figures in Film
- Lay Bible Institute: The Bible we Read in Church
- Lay Bible Institute: The Book of Psalms and the Christ
- Lay Bible Institute: The Psalms: Text for Our Hearts
- Lay Bible Institute: Two Kingdoms only One King
- Lay Bible Institute: Welcome to Little-Known Nehemiah
- Lay Bible Institute: What Christians in a Scientific Age Should Know about Theology
- Lay Bible Institute: Which Jesus
- Lay Bible Institute: Wholly Citizens: Thinking Rightly about Christian Engagement with the World
- Lay Bible Institute: Woman and Man
- Lay Bible Institute: You are a Royal Priesthood
- Lectionary at Lunch
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 John
- 1 Kings
- 1 Peter
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 Kings
- 2 Peter
- 2 Samuel
- 2 Thessalonians
- 2 Timothy
- Acts
- Amos
- Colossians
- Daniel
- Deuteronomy
- Ecclesiastes
- Ephesians
- Exodus
- Ezekiel
- Galatians
- Genesis
- Habakkuk
- Hebrews
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- James
- Jeremiah
- Job
- Joel
- John
- Jonah
- Joshua
- Lamentations
- Leviticus
- Luke
- Malachi
- Mark
- Matthew
- Micah
- Nehemiah
- Numbers
- Philemon
- Philippians
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- Revelation
- Romans
- Ruth
- Zechariah
- Zephaniah
- Online Tutorials
- Podcasts
- Print Publications
- Concordia Journal
- Concordia Seminary Magazine
- Concordia Theological Monthly
- Digitized Pamphlets
- Ebooks
- Grapho : Concordia Seminary Student Journal
- Lehre und Wehre
- Missions-Taube
- Other Faculty Scholarship
- SemPress Bible Studies
- SemPress Books
- SemPress CD's & DVD's
- SemPress Sermon Series
- The Lutheran Pioneer
- Recursos en español
- Resources for Ministry
- A Case for Character
- Bringing Christ to the Neighbor
- Care of Creation
- Clergy Questions
- Concordia Journal Currents
- Concordia Pages
- Congregational Courses
- Congregational Courses: Church History 2
- Congregational Courses: Church History 3
- Congregational Courses: Confessions 1
- Congregational Courses: Confessions 2
- Congregational Courses: Dogmatics 1
- Congregational Courses: Dogmatics 2
- Congregational Courses: Dogmatics 3
- Congregational Courses: Dogmatics 4
- Congregational Courses: Exodus
- Congregational Courses: Galatians
- Congregational Courses: Homiletics 2
- Congregational Courses: Isaiah
- Congregational Courses: John
- Congregational Courses: Lutheran Worship 2
- Congregational Courses: NT Overview
- Congregational Courses: Romans
- Conversations on the Catechism
- Edinburgh Centenary Series
- FAQs on Two Kinds of Righteousness
- Greek Club
- Greek Lectionary Lab
- Hebrew Club
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2006-2007
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2007-2008
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2008-2009
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2009-2010
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2010-2011
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2011-2012
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2012-2013
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2014-2015
- Hebrew Club Academic Year 2015-2016
- Hebrew Lectionary Lab
- In The Word: Holding the Summit and Holding on to Hope
- In The Word: Isaiah's Ancient Songs for Today
- In The Word: Psalms and Life in God's Creation
- In The Word: Who Is The Greatest?
- Lay Lectures
- Life Team
- Lutheran Confessions
- Managing Your Time: Workshop on Planning
- Mission Works: Thanks to Donors
- Natural Burial Bible Study
- Other Student Publications
- Practical Theological Framework
- Preachers Studio
- Pre-Lenten Workshop
- Table Talk: Family Devotions
- Theological History of Science
- The Two Kingdoms
- Word and Work: An Intersection
- Workshops
- Seminary Courses
- Advanced Pastoral Counseling
- American Religious Scene
- A People Called to Love
- Biblical Hermeneutics
- Blackboard
- Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS)
- Christian Apologetics
- Christian Doctrine
- Controversy in the LCMS
- Dr. Francis Pieper's Christian Dogmatics Study Guide
- Elementary Greek
- Elementary Hebrew 2007
- Elementary Hebrew 2015
- Elem Greek Pronunciation Helps
- Exe901 Voelz
- Exodus and the Torah
- Formation Hour PRA311
- Genetics in Perspective
- Gospel of Matthew
- Hebrew Readings
- Intertestamental Period
- Lutheran Mind
- Luther as Pastor and Theologian
- Major Figures
- Man and Woman in Christ
- Marriage and the Family
- New Testament Introduction
- Notes for Lectures on Catechism by Professor William Dau
- NT Content & History
- Old Testament Lessons
- OT Content & History
- PRA 311-Formation Hour
- PRA507- Intro to Practical Theology
- Reaching Out to Muslims
- Revelation
- Studies in the Life of Paul
- Systematic Theology 1
- Systematic Theology 2
- Systematic Theology 4
- Systematic Theology 3
- The Epistle of First Peter
- The Passion of Our Lord
- Topical Study of 1st Peter
- Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP)
- Symposia & Seminars
- Annual Jack Kingsbury Lecture in New Testament Theology
- Bioethics
- Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS)
- Chaplains
- Church Growth
- Church History
- Class Lectures
- Codes of Medical Ethics
- Concordia Seminary and Kenrick Glennon Seminary
- Day of Exegetical Reflection
- Day of Homiletical Reflection
- Dellinger Lectures
- Historical Seminars
- In Services
- Miscellaneous Seminars/Lectures
- Missions
- Multiethnic Symposium
- Opus Dei
- Reformation 500
- Riess Lectures
- Sixteenth Century Conferences
- Synod History
- Theological History of Science Lectures
- Theological Symposia
- Wenchel, Bertermann, Wind and Riess Lectures
- Worship and Devotions
- Video and Picture Gallery
- Academic Services
- Awards and Scholarships
- Call Day Services & Vicarage Services
- Chapel
- Commencement Photos & Videos
- End of Year Events
- Historic Photo Gallery
- Interviews
- Library Renovation
- Opening Services
- Public Declaration of Faith
- Seminary Choirs
- SMP Call Day
- Special Services
- Theological Diploma Service
- Video Tours
- Visualizing the Theology of the Cross