Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Divinity (B.Div)


Historical Theology

First Advisor

Theodore Hoyer


We cannot speak of “Pre-reformers” unless we have a clear conception of the tem “reformation”. Too often we leave the Reformation historically unexplained as if it were a sudden upheaval in the life of the church, a change as sudden as the inversion of an hour glass. But no Reformer just drops from heaven. “In spite of its originality and freshness, the Reformation by no means interrupted the continuity of human affairs - on the contrary, it was, on the one hand, preceded and its way prepared by pious and enlightened men, who preached almost the very doctrines that distinguished the Reformers, while, on the other hand a very and considerable Christian and intellectual culture was possessed by numerous individuals and communities, and generally, there was a wide circle of susceptible minds which sympathized with the Reformers, and resigned themselves to their influence”.

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