Publication Date
In this fourth episode of "Mission Works: Thanks to Donors," Concordia Seminary President Emeritus Dr. Dale A. Meyer, the program's host, shares details about a new mentoring program that aims to teach seminarians how to work harmoniously with others under the lordship of Jesus. He also introduces concluding student Christian Pieper, who shares his thoughts about the mentoring groups — known as formation hour — and how they have helped him and others better understand themselves as whole people and be in “authentic community with one another.” Mission Works is a weekly vlog that celebrates the significant role of Seminary supporters and highlights how donor gifts are making a difference in the Lord’s mission. Learn more at Support.
personality inventory, mentoring groups, formation hour
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Submission Cost
Recommended Citation
Meyer, Dale and Pieper, Christian, "Mission Works: Thanks to Donors 04" (2020). Mission Works: Thanks to Donors. 4.