Content Posted in 2017
001. Daniel 12:1, Quetin Wesselschmidt
001. Ephesians 3:2-12, Won Ji
001. John 21:12, Dean Nadasdy
001. John 6:41-51, Jeffrey Kloha
001. Matthew 16: 13-20, Dale Meyer
002. 1 Kings 3:12, James Brauer
002. 2 Chronicles 1:7-12, Richard Warneck
002. Exodus 17:1-17, L. Hempelmann
002. John 21:1-14, Norman Nagel
002. Luke 13:22-30, Jeffrey Gibbs
002. Mark 7:14-23, Thomas Egger
002. Mark 9:38-50, Jeffrey Oschwald
002. Matthew 16:21-26, Timothy Saleska
002. Matthew 16:21-28, Jeffrey Gibbs
002. Proverbs 25:2-10, Bruce Schuchard
003. 1 Kings 11:1-13, Reed Lessing
003. Colossians 1:28, Horace Hummel
003. Genesis 4:8-16a, Timothy Saleska
003. John 15:1-8, Darrell Zimmerman
003. Luke 14:1-4, Gary Schaper
003. Luke 14:25-35, Paul Raabe
003. Luke 17:11-19, David Peter
003. Matthew 16:13-20, David Peter
003. Matthew 18:1-10, Victor Raj
003. Matthew 18:1-20.mp3, Dale Meyer
003. Matthew 6:25-33, David Wollenburg
003. Romans 10:9-16, Joel Biermann
004. 1 John 4:7, James Brauer
004. 2 Corinthians 6:1 10.mp3, William Schumacher
004. Genesis 50:15-21, William Schumacher
004. Hebrews 12:18-24, Larry Rockemann
004. Jeremiah 15:15-21, Timothy Dost
004. John 10:16, Quetin Wesselschmidt
004. Matthew 6:5-13, David Peter
004. Numbers 11:23, James Brauer
004. Proverbs 9:17-10, Dale Meyer
004. Psalm 34:2-8, Larry Rockemann
004. Revelation 5:11-14, Glenn Nielsen
004. Romans 12:1-8, David Faulkner
005. 1 Timothy 1:5-17, Joel Biermann
005. Ezekiel 33:1-16.mp3, Leopoldo Sánchez
005. Hebrews 13:7-8, Glenn Nielsen
005. Hebrews 2:1-4, Louis Brighton
005. I am With You, Larry Rockemann
005. James 2, Erik Herrmann
005. John 14:5-14, Henry Gerike
005. Matthew 18:1-20, Scott Holder
005. Matthew 20:1-16, William Utech
005. Matthew 6:9, David Faulkner
005. Proverbs 9:1-6, David Adams
005. Psalm 135, Gary Schaper
006. 1st Commandment, Joel Okamoto
006. Acts 13:15-16a, 26-33, Robert Rosin
006. Exekiel 34:1-16, 10-16, 22, David Wollenburg
006. Exodus 19:1, 20:1-3.mp3, Andrew Bartelt
006. Ezekiel 33:1-6, Mark Steiner
006. John 10:7-9, Richard Warneck
006. John 12:20-33, Paul Raabe
006. John 1:35-42, Dave Marth
006. John 6:51-58, Bruce Schuchard
006. Luke 7:11-16, Henry Rowold
006. Mark 7:31-37, Andrew Bartelt
006. Matthew 15:9 & Hebrews 2:14, Francis Rossow
007. 1 Corinthians 11:17-23a.mp3, Norman Nagel
007. 1 Corinthians 1:18-24, Victor Raj
007. 1 Peter 2:21-25, John Johnson
007. Catechism, Norman Nagel
007. Ezekiel 33:7-9, Thomas Egger
007. Isaiah 55:6-9, Andrew Bartelt
007. Jeremiah 1:6-8, August Suelflow
007. Luke 10:23-37, Jeffrey Gibbs
007. Luke 14:1, 7-14, Vilson Scholz
007. Mark 10:2-16, David Adams
007. Mark 7:31-37, Robert Weise
007. Psalm 119:169-176, Henry Gerike
008. 1-2 Commandments, Jeff Duncan
008. Acts 26, Dale Meyer
008. John 12, David Wollenburg
008. Luke 17:11-19, William Utech
008. Luke 7:11-16, Bruce Schuchard
008. Mark 7:32, Daniel Porkorny
008. Matthew 18.mp3, Jeffrey Kloha
008. Revelation 6, Louis Brighton
008. Revelation 7:9-17, Bruce Schuchard
008. Romans 13:1-10, Ryan Anderson
008. Romans 8:15-17, David Peter
009. 1st Petition, Gerhard Bode
009. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6, 13-16a
009. 2 Samuel 22:26-34, Jeffrey Kloha
009. Exekiel 34:11-24, Paul Robinson
009. Genesis 2:128-25, Robert Rosin
009. Genesis 8:20-22, Victor Belton
009. Hebrews 13:1-8, Charles Arand
009. Isaiah 45:21-25.mp3, William Carr
009. John 12:20-33, Mark Rockenbach
009. Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18, William Schumacher
009. Luther's Moring and Evening Prayer, William Utech
009. Romans 13:1-7, Joel Okamoto
010. 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Jason Broge
010. 1 Corinthians 15, Henry Rowold
010. 1 Peter:1 13-25, Glenn Nielsen
010. 2nd Commandment, Joshua Knippa
010. 3rd Commandment, David Kummer
010. Acts 13:42-52, Rudolph Blank
010. Catechism The First Petition, Robert Weise
010. Genesis 50:15-21.mp3, David Maxwell
010. Hebrews 3:1-14, Andrew Bartelt
010. Hebrews 5:14, Alfred Fremder
010. Luke 16:1-19, William Schumacher
010. Philippians 1, David Peter
011. 1 John:4 7-16, Jeffrey Gibbs
011. 1 Timothy 2:1-5, Bruce Hartung
011. 2nd Commandment.mp3, Timothy Dost
011. Genesis 50:15-21, Robert Rosin
011. Genesis 50:15-21.MP3, Daniel Mattson
011. Hebrews 12:1-2, Walter Wangerin
011. John 13:31-35, Marvin Kuhlmann
011. Josuha 3:4, Reed Lessing
011. Mark 10:17-22, Edward Obermueller
011. Matthew 9:9-13, Timothy Saleska
011. Matthew 9:9-13, Ben Ball
011. Numbers 12:1-10, Jeffrey Oschwald
012. 2nd Petition, James Voelz
012. Ephesians 2:4-10, Dean Nadasdy
012. John 16:4b-15, Gary Schaper
012. John 3:30, Arthur Graudin
012. Luke 15:25-33, William Carr
012. Matthew 21:23-27, Norman Nagel
012. Matthew 26:26-29, Norman Nagel
012. Matthew 9:9-13, Jeffrey Gibbs
012. Matthew:9 9-13, Kent Burreson
012. Philippians 1.mp3, Gerhard Bode
012. Romans 14:1-12.MP3, Luke Watt
013. 1 Corinthians 6:9-20, Glenn Nielsen
013. 2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Robert Rosin
013. 4th Commandment, Bryan Salminen
013. Amos 5:6-7, 10-15, Henry Gerike
013. Deuteronomy 6:4-15, Bryan Salminen
013. James 3:13-40, Bruce Hartung
013. Jeremiah 31:31-34, Andrew Bartelt
013. John 20:19-23, Peter Nafzger
013. John 4:13-15, David Daniel
013. Luke 18:1-8, Joel Okamoto
013. Matthew 20:1-16.mp3, Dale Meyer
013. Revelation 21, David Faulkner
014. Amos 8:4-7, David Adams
014. Catechism Reading, Charles Arand
014. Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8, Gary Schaper
014. Hebrews 8:8-10, George Robbert
014. Isaiah 2:1-5, David Adams
014. Isaiah 55:6-9, William Schumacher
014. Mark 9:30-37, Norman Nagel
014. Matthew 9:9-13.mp3, Joel Biermann
014. Philemon 1:10-22, James Voelz
014. Philippians 2:1-11, Henry Gerike
014. Psalm 119:137-144, William Schumacher
014. Romans 14:5-9, Bryan Salminen
015. 2 Peter 1:13-15, Louis Brighton
015. 3rd Commandment, William Utech
015. Deuteronomy 22:6-7, Francis Rossow
015. Isaiah 55:6-11.mp3, Henry Rowold
015. John 16:8, 13-16, William Carr
015. Mark 7, James Voelz
015. Matthew 20:1-16, Glenn Nielsen
015. Matthew 21:1-11, Jeffrey Kloha
015. Matthew 24:45-47, Jonathan Grothe
015. Matthew 6:24-34, James Voelz
015. Proverbs 9:8-12, Gary Schaper
016. 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Jr., William Carr
016. Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
016. Exodus 32:1-14, Bryan Salminen
016. Hebrews 11:8-16.mp3, Dean Wenthe
016. Isaiah 44:28-45:7, Francis Rossow
016. Isaiah 55:21, Gary Schaper
016. Isaiah 55:6-9, Lee Joesten
016. Jeremiah 11:18-20, Bruce Hartung
016. Luke 19:29-38, Richard Warneck
016. Mark 10:23-31, William Beyer
016. Romans 8:13-15, Quetin Wesselschmidt
016. Titus 1:1-5, Richard Schultz
017. Acts 11:19-30, 13:1-3, Vilson Scholz
017. Ephesians 6:10-20, Robert Rosin
017. Isaiah 9:1-4, Andrew Bartelt
017. Jonah 3:10-4:11, Chris Heatan
017. Luke 16:19-31, Deomar Roos
017. Mark 12:28-34, Ronald Feuerhahn
017. Matthew 20:1-16, Glenn Thomas
017. Matthew 22:15-21, Ben Ball
017. Philemon 1-25, Robert Hoerber
017. Philippians 2:1-18.mp3, Glen Thomas
017. Revelation 12:17-20, Thomas Manteufel
017. Revelation 12:7-12, Norman Nagel
018. 1 Kings 17; 1 Corinthians 15; Luke 7, David Smith
018. Daniel 10:14, Robert Rosin
018. Ecclesiates 5:17, Charles Arand
018. James 1:1-12, Timothy Dost
018. Joshua 24, Paul Raabe
018. Luke 10:17-20, Bryan Salminen
018. Matthew 21.mp3, David Adams
018. Matthew 4:17-25, Jeffrey Gibbs
018. Psalm 65, Harley Kopitske
018. Revelation 12:7-12, Ronald Feuerhahn
018. Revelation 12:7-12, David Lewis
018. Romans 5:1-5, James Bachman
019. 1 Kings 8:22-43, Rudolph Blank
019. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, Quetin Wesselschmidt
019. 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Henry Gerike
019. Amos 6:1-7, Psalm 146, James Voelz
019. Isaiah 35:4-7a, Paul Schrieber
019. John 6:51, Arthur Graudin
019. Mark 10:23-31, Paul Raabe
019. Mark 12:28-34.mp3, David Wollenburg
019. Mark 5:1-20, Richard Rudowske
019. Matthew 20:1-16, Joel Okamoto
019. Philippians 1:1-11, James Brauer
019. Psalm 34:1-4, William Carr
01. The Pastoral Challenge of Science, Joshua Swamidass
020. 1 Corinthians 1:21-23, James Voelz
020. 4th Commandment, William Utech
020. 6th Commandment, David Schmitt
020. 6th Commandment, Paul Schrieber
020. Catechism The Third Petition, Ronald Feuerhahn
020. Hebrews 7:23-28, Jeffrey Kloha
020. John 6:51-59, Norman Nagel
020. Luke 7:9, James Brauer
020. Mark 7:31-37, Francis Rossow
020. Matthew 9:1-8, Jeffrey Kloha
020. Psalm 91:9-16, Kyle Castens
020. Revelation 12:7-12.mp3, Ronald Feuerhahn
021. 2 Timothy 1:1-14, Norman Nagel
021. 4th Commandment.mp3, Erik Herrmann
021. Amos 8:4-10, Rudolph Blank
021. Hymnists Recognigtion, Ronald Feuerhahn
021. Isaiah 51:1-2, Won Ji
021. John 14:21-27, Victor Raj
021. John 6:60 & 66, John Klotz
021. Luke 16:19-31, James Brauer
021. Matthew 6:25-33, Victor Raj
021. Micah 6:1-8, Timothy Saleska
021. Philippians 2:1-4, 14-18, Joshua Schmidt
021. Psalm 119:73-80, Michael Redeker
022. 6th Petition, Glenn Nielsen
022. Exodus 34, Henry Rowold
022. Galatians 1:1-10, Norman Nagel
022. Isaiah 6:1-8, Karl Barth
022. James 1:17-27, Charles Henrickson
022. Luke 17:1-10, Gary Schaper
022. Matthew 21:33-46, Joel Okamoto
022. Matthew 22:34-40, Jeff Stone
022. Matthew 5:1-12, Bruce Schuchard
022. Philippians 3:4b-14.mp3, Victor Raj
022. Psalm 118, Mark Surburg
022. Psalm 23, Patric O'Neal
023. 6th Commandment, William Utech
023. Galatians 3, Michael Redeker
023. Genesis 8:18-22, David Schmitt
023. Hebrews 7:23-28, Thomas Manteufel
023. Jeremiah 31:7-9, Kent Burreson
023. John 20: 26-29, Scott Seidler
023. Luke 17:11-17, Steve Albers
023. Luke 8:4-15, Mark Smith
023. Matthew 21 33:43.mp3, Jeffrey Gibbs
023. Micah 6, Jonathan Lange
023. Philippians 2:1-13, Charles Knippel
023. Psalm 117, George Wollenburg
024. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Henry Gerike
024. 1 Kings 17:17-24, Andrew Bartelt
024. 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Michael Redeker
024. 2 Corinthians 3:12-18, Elmer Matthias
024. 6th Commandment, William Utech
024. Ephesians 4:22-30.mp3, Glenn Nielsen
024. Isaiah 50:4-10, Hannibal Frederich
024. John 8:31-36, David Lewis
024. Matthew 22:11-14, Joel Biermann
024. Philippians 3:12-21, Henry Gerike
024. Psalm 37:1-9, Henry Rowold
024. Romans 3:19-28, Paul Robinson
025. Catechism The Fourth Petition, Andrew Bartelt
025. Galatians 5:25, James Brauer
025. Isaiah 5:1-7.mp3, Thomas Egger
025. Luke 7:1-17, Bruce Schuchard
025. Mark 12:28-37, David Stevens
025. Mark 8:27-35, Werner Klan
025. Matthew 6:10, James Brauer
025. Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21, L. Hempelmann
025. Matthew 9:14-17, Paul Sieveking
025. Psalm 118:19-24, Charles Arand
025. Psalm 59, Timothy Saleska
025. Revelation 7:9-17, Jonathan Stein
026. 1 Corinthians 15, John Johnson
026. Amos 6:1-7, Won Ji
026. Amos 7:10-17.mp3, Reed Lessing
026. Exodus 24:8-18, William Schumacher
026. Isaiah 43:8-12, William Carr
026. Lord's Prayer 7th Petition, Leopoldo Sánchez
026. Luke 1:66, John Oberdeck
026. Luke 7:11-16, Kent Burreson
026. Matthew 23:29-39, Brian Larson
026. Philippians 4:1-13, Kevin Golden
026. Psalm 137, Horace Hummel
026. Romans 10:11, Glenn Nielsen
027. A Mountian Top Experience, Victor Raj
027. Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Arthur Graudin
027. Exodus 14:31, David Wollenburg
027. Galatians 1:11-24, George Gude
027. Hebrews 9:11-22, Quetin Wesselschmidt
027. James 2:1-7, Norman Nagel
027. Luke 16:19-31, Dean Nadasdy
027. Luke 17:11-19, Johannes Mengsteb
027. Luke 9:1-10, Kou Seying
027. Matthew 22:1-14, Randy Wahlquist
027. Philippians 4:4-13.mp3, Julius Jenkins
027. Philippians 4:6-7, John Johnson
028. 1 Kings 1:32-40, Ronald Feuerhahn
028. Genesis 37:1, Paul Raabe
028. Hebrews 9:24-28, Deomar Roos
028. Isaiah 59:12-20, Quetin Wesselschmidt
028. Luke 24:44-48, Louis Brighton
028. Mark 12:28-34, Quetin Wesselschmidt
028. Mark 12:28-34, Scott Sailer
028. Mark 12:28-37, Doug Minton
028. Matthew 15:21-28, Jerald Eichmann
028. Matthew 22:1-14.mp3, William Utech
028. Matthew 22:15-23, Matthew Harrison
028. Psalm 116, Quetin Wesselschmidt
029. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Harley Kopitske
029. 1 Timothy 6:6-16, Paul Robinson
029. 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10, Charles Arand
029. Deuteronomy 6:1-9, Gary Schaper
029. Jeremiah 11:18-20, Paul Robinson
029. Mark 11:1-10, Timothy Dost
029. Mark 12:38-44, Dale Meyer
029. Matthew 15:21-28.mp3, Bruce Hartung
029. Matthew 6:5-13, Charles Arand
029. Philippians 4:4-13, John Johnson
029. Ruth 1:1-19, James Brauer
02. What is Science, Joshua Swamidass
030. 6th Commandment, Charles Arand
030. Acts 10:28, Rodger Venzke
030. Catechism The Fifth Petition, Henry Rowold
030. Conclusion of Lord's Prayer, James Brauer
030. Genesis 37:25-36, Andrew Bartelt
030. Isaiah 25:6-9.mp3, Henry Gerike
030. Mark 9:30-37, Rev Werth
030. Psalm 13:1-5, Dale Meyer
030. Romans 1:1-3:31, Michael Zeisler
030. Romans 13:8-10, Norman Nagel
030. Romans 14:7-11, Richard Warneck
031. 2 Timothy 4:9-ff, James Hoppes
031. 6th Commandment.mp3, Paul Raabe
031. Genesis 12:1-4a, Gary Schaper
031. Habakkuk 1:1-3; 2:1-4, Joel Okamoto
031. Isaiah 45:1-7, Arthur Graudin
031. Jude 20-25, David Adams
031. Luke 1:1-4, David Maxwell
031. Mark 2:1-12, Robert Rosin
031. Psalm 107:1-2, 41-42, Glenn Thomas
031. Psalm 80, Jeffrey Gibbs
031. Romans 3:19-28, Benjamin Haupt
032. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10.mp3, Robert Weise
032. 1 Thessolonians 3:9-13, William Carr
032. Genesis 40:1-23, Jonathan Grothe
032. Isaiah 61, David Wollenburg
032. James 3:16, Arthur Graudin
032. Luke 17:1-10, Neil Buono
032. Luke 18:1-8, Randy Raasch
032. Mark 13:24-27, Eloy Gonzalez
032. Matthew 22:15-22, Jeffrey Kloha
032. Matthew 22:34-36, James Baneck
032. Romans 12:1-2, Jeffrey Gibbs
033. Deuteronomy 8, Won Ji
033. John 1:19-31, Kory Boster
033. Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, Henry Rowold
033. Luke 1:1-4,44-53.mp3, Thomas Manteufel
033. Luke 19:20-40, William Schumacher
033. Mark 2:1-12, Michael Kumm
033. Mark 2:1-12, William Schumacher
033. Mark 3:31-35, Dave Marth
033. Matthew 25:1-13, Wayne Schmidt
033. Matthew 5:38-48, Reed Lessing
033. Romans 5:8, James Brauer
034. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-13, Mark Pretznow
034. 2 Timothy 1:3-14, Quetin Wesselschmidt
034. Acts 1:26, Karl Barth
034. Church Fathers, James Brauer
034. Genesis 32:22-30, Dale Meyer
034. Isaiah 40:1-8, John Johnson
034. John 14:21-27, James Brauer
034. Luke 19:29-38, Gary Schaper
034. Matthew 5:38-41.mp3, David Peter
034. Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29, David Peter
034. Psalm 121, Timothy Saleska
035. 1 John 3:1-3, Daniel Mattson
035. 1st Commandment, William Utech
035. Isaiah 45:1-7.mp3, Quetin Wesselschmidt
035. James 1:13-14, Wayne Schmidt
035. Jeremiah 33:16-18, David Wollenburg
035. John 8:31-36, Ronald Feuerhahn
035. Lift up the Kingdom of God, Chris James
035. Luke 22, Charles Arand
035. Mark 4:9, 11-12, Francis Rossow
035. Matthew 2:1-12, Richard Warneck
035. Psalm 34, Jeffrey Kloha
036. 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13, Joel Biermann
036. 2 Timothy 3:6-8, 16-18, Andrew Bartelt
036. Deuteronomy 6:4-15, Andrew Bartelt
036. Isaiah 42:14-21, Paul Raabe
036. Luke 2:40-52, Larry Rockemann
036. Mark 4:23, Porkorny
036. Matthew 18, John Johnson
036. Micah 3:5-12, Herbert Mueller
036. Psalm 15, 16, Paul Raabe
036. Ruth 1:1-19a, Jeffrey Gibbs
036. Small Cathecism.mp3, Michael, Kumm
037. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, Samuel Handschke
037. Isaiah 55:1-3.mp3, Francis Rossow
037. James 4:7-5 6, James Brauer
037. John 1:1-18, Quetin Wesselschmidt
037. John 9, Glenn Thomas
037. Luke 17:11-19, Jeffrey Meyers
037. Luke 18:9-19, Bryan Salminen
037. Luke 21:25-36, David Wollenburg
037. Luke 3:1-14, Paul Raabe
037. Mark 4:38, William Schmelder
037. Matthew 22:34-40, Joe Cox
038. 1 Timothy 4:6, Karl Barth
038. Acts 11:20, William Utech
038. Amos 5:21-24; Matthew 25:9, Bruce Hartung
038. God does what He wants to do, Timothy Saleska
038. Hebrews 2:10-18, William Schumacher
038. John 6:1-15, Joel Okamoto
038. Luke 6:1-16, Glenn Nielsen
038. Matthew 21:1-9, Nathan Meador
038. Matthew 22:34-46.mp3, Chris Ahlman
038. Matthew 3:11-12, Joel Okamoto
038. Romans 10:9-17, Thomas Manteufel
039. 1 Thessalonians 1:5b-10, Wayne Schmidt
039. 1 Timothy 2:1-13, Norman Nagel
039. Amos 5:18-24, Ahren Reiter
039. Ephesians 5:8-14, Larry Rockemann
039. Genesis 2, Jerald Eichmann
039. Jeremiah 33:14-16, Joel Fritsche
039. John 14:21-27, Kent Burreson
039. Lord's Prayer, Paul Robinson
039. Mark 12:41-44.mp3, Steven Theiss
039. Philippians 3, John Johnson
039. Psalm 45, Timothy Saleska
039. September 2016 Book Blurbs, Erik Herrmann and Jeffery Kloha
03. Science in Light of Jesus, Joshua Swamidass
040. 1st Article, Paul Robinson
040. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Sylvan Finger
040. 2nd Commandment, Jeffrey Oschwald
040. 8th Commandment, Jeffrey Oschwald
040. Amos 9:11-15, William Utech
040. Genesis 50:15-26, Francis Rossow
040. John 14:21-27.mp3, Richard Warnack
040. John 20, Thomas Manteufel
040. Matthew 2:1-12, Timothy Dost
040. Romans 1:16, Richard Warneck
040. Romans 3:19-28, Charles Arand
040. September 2016 Book Blurbs, Erik Herrmann and Jeffery Kloha
041. 1 Samuel 3:1-10, Richard Latterner
041. Ephesians 3:1-12, Charles Arand
041. Exodus 1:6-11, Wayne Schmidt
041. For All The Saints, John Johnson
041. Job 14:1-6, Thomas Manteufel
041. Luke 24:36-49, Dale Meyer
041. Mark 13:32-36, Victor Raj
041. Matthew 5:16, John Oberdeck
041. Philippians 1:2-8, David Peter
041. Revelation 2:9-11, 22-27, William Schumacher
041. Romans 3:19-28.mp3, James Voelz
041. September 2016 Book Blurbs, Paul Robinson and Jeffery Kloha
042. 1 Thessalonians 3:11-13, James Voelz
042. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Richard Marrs
042. Exodus 2:11-15, Paul Raabe
042. Hebrews 2:9-18, Thomas Manteufel
042. James 1:17-18, Bruce Hartung
042. Luke 18:1-8, Bruce Schuchard
042. Luke 19:1-10, Charles Johnson
042. Luke 3:1-20, Joel Okamoto
042. Matthew 28:1-10, Bruce Schuchard
042. Psalm 45:6-8, Joel Biermann
042. Revelation 1:9-22.mp3, Joel Okamoto
042. September 2016 Book Blurbs, Paul Robinson and Jeffery Kloha
043. Acts 13:26-33, Michael Redecker
043. Ecclesisstes 3:1-8, Glenn Nielsen
043. Exodus 14:10,26-31.mp3, Timothy Saleska
043. Luke 21:25-36, Jonathan Stein
043. Mark 9:30-41, Thomas Manteufel
043. Matthew 12:33-37, Terry Dittmer
043. Matthew 5:38-48, Timothy Dost
043. Matthew 5:38-48, Ronald Feuerhahn
043. October 2016 Book Blurbs, Jon Diefenthaler and Erik Herrmann
043. Psalm 119:49-56, Glenn Thomas
043. Romans 14:8, Robert Weise
043. Romans 6:1-11, David Schmitt
044. 1 Peter 5:1-4, Glenn Thomas
044. 2 Timothy 3:14-4 5, Victor Raj
044. Amos 5:6-7, 10-15, Joel Okamoto
044. Isaiah 1:18, David Lewis
044. Luke 3:15-22, Tyler Hauptmeier
044. Malachi 3:1-7b, Michael Kumm
044. Mark 9:42-50, Norman Nagel
044. Matthew 24:15-28, Chris Browne
044. Micah 3:5-12.mp3, Robert Rosin
044. October 2016 Book Blurbs, Robert Kolb and Erik Herrmann
044. Psalm 2, Won Yong Ji
044. Zephaniah 1:7-16, David Adams
045. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Paul Sieveking
045. 2 Corinthians 2:14, William Schmelder
045. 8th Commandment.mp3, Gary Schaper
045. Acts 10:34-43, Victor Raj
045. Deuteronomy 18:13-23, Charles Arand
045. Genesis 32:22-30, Francis Rossow
045. Isaiah 20:2, Reed Lessing
045. Matthew 3:13-17, Charles Spomer
045. Meet the Professors, Peter Nafzger and Jeffery Kloha
045. Psalm 119:73-80, James Hong
045. Psalm 81, Kyle Castens
045. Psalm 90:1-2, Ernest Bernet
046. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.mp3, Rev. King
046. 2 Corinthians 3, Richard Schultz
046. 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, Paul Raabe
046. Exodus 32:15-20, Paul Schrieber
046. Exodus 33:17-23, John Johnson
046. Jeremiah 25:30-32, Phillip Pehnhallegon
046. John 20:19-31, Norman Nagel
046. June 2017 Book Blurbs, Robert Kolb and Charles Arand
046. Mark 1:21-28, David Loy
046. Philippians 2:13, Francis Rossow
046. Philippians 4:4-7, Robert Weise
046. Psalm 29, David Peter
047a. Matthew 25:31-46, William Schumacher
047b._Mark_13_32-37, Victor Raj
047c._Isaiah_65_17-25, Robert Weise
047d._John_1_35-42, Jeffrey Gibbs
047. Exkiel 37:1-14, Andrew Bartelt
047. Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Jeremy Schultz
047. Luke 17:20-30, Ernest Bernet
047. Luke 20:27-40, David Schmitt
047. Luke 7:18-28, David Coe
047. Luke 8:4-15, Meredith Jackson
047. Mark 10:32-45, Larry Vogel
047. Matthew 25:1-13.mp3, Jonathan Fisk
047. Psalm 119:73-80, Henry Rowold
047. Psalm 2:7-11, 13c, Deomar Roos
047. The filming of ‘Martin Luther’ with Dr. Erik Herrmann, Erik Herrmann and Jeffrey Kloha
048. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Henry Gerike
048. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Henry Gerike
048. Isaiah 40:1-11, Timothy Saleska
048. Isaiah 62:10-12, Gary Schaper
048. Luke 2:22-40, Henry Gerike
048. Mark 13:24-37, Dale Meyer
048. Mark 13:32-37, Victor Raj
048. Matthew 24:15-28, Bruce Schuchard
048. Matthew 24:15-28.mp3, Jeffrey Oschwald
048. Reading Romans by Rev. RJ Grunewald, Richard Grunewald and Erik Herrmann
048. Romans 14:7-11, Arthur Graudin
048. Romans 3:19-26, Harley Kopitske
049. 1 Corinthians 1:7, James Brauer
049. 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, Jeffrey Kloha
049. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5, Ronald Feuerhahn
049. A New History of African Christian Thought: From Cape to Cairo, Joel Elowsky and Charles Arand
049. Commandments 9 & 10.mp3, Charles Arand
049. Exodus 3:1-15, Henry Gerike
049. Holy Baptisim, Jr., William Carr
049. Isaiah 64:1-9, David Schmitt
049. Isaiah 65:17-25, Robert Weise
049. John 20:24-28, Thomas Egger
049. Luke 24:46-48, Paul Heerboth
049. Malachi 6, Dale Meyer
04. The Christian Voice in Science, Joshua Swamidass
050. 10th Commandment, Ronald Feuerhahn
050. 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Gerhard Bode
050. 2 Corinthians 5:14-20, Allan Buckman
050. 3rd Article, Paul Schrieber
050. Acts 5:26-42, Jeffrey Kloha
050. Amos 8:11-12, Robert Kolb
050. Building Up the Body of Christ, Bruce Hartung and Charles Arand
050. John 1:35-42, Jeffrey Gibbs
050. Lord's Prayer Conclusion, Glenn Thomas
050. Luke 3:1-20.mp3, David Peter
050. Mark 2:1-12, David Adams
050._Matthew_1_18-26, Peter Nafzger
050. Romans 6:1-11, Gerhard Bode
051. 1 Kings 1:32-40, Kent Burreson
051. Isaiah 2:1-5, Andrew Bartelt
051. Isaiah 40:1-11, Reed Lessing
051. Jeremiah 1:4-10, Wally Becker
051. Luke 24:13-35, John Oberdeck
051. Luke 3:15-22, Erik Herrmann
051. Mark 11:1-10.mp3, Paul Raabe
051. Mark 1:1-8, Mart Thompson
051. Matthew 20:1-16, David Peter
051._Matthew_2_1-12, Todd Jones
051. Provisons for the Way, Jerald Eichmann
051. Romans 13:8-14, David Peter
051. Wholly Citizens, Joel Biermann and Charles Arand
052. 1 Corinthians 13, William Utech
052. 1 Corinthians 15:20, Rudolph Harm
052. 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Bryan Salminen
052. Isaiah 25:6-9, Reed Lessing
052. Isaiah 40:1-11, Leopoldo Sanchez
052._Isaiah_42_1-9, Kevin Ray
052. Luke 19:28-40, John Oberdeck
052. Matthew 21:1-11, Charles Arand
052. Matthew 24:37-44, Charles Arand
052. Matthew 3:13-17, Jeffrey Gibbs
052. Romans 10:10-18.mp3, Quetin Wesselschmidt
052. The One Calling in the Desert, William Wrede
052. The Press of the Text in honor of Dr. James W. Voelz, Andrew Bartelt, Paul Raabe, and James Voelz
053. 1 Corinthians 14:8-20, Norman Nagel
053. 1 Peter 1:17-21, David Wollenburg
053. 2 Peter 3:8-14, Steve Hokana
053. Exodus 12:40-51, Paul Schrieber
053. First Article Catechism.mp3, Joel Okamoto
053. Isaiah 35, Victor Raj
053. Isaiah 43:1, James Brauer
053._Isaiah_60_1-6, David Adams
053. Luke 19:29-38, Bryan Salminen
053. Luke 19:29-38, Rudolph Blank
053. Malachi 4:1-6, John Oberdeck
053. Matthew 21:1-9, Thomas Manteufel
054. 2 Peter 3:8-14.mp3, Joel Fritsche
054. 5th Commandment, Richard Marrs
054. Acts 6 & 7, Ronald Feuerhahn
054. Isaiah 2:1-5, James Brauer
054. Judges 4:21, Wayne Brinkmann
054. Luke 5:1-11, Jon Bender
054. Mark 7:31-37, Robert Rosin
054. Matthew 28:1-10, Karl Barth
054._Matthew_3_13-17, Brad Birtell
054. Psalm 19, Andrew Bartelt
054. Psalm 45, Robert Kolb
054. The Great O Antiphons, Erik Herrmann
055. 1 Corinthians 15:58, Jacob Preus
055. 1 Peter 1:1-4, Louis Brighton
055. 2 Peter 3:8-14, Larry Rockemann
055. Augustine, James Brauer
055. Catechism, Glenn Nielsen
055. Isaiah 44:1-6, Andrew Bartelt
055._John_1_29-42a, Brad Birtell
055. John 1:6-8, 19-28, Bruce Schuchard
055. Malachi 3:1-7, Thomas Manteufel
055. Mark 1:1-8.mp3, David Schmitt
055. Romans 1:16, Joel Biermann
055. Romans 15:1-14, Henry Rowold
056. 1 Corinthians 9:24, James Brauer
056. Isaiah 11:1-10, Henry Gerike
056. Isaiah 61:1-3, 10-11, Robert Kolb
056. Isaiah 6:1-8, Brian Salminen
056. isaiah 9:1-7, Reed Lessing
056. John 10:11-16, Jeffery Moore
056. John 20:24-28, Ronald Feuerhahn
056. John 2:11, Dale Meyer
056. Malachi 4:1-6.mp3, Robert Kolb
056. Matthew 3:1-12, Timothy Saleska
056._Matthew_9_9-13, Brad Birtell
057._1_Corinthians_1_1-9, Joel Okamoto
057. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Victor Raj
057. 2 Kings 5:1-6, James Brauer
057. Acts 1:12-26, Bryan Salminen
057. Catechism, Donald Meisner
057. Exodus 33:18, Paul Raabe
057. Isaiah 40:1-11.mp3, Jeffrey Kloha
057. John 15:3-5, Robert Rosin
057. John 1:6-8, 19-28, Benjamin Squires
057. Malachi 4:1-6, Glen Thomas
057. Matthew 3:1-12, Ernest Bernet
058. Intro to the Lord's Prayer.mp3, Thomas Manteufel
058. Isaiah 11:1-10, Kent Burreson
058. John 15:12-17, Quetin Wesselschmidt
058. Luke 6:17-26, Richard Warneck
058. Mark 13:19-27, Jeffrey Gibbs
058. Mark 1:9-11, Charles Arand
058. Mark 8:27-35, Glenn Nielsen
058. Matthew 3:1-12, Ronald Feuerhahn
058. Matthew 4.mp3, William Utech
058. Matthew 9:9-13, William Utech
058. Numbers 11:4-15, William Carr
059. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24, Jeff Moore
059. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24.mp3, Michael Kumm
059. John 15:26-16:4, Paul Robinson
059. Mark 8:10-21, William Ameiss
059. Matthew 1:18-25.mp3, Andrew Audette
059. Psalm 100, Horace Hummel
059. Psalm 62, Deomar Roos
059. Revelation 19:6-9, Louis Brighton
059. Romans 10:5-17, David Adams
059. Romans 15:4-13, Arthur Graudin
059. Romans 6:1-11, Jeffrey Kloha
060. 1 Corinthians 13:1-5, Charles Arand
060. 1 Peter 5:1-4, Louis Brighton
060. 1 Peter 5:6-11, Robert Weise
060. Introduction to Lord's Prayer, Bryan Derbes
060. James 5:7-11, Kyle Kastens
060. Jeremiah 17:5-8, James Brauer
060. John 1:29-42a.mp3, Mark Drengler
060. John 1:6-28.mp3, Matt Gunia
060. Lutheran Worship 31, James Brauer
060. Mark 12:1-12, Victor Raj
060. Psalm 72:1-14, Won Ji
061. 1 Timothy 3:1, Dave Marth
061. Isaiah 35, Thomas Manteufel
061. Isaiah 61:10-62 3, Jeffrey Kloha
061. Luke 2:25-35, Louis Brighton
061. Luke 4:31-44, Timothy Dost
061. Matthew 11:2-15, Wally Becker
061. Matthew 3:1-12.mp3, Jeffrey Gibbs
061. Matthew 7:14-29, Henry Gerike
061. Psalm 119:1-7, Quetin Wesselschmidt
061. Psalm 142, David Adams
061. Revelation 7:9-17.mp3, Terrence Chai
062. 2 Kings 13:14-21, Reed Lessing
062. Ephesians 1:3-6, Yohannes Mengsteab
062. John 2:1-11, Maynard Dorrow
062. Luke 16:19-31, Timothy Saleska
062. Luke 2:25-40.mp3, Richard Warnack
062. Matthew 11, Gary Schaper
062. Matthew 11:7-11, Dean Nadasdy
062. Matthew 4:1-11, David Daniel
062. Matthew 8:23-27, David Maxwell
062. Philippians 3:17-4 1, Robert Rosin
062. Romans 15:5-7.mp3, Dale Meyer
063._Acts_17_22-28, Yared Halche
063. Exodus 24, Andrew Bartelt
063. Isaiah 35, Norman Nagel
063. Isaiah 35:1-10, Louis Brighton
063. Jeremiah 1:4-10, Robert Kolb
063. John 2:1-11, Glenn Nielsen
063. Luke 13:31-35, Glenn Thomas
063. Luke 2:33.mp3, Glenn Nielsen
063. Luke 2:39-52, Robert Rosin
063. Luke 24:36, Marvin Kuhlmann
063. Psalm 92:12-15, James Brauer
064. Ephesians 1:3-14, Quetin Wesselschmidt
064. Isaiah 55:6-11, David Schmitt
064. Isaiah 61:10-62 3.mp3, Henry Gerike
064. James 5:7-10, William Carr
064. Luke 2:22-40, Kent Burreson
064. Mark 12:1-12, William Utech
064. Mark 1:35-39.mp3, German Novelli-Oliveros
064. Matthew 2:1-12, Jeffrey Gibbs
064. Matthew 5:9, Alfred Fremder
064. Obadiah, Paul Raabe
064. Psalm 128, William Schumacher
065. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a, Jonathan Stein
065. 1 Kings 17:8-16, William Utech
065. 1 Thessolonians 1:1-10, August Suelflow
065. Baptism, William Utech
065. Isaiah 60:1-6.mp3, Joel Biermann
065. Jeremiah 26:8-15, James Brauer
065. Lord's Prayer 2nd Petition, Keith Schweitzer
065. Luke 14:15-24, James Brauer
065. Luke 2:40-52, Jeffrey Kloha
065. Mark 1:16-17; Luke 24:36-49.mp3, Hector Hoppe
065. Titus 3, Joel Okamoto
066. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.mp3, Craig Reiter
066. Exekiel 37:1-4, Robert Kolb
066. Exodus 33:1-23, L. Hempelmann
066. Isaiah 42:1-7, Timothy Saleska
066. John 1:1-5, 10-14, David Peter
066. John 15, Robert Weise
066. Luke 4:16-30, Jaim Gann
066. Mark 1:9-11.mp3, Ron Rall
066. Matthew 2:13-23, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
066. Phillipians 3, Wally Becker
066. Psalm 69, Joel Biermann
067. 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Robert Kolb
067. 1 Thessolonians 3:11-13, George Robbert
067. Acts 2:1-21, William Schumacher
067. Epiphany, David Maxwell
067. John 11:49, Randy Johnson
067. Luke 13:31-35, David Lewis
067. Luke 2:22-38.mp3, Paul Sieveking
067. Mark 1:4-11, Richard Boshoven
067. Mark 1:9-11.mp3, Andrew Bartelt
067. Matthew 20:1-16, Glenn Thomas
067. Matthew 2:1-12, David Schmitt
068. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Quetin Wesselschmidt
068. 1 Thessolonians 5:9-11, Steven Hower
068. Cathecism: Baptism, Norman Nagel
068. Ephesians 3:2-12, Henry Gerike
068. Galatians 1:11-24, Bruce Schuchard
068. Genesis 1:1-5.mp3, Kyle Castens
068. Hebrews 12:14-15, David Peter
068. Hebrews 2:14-18.mp3, Mart Thompson
068. Luke 13:1-9, Wong Yong Ji
068. Matthew 15:21-28, Leopoldo Sánchez
068. Psalm 104, Victor Raj
069. 2 Corinthians 4:13-18, Harley Kopitske
069. 2nd and 3rd Petitions, James Brauer
069. Hebrews 1:8-10, Louis Brighton
069. Isaiah 58:3-9a, Scott Seidler
069. Isaiah 6, Timothy Saleska
069. Jeremiah 20:7-12, Charles Spomer
069. Jeremiah 26:8-15, Jonathan Stein
069. Matthew 6:9.mp3, Robert Weise
069. Psalm 72, Henry Rowold
069. Romans 6:1-11, David Lewis
070. 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, Victor Raj
070. 1 Samuel 3:1-10, Henry Rowold
070. 2 Kings 4:8-21, 32-37, Henry Rowold
070. Catechism Confession, Jeffrey Gibbs
070. Isaiah 42:1-7, Larry Rockemann
070. James 2:1-19.mp3, Timothy Dost
070. John 3:1-17, James Brauer
070. Luke 10:25-37, Daniel Buringrud
070. Matthew 28:16-20, Robert Hoerber
070. Matthew 3:13-17, Dale Meyer
071. 1 Corinthians 10:1-12, Jeffrey Kloha
071. 7th Petition, Kent Burreson
071. Acts 4:8-13, John Otte
071. Colossians 2:13-14, H. Moellering
071. Job 38:1-11, Arthur Graudin
071. Jonah 1:43-51.mp3, Gerhard Bode
071. Josuha 3:13-17, Andrew Bartelt
071. Luke 4:38-43, Rev Perry
071. Matthew 3:13-17, Robert Rosin
071. Matthew 5:21-37, Victor Belton
072. Isaiah 42:1-9, William Schumacher
072. John 1:66, Quetin Wesselschmidt
072. John 2:1-11, Steve Albers
072. Luke 13:1-9, Bruce Hartung
072. Luke 15:1-3, 11-32, Jeffery Scheer
072. Luke 8:4-15, Jerald Eichmann
072. Mark 1:9-11, Louis Brighton
072. Matthew 13:1-16, Erich Kiehl
072. Matthew 16:13-19.mp3, Steven Theiss
072. Matthew 5:7-9, Roger Drinnon
073. 1 Corinthians 12:1-12, Henry Gerike
073. 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Dean Nadasdy
073. 1 Samuel 3:1-20.mp3, Kent Burreson
073. 1 Timothy 2:1-6, Karl Barth
073. Acts 10:34-38, Paul Robinson
073. Catechism-Baptisim, David Wollenburg
073. Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Timothy Saleska
073. Luke 11:14-28, Nathan Meador
073. Philippians 3:8-14, Gary Schaper
073. Romans 10:5-17, Jeffrey Gibbs
074. 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, Timothy Dost
074. 1 Corinthians 3:1-9, Andrew Jones
074. 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Joel Biermann
074. 2nd Petition.mp3, David Wollenburg
074. 4th Petition-Large, John Johnson
074. Exekiel 33:12, James Brauer
074. Judges 11, Bryan Salminen
074. Luke 2:22-35, Robert Rosin
074. Luke 24:37-49, James Lindermann
074. Matthew 22:46, John Klotz
075. 1 Corinthians 15:58, Elmer Matthias
075. 1 John 2:7-17, Matthew Lytikainen
075. Amos 7:7-15, Hummel Horace
075. Catechism Confession, David Wollenburg
075. Isaiah 6:1-13, Won Ji
075. John 21:15-25, Bruce Schuchard
075. Mark 1:14-20.mp3, David Smith
075. Mark 8:27-35, David Adams
075. Matthew 16:13-24, Norman Nagel
075. Matthew 28, Thomas Manteufel
076. 1 Corinthians 3:10-23, Richard Marrs
076. Acts 9:1-22, David Schmitt
076. Exodus 33:12-23, David Schmitt
076. John 1:29-41, Gary Schaper
076. John 20:19-31, Dale Meyer
076. John 21:15-17.mp3, Norman Nagel
076. Luke 5:1-11, Rev. Rostek
076. Mark 6:14-29, Mark Stowe
076. Matthew 2:13-15, Richard Marrs
077. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Jeffrey Kloha
077. Acts 9:1-22.mp3, David Maxwell
077. Genesis 50:15-21, David Peter
077. Isaiah 49:1-7, Henry Gerike
077. Jeremiah 61:1, Michael Redeker
077. Luke 15:1-3, 11-32, Don Coulter
077. Matthew 24:42-47, Norman Nagel
077. Matthew 6:24-34, Bruce Hartung
077. Matthew 8:5-17, James Hoppes
078. 1 Corinthians 1:1-9, Paul Schrieber
078. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Kent Burreson
078. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Arthur Graudin
078. Acts 5:12-32, Norman Nagel
078. John 6:1-15, Timothy Dost
078. Psalm 119:6, James Brauer
078. Psalm 137, Reed Lessing
078. Psalm 30.mp3, Phillip Campbell
078. Titus 3:5-8, Thomas Manteufel
079. 1 Timothy 1, James Voelz
079. 1 Timothy 6:11-16, Ronald Feuerhahn
079. Genesis 9:8-17, Victor Raj
079. Jonah 3:1-5, 10, James Voelz
079. Luke 15:17-32, James Voelz
079. Matthew 4:1-11, Jeffrey Gibbs
079. Matthew 6:13, Arthur Graudin
079. Psalm 113:1,2,4,7-9.mp3, Glenn Thomas
079. Revelation 7:9-17, Victor Raj
080. 1 Corinthians 8:1-13.mp3, Gary Schaper
080. 2 Kings 20:1-11, Joel Okamoto
080. Acts 9:1-22, Glenn Nielsen
080. Deuteronomy 18:15, William Utech
080. Galatians 1:11-24, John Johnson
080. John 10:22-30, Patrick Kuhlmann
080. John 3:1-17, Dale Meyer
080. Luke 23, Erik Herrmann
080. Mark 6:45-56, Dale Meyer
081. 1 Peter 2:19-25, Glenn Nielsen
081. Acts 20:28, Titus 1:5, Carl Rockrohr
081. John 13:16-38, Jeffrey Oschwald
081. John 4:46-54, Rev. Duncan
081. John 7:53-8:11, Randy Asburry
081. Mark 1:21-28, Philip Matarazo
081. Mark 1:21-28.mp3, Daniel Mattson
081. Psalm 145:10-18, Bruce Hartung
081. Titus 1:1-9, Bryan Salminen
082. Amos 8:11-12.mp3, William Utech
082. Exodus 15:1-13, David Peter
082. Hebrews 2:14, Glenn Nielsen
082. Isaiah 9:1-4, Bruce Schuchard
082. Matthew 20:1-16, Hubert Temme
082. Psalm 23, Deomar Roos
082. Revelation 5:1-14, David Maxwell
083. 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, William Schumacher
083. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, James Brauer
083. 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, David Peter
083. 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Henry Rowold
083. Genesis 12:1-9, Peter Nafzger
083. John 21:1-14, Joel Biermann
083. Luke 2:22-40.mp3, Ronald Feuerhahn
083. We Need a Drink, Reed Lessing
084. 1 Corinthians 1:24, Richard Warnack
084. 1 Timothy 3:16, Richard Warneck
084. 6th Petition, Henry Gerike
084. Galatians 3:23-4 7, Paul Raabe
084. Jonah 1:1-3.mp3, Reed Lessing
084. Psalm 86, Quetin Wesselschmidt
084. Revelation 7:9-17, Ronald Feuerhahn
084. Romans 4, Glenn Nielsen
085. 1 Corinthians 9:16-23.mp3, David Coe
085. Genesis 3:1-21, David Adams
085. Job 7:1-7, Jerald Eichmann
085. John 14:1-14, Dale Meyer
085. John 4:5-42, Mark Rockenbach
085. John 8:48-59, Bryan Salminen
085. Luke 4:31-44, Robert Kolb
085. Micah 6:1-8, William Utech
086. Galatians 6:1, John Oberdeck
086. Jeremiah 2:4-13, Paul Raabe
086. John 3:1-8, James Brauer
086. Luke 2:22-40, Jeffrey Oschwald
086. Luke 2:22-40, Ronald Feuerhahn
086. Mark 1:29-39, Chris Benson
086. Mark 1:29-39.mp3, William Rusnak
086. Revelation 21:1-7, Norman Nagel
087. Exodus 17:1-7, Travis Ferguson
087. Isaiah 49:1-6.mp3, Henry Rowold
087. John 16:12-22, Mervin McKenney
087. Luke 2, Arthur Graudin
087. Luke 8:4-15, Larry Rockemann
087. Matthew 4:1-11, William Schumacher
087. Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31, Jeffrey Kloha
087. Romans 1:16, Paul Raabe
088. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Bruce Schuchard
088. 7th Petition, William Schumacher
088. Galatians 2, 3, Timothy Dost
088. Hebrews 4:14-5 9, James Brauer
088. Isaiah 40:21-31.mp3, Victor Raj
088. Luke 4, Bruce Hartung
088. Romans 5:1-8, Erik Herrmann
089. 1 Corinthians 14:1, Richard Warneck
089. Catechism Office of the Keys Confession, Glenn Thomas
089. Luke 7:1-10, John Rhoads
089. Matthew 6:9-15.mp3, David Lewis
089. Matthew 9:27-34, Ron Rall
089. Sacrament of the Altar, David Peter
089. What Happens Next, David Adams
090. 2 Corinthians 4:10-11.mp3, Louis Brighton
090. Ephesians 5:8-14, Kou Seying
090. Exodus 20:1-8, 12-17, David Peter
090. Isaiah 52:13-53:12, Reed Lessing
090. Isaiah 58:5-9a, Robert Weise
090. Mark 1:40, Victor Raj
090. Matthew 17, Joel Biermann
091. 2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-14, Quetin Wesselschmidt
091. Luke 13:31-35, Brad Zerkel
091. Mark 1:40-45.mp3, Quetin Nuttmann
091. Mark 8:22-26, Daniel McMiller
091. Matthew 5:13-20, Quetin Wesselschmidt
091. Matthew 6, Victor Raj
091. Matthew 8:23-27, Glenn Thomas
092. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Charles Arand
092. 2 Corinthians 5, 6:2, Joel Okamoto
092. Isaiah 42:14-21, David Peter
092. John 15:11-12, Louis Brighton
092. Matthew 8:23-24.mp3, Gerald Kieschenk
092. Philippians 3:17-4 1, Robert Weise
092. Romans 1:16-17, Victor Raj
093. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Wayne Schmidt
093. Ephesians 5:8-14, Brad Birtell
093. Ezekiel 33:7-20, Michael Redeker
093. Galatians 3:23-4 7, Paul Raabe
093. Lord's Prayer Conclusion, Ernest Bernet
093. Psalm 112.mp3, David Adams
093. Romans 5:12-19, Jeffrey Gibbs
094. Isaiah 43:18-25, Joel Okamoto
094. James 1:12-18.mp3, Jeffrey Oschwald
094. John 11:17-45, Brad Birtell
094. Luke 22:54-62, Luke Biber
094. Luke 8:26-39, John Oberdeck
094. Matthew 4:1-11, James Voelz
094. Psalm 119:17-24, Vilson Scholz
095. 1 Kings 7-16, Brad Birtell
095. Ephesians 2:13-22, Thomas Manteufel
095. Exodus 24:12-18, Andrew Bartelt
095. Genesis 31:1-21, William Utech
095. Luke 9:51-62, Jeffrey Kloha
095. Mark 1:9-15.mp3, David Lewis
095. Mark 2:1-12, Bryan Salminen
096. 1 Corinthians 1: 1-13, Henry Gerike
096. Ezekiel 37:1-4, Richard Marrs
096. Genesis 3:1-21, James Brauer
096. Isaiah 40:1-5, Deomar Roos
096. Matthew 11:20-30, Bruce Schuchard
096. Matthew 17:1-9, Rudolph Blank
096. Matthew 4:1-11.mp3, Paul Robinson
097. 2 Corinthians 1:20b-6 2, Wayne Schmidt
097. Daniel 3:17, Reed Lessing
097. Genesis 22:1-18.mp3, Bruce Hartung
097. John 9, Michael Kumm
097. Luke 22:54-62, Richard Warneck
097. Matthew 11:20-30, Jeffrey Gibbs
097. Romans 8:1-11, Nick Teller
098. 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:2, David Faulkner
098. Acts 20:7-12, Daniel Mattson
098. Galatians 5:1, 13-25, Henry Rowold
098. Isaiah 12:1-3, Glenn Thomas
098. John 9, William Schumacher
098. Psalm 51, William Carr
098. Seventh Petition.mp3, David Schmitt
099. Ezekiel 34:7-16, Joel Biermann
099. Genesis 22:1-18, Dean Nadasdy
099. Joel 2:12-19, Henry Gerike
099. John 6, David Lewis
099. John 6:1-15, Paul Robinson
099. Matthew 27:1-55, Jason Broge
099. Romans 5:1-11.mp3, Andrew Bartelt
100. 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Ronald Feuerhahn
100. Isaiah 42, Paul Raabe
100. Isaiah 50:4-9a, Timothy Dost
100. Isaiah 63, Gary Schaper
100. Luke 15, Jeffrey Kloha
100. Mark 1:12-15, Arleigh Lutz
100. Mark 8:27-28.mp3, Paul Roggow
101. 1 Kings 19, Kyle Kastens
101. Acts 7:55-60, Louis Brighton
101. Hebrews 4:14-16, Joel Okamoto
101. Isaiah 5:1-7.mp3, Kent Burreson
101. Psalm 142, Timothy Saleska
101. Romans 8; John 9, Bryan Salminen
101. SMP Placement Sermon, Todd Jones
102. Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16.mp3, James Brauer
102. John 11:38-53, Glenn Thomas
102. Luke 10:1-20, Henry Gerike
102. Luke 20:9-20, Gerhard Michael
102. Luke 9:51-62, Charles Arand
102. Matthew 27:11-61, Erik Herrmann, Matthew Bohlmann, Christian Einertson, and Kevin Hohnstadt
102. Romans 8:31-39, Henry Gerike
103. Ephesisans 5:8-14, Ernest Bernet
103. Ezekiel 37:1-14, Ronald Feuerhahn
103. Genesis 18:20-23, Charles Arand
103. Genesis 50:15-21, Timothy Saleska
103. Isaiah 52-53, Thomas Egger
103. Isaiah 55:1-9, Timothy Saleska
103. Lord's Prayer.mp3, Robert Weise
104. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.mp3, David Maxwell
104. Acts 13:26-33, Robert Kolb
104. Exodus 20:1-7, Dean Nadasdy
104. Genesis 28:10-22, Andrew Bartelt
104. Hebrews 9:11-20, Won Ji
104. Isaiah 66:10-14, Michael Redeker
104. Thy Kingdom Come, Victor Raj
105. 1 Peter 3:18-22, Andrew Bartelt
105. Hosea 5:14-6:2, Paul Raabe
105. John 20:19-31, Tim Runtsch
105. John 2:13-22.mp3, Thomas Egger
105. Luke 22:39-46, Richard Warnack
105. Mark 8:31-38, Kirk Clayton
105. Psalm 66:1-5, Henry Rowold
106. Colossians 1:1-14, Bruce Hartung
106. John 21, Jeremy Jacoby
106. Luke 23:13-25, Arthur Graudin
106. Matthew 28:1-10, Norman Nagel
106. Philippians 2:5-8, Ronald Bergen
106. Romans 12:1-2.mp3, Anthony Cook
106. Romans 5:6-11, Charles Arand
107. Exodus 20:1-17.mp3, Thomas Manteufel
107. John 6:1-15, David Smith
107. Luke 10:25-37, Jason Auringer
107. Luke 24:36-49, John Johnson
107. Mark 28:1-10, Joel Biermann
107. Psalm 1, Timothy Saleska
107. Romans 5:1-11, Robert Weise
108. Acts 10:34-43, Bruce Hartung
108. Catechism Office of.mp3, William Schumacher
108._Genesis 1/John 1, Charles Arand
108. Luke 5:1-11, Kent Burreson
108. Matthew 28:1-10, Robert Weise
108. Psalm 142, Quetin Wesselschmidt
108. Romans 8:1-10, Robert Rosin
109. Acts 10:34-43, James Brauer
109. Ephesians 2:1-10.mp3, Joel Okamoto
109. Exodus 20:1-17, Robert Kolb
109. Keep Me Safe Oh God, Henry Gerike
109. Luke 24:13-35, Paul Sieveking
109. Psalm 138, Brett Huebner
109. Psalm 41 & Leviticus 19:18, Arthur Graudin
110. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Gary Schaper
110. Colossians 1:21-29, Joel Biermann
110. Ezekiel 37:1-14, Lee Maxwell
110. John 2:13-22, John Duke
110. john 3:14-21.mp3, Braun Campbell
110. Luke 24:36-49, James Miller
110. Romans 6:1-11, Norman Nagel
111. 1 Kings 19:9-18, David Duke
111. Acts 2:14a; 2:36-41, Jason Broge
111. Acts 9:1-22, Victor Raj
111. Isaiah 55:1-7.mp3, Jeffrey Gibbs
111. John 20:19-31, Brian Stolarczyk
111. Luke 10:38-42, William Schumacher
111. Luke 9:51-62, Paul Robinson
112. 1 Corinthians 1:22-25, Paul Schrieber
112. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Jeffrey Gibbs
112. 2 Corinthians 5:14-18, Glenn Nielsen
112. John 14:1-14, Jon Diefenthaler
112. John 20:19-31, Jeffrey Gibbs
112. Mark 10:32-45, James Voelz
112. Numbers 21:4-9.mp3, Henry Gerike
113. Colossians 2:6-15, Deomar Roos
113. John 10:1-10, Robert Weise
113. John 20:19-31, James Hoppes
113. Our Daily Bread, Bryan Salminen
113. Psalm 107:1-9.mp3, William Carr
113. Psalm 19:7-14, Jeffrey Gibbs
113. Romans 8:11-19, David Groll
114. Ezekiel 34:17-23, David Lewis
114. Hebrews 5:1-10.mp3, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
114. Job 9:32-35, Francis Rossow
114. John 19:1-37, Paul Robinson
114. Luke 11:1-13, Bruce Hartung
114. Numbers 21:4-9, William Schumacher
114. Revelation 1:16-18, Jeffrery Moore
115. 2 Timothy 4:6-11, 18, James Voelz
115. Acts 2:42-47, Gerhard Bode
115. Isaiah 50:4-9, Andrew Bartelt
115. John 13:14-21, Norman Nagel
115. Luke 24:13-35, John Brunner
115. Mark 10:32-45.mp3, Jacob Heine
115. Mark 8, James Brauer
116. 1 Peter 2:19-25, Joel Heckmann
116. Acts 2:41a, 42-47, John Oberdeck
116. Acts 5:12-32, Francis Rossow
116. Genesis 18, Gary Schaper
116. Isaiah 40, Jr., William Carr
116. Jeremiah 31:31-34.mp3, Robert Rosin
116. Luke 24:13-49, Jeffrey Gibbs
117. 1 Corinthinas 5:6-8, Jerald Eichmann
117. 1 Peter 5:1-5, Steve Hokana
117. Acts 2, Robert Kolb
117. Catechism Baptisim I-II.mp3, Charles Arand
117. Colossians 3:1-11, James Brauer
117. Ephesians 2:4-10, David Peter
117. John 14:8-14, William Carr
118. Etcetras, Douglas Groll
118. John 14:1-14, Joel Elowsky
118. John 15:1-8, Bruce Schuchard
118. Jonah 2:2-9, Paul Schrieber
118. Luke 12:13-21, Donald Meisner
118. Mark 16:1-8.mp3, James Voelz
118. Office of the Keys, Paul Raabe
119._1 Corinthians 11:17-32, David Schmitt
119. 1 Peter 2:19-25, Jeffrey Oschwald
119. Exodus 13:17-22, Joel Biermann
119. Jeremiah 31:31-34, Arthur Graudin
119. Luke 24:36-49.mp3, Dale Meyer
119. Psalm 49, David Adams
119. Revelation 5:8-14, Glenn Nielsen
119. Romans 13:14, Francis Rossow
120. Acts 6-7, Casey Kegley
120. Catechism Baptisim.mp3, Gary Schaper
120. John 10:1-10, Benjamin Haupt
120. John 12:20-33, Gary Schaper
120. John 20:19-23, Won Ji
120. Psalm 28, Timothy Saleska
121. 1 John 1:1-2:2.mp3, Ronald Feuerhahn
121. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Thomas Manteufel
121. 1 Peter 2:21-25, Glenn Nielsen
121. Acts 9:32-43, Quetin Wesselschmidt
121. Mark 10:32-45, Bryan Salminen
121. Matthew 21, Francis Rossow
122. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Henry Gerike
122. Acts 2:42-47, Quetin Wesselschmidt
122. Hebrews 5:7-9, Ronald Feuerhahn
122. John 14:15-21, Benjamin Haupt
122. John 16:22-33, William Utech
122. John 20:19-31.mp3, Steven Theiss
123. 1 Peter 2:2-10, Charles Arand
123. 1 Peter 3:13-22, Mart Thompson
123. 1 Timothy 4:12-16, Bryan Salminen
123. Acts 4:32-35.mp3, Robert Kolb
123. Commandments 9&10, Gary Schaper
123. Psalm 51, Thomas Manteufel
124. Acts 2:14a,36-37, Wayne Schmidt
124. Acts 6-7; John 14, Mark Rockenbach
124. John 14:1-14, Jeffrey Kloha
124. Mark 15:1-47, James Voelz
124. Psalm 148.mp3, Joel Biermann
124. Revelation 21:1-7, Paul Schrieber
125. 1 Chronicles 16:23-31, David Adams
125. Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Matthew 28:16-20, Paul Sieveking
125. John 14:23-31, Bryan Salminen
125. John 14:8-14.mp3, Jeffrey Kloha
125. John 8:1-47, Bruce Schuchard
125. Matthew 26:14-25, Francis Rossow
126. 1 Peter 1:17-21, James Brauer
126. Acts 6, David Schmitt
126. Genesis 1:1-2:4a, Thomas Egger
126. Isaiah 52:7-10, Jonathan Meyer
126. John 14:23-27, Robert Weise
126. Luke 24:36-49.mp3, Marvin Kuhlmann
127. 7th Petition, William Utech
127. Acts 2:1-14, James Voelz
127. Acts 2:14a, 22-36, Benjamin Haupt
127. Catechism pg. 304, John Oberdeck
127. John 15:1-8.mp3, Glenn Nielsen
127. Mark 16:1-8, David Schmitt
128. 1 Corinthians 11:26.mp3, Victor Raj
128. 1 Corinthians 15:19-28, James Brauer
128. 1 Peter 3:13-22, Timothy Dost
128. Acts 6:1-9, & 2a, 51-60, David Schmitt
128. Psalm 143, Joel Biermann
128. Romans 5:6-15; Matthew 9:35-10:8, Mart Thompson
129. 1 John 3:16-24.mp3, Reed Lessing
129. Exodus 19:2-7, Mark Rockenbach
129. Isaiah 30, Alan Braun
129. John 10:1-10, Arthur Graudin
129. John 14:15-21, Marvin Kuhlmann
129. Matthew 10:1-4, Harold Tomesch
130. 1 Chronicles 16:23-31, Dale Meyer
130a. John 20:19-31, John Johnson
130b. 1 Peter 1:3-9, Richard Warneck
130. John 10:1-10, Quetin Wesselschmidt
130. John 10:11-18.mp3, Jeffrey Ries
130. John 8:48, William Schumacher
130. Romans 5:6-15, Peter Nafzger
131. 1 Peter 2:19-25, Victor Raj
131. Acts 1:1-11, Andrew Bartelt
131. Ezekiel 34:11-16.mp3, David Adams
131. Jeremiah 20:7-13; Matthew 10:5a, 21-33, Bruce Hartung
131. Numbers 6:22-27, Timothy Saleska
131. Proverbs 24:16, Reed Lessing
132. Acts 4:1-12.mp3, Richard Warneck
132. Acts 8:26-40, Glenn Nielsen
132. Apostle's Creed, Kent Burreson
132. Jeremiah 20, Paul Raabe
132. Psalm 23, David Peter
132. Too complicated, or too easy, Quetin Wesselschmidt
133. Acts 1:1-11.mp3, William Utech
133. Acts 17:1-15, Joel Okamoto
133. Acts 4:5-14, Patrick Kuhlman
133a. Isaiah 65:1-9, Henry Rowold
133b. Acts 2:14a, 22-36, David Schmitt
133. Isaiah 45:1-6, Reed Lessing
133. Romans 6:12-23, Jeffrey Oschwald
134. 1 Samuel 3:1-10.mp3, Francis Rossow
134. Ecclesiastes 1:2, 2:18, Kendall Meyer
134. Jeremiah 28:5-9; Matthew 10:34-42, Joel Okamoto
134. John 14:1-12, William Utech
134. John 15:1-8, Steve Albers
134. Luke 8:26-39, Rev Schulz
135. 1 John 1:1-2:2, Larry Rockemann
135. Colossians 3:12-17, Glenn Nielsen
135. Isaiah 43:1-7, Robert Rosin
135. Jeremiah 28:5-9, Andrew Bartelt
135. John 15:1-8.mp3, David Peter
135. John 15:26-16:4, Bruce Schuchard
136. 1 Timothy 2:1-8.mp3, Michael Kumm
136. Acts 1:12-26, James Brauer
136. Acts 8:34-35, Richard Warneck
136. Psalm 139:1-12, Glenn Thomas
136. Romans 7:14-25a, Bruce Hartung
137. Acts 4:23-33, Michael Redeker
137. Acts 8:26-40.mp3, James Brauer
137. Exodus 24:9-11, James Voelz
137. John 15:1-11, William Schumacher
137. Zechariah 9:9-12.MP3, Victor Raj
138. 2 Corinthians 5:1-17.mp3, Henry Rowold
138. Acts 17:22-31, Geroge Robbert
138. Acts 2:1-2, David Maxwell
138. John 10:11-18, William Utech
138. Romans 7:14-25a, Thomas Manteufel
139. 1 Peter 2:21b-25, Jeffrey Kloha
139. Job 38 & Mark 4.mp3, Jeffrey Kloha
139. John 14:15-21, Marvin Kuhlmann
139. John 7:37-39, Robert Weise
139. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23, Mark Rockenbach
140. 1 John 3:1-2, Victor Raj
140. 1 Timothy 2:1-8, Jeffery Moore
140. Isaiah 55:10-13, Paul Sieveking
140. John 14:23-27, David Wollenburg
140. Mark 6:1-13.mp3, David Schmitt
141. Exodus 31:17, Charles Arand
141. John 4:5-15.mp3, William Utech
141. Luke 24:44-53, Robert Kolb
141. Numbers 11:24-30, David Peter
142. Acts 1:26, James Brauer
142. Ezekiel 1.mp3, David Maxwell
142. Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, Joel Biermann
142. Psalm 110, Michael Redeker
142. Romans 4:13, James Brauer
143. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.mp3, Glenn Nielsen
143. Hosea 11:1-ff, Bryan Salminen
143. John 17:11b-19, Henry Gerike
143. Matthew 28:16-20, Abjar Bahkou
143. Matthew 9:9-13, Jeffrey Oschwald
144. Ephesians 2:11-22.mp3, Gary Schaper
144. Hosea 5, Joel Biermann
144. John 16:4, James Brauer
144. Matthew 9:9-13, David Peter
144. Romans 8:18-27, Richard Marrs
145. 1 John 4:13-21, William Schumacher
145. Acts 11,12.mp3, Joel Biermann
145. Luke 14:15-24, Larry Rockemann
145. Matthew 13, Jeffery Gibbs
145. Psalm 119:67-72, David Lewis
146. Deuteronomy 7:6-9, David Shudy
146. Hebrews 11:8-10, 17-19, Louis Brighton
146. Matthew 5:13-16.mp3, Thomas Manteufel
146. Psalm 133, Quetin Wesselschmidt
146. Romans 5:6-15, Keith Schweitzer
147. Ezekiel 37:1-14, Horace Hummel
147. Jeremiah 23:1-6.mp3, Henry Gerike
147. Matthew 14:13-21, Matthew Seltz
147. Matthew 9:35, John Oberdeck
147. Romans 9:1-5, David Schmitt
148. 1 Chronicles 25:1-8.mp3, Reed Lessing
148. Exodus 19:2-8a, Quetin Wesselschmidt
148. Habakkuk 2:1-4, Reed Lessing
148. Isaiah 49:14-16, Bryan Salminen
148. Isaiah 55:1-5, Daniel Mattson
149. John 3:16, John Oberdeck
149. Matthew 9:35-10:8, Victor Raj
149. Philemon 1:10-21.mp3, Donald Meisner
149. Psalm 100:1-2, Glenn Nielsen
149. Romans 10:5-17, Lee Hagan
150. Acts 2:22-26, Timothy Saleska
150. Malachi 3:1-4, Charles Arand
150. Romans 6, Thomas Manteufel
150. Romans 6:23-24.mp3, Charles Arand
151. Jeremiah 20:7-13, James Voelz
151. Matthew 10, Timothy Saleska
151. Matthew 25.mp3, James Brauer
151. Psalm 143, Robert Weise
152. Deuteronomy 6, Charles Arand
152. Genesis 9.mp3, Timothy Dost
152. Luke 6:36, James Brauer
152. Romans 10:11, John Oberdeck
153. Jeremiah 20:7-13, Quetin Wesselschmidt
153. John 3:16, Paul Raabe
153. Mark 8:27-35, David Schmitt
153. Psalm 136.mp3, James Brauer
154. Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeffrey Kloha
154. Genesis 50:15-21, Paul Raabe
154. Luke 1:57-67, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
155. 2 Kings 4:1-7, Reed Lessing
155. Isaiah 40:31, Reed Lessing
155. Romans 8:12-17, Henry Gerike
156. Isaiah 55, Ronald Feuerhahn
156. Psalm 91, Thomas Manteufel
156. Psalm 96, Joel Biermann
157. 1 Peter 2:4-10, James Brauer
157. Lamentations 19:3, Dean Nadasdy
157. Psalm 65, Timothy Saleska
158. 2 Timothy 1:1-14, David Peter
158. Mark 10:35-45, Charles Arand
158. Romans 6:1-11, Henry Gerike
159. Luke 16:19-31, Victor Raj
159. Matthew 13:44-52, Glenn Nielsen
159. Psalm 119:153-164, Paul Robinson
160. 2 Corinthians 4:5-6, Arthur Graudin
160. Matthew 25:14-30, William Utech
160. Zechariah 9:9-12, Andrew Bartelt
161. Mark 4:26-34, Mark Surburg
161. Matthew 11:25-30, Glenn Nielsen
161. Psalm 125, Robert Weise
162. 2 Corinthians 5, Larry Rockemann
162. Isaiah 43:1-7, Timothy Saleska
162. Romans 9:1-13, Gary Schaper
163. Matthew 14:13-21, Jr., Gerhard Bode
163. Psalm 92:1-5, 12-15, Thomas Manteufel
163. Romans 7:15-25; 8:1, Glenn Thomas
164. Luke 19:41-48, James Brauer
164. Luke 6:36-42, James Brauer
164. Psalm 119:137-140, Jeff Penhallegon
165. Isaiah 55:10-11, Victor Raj
165. Isaiah 55:1-5, Donald Miesner
165. Psalm 107, Jeffrey Oschwald
166. Lamentations 3:22-33, Henry Rowold
166. Matthew 13:1-9, Bruce Schuchard
166. Psalm 136, Bruce Hartung
167. Acts 11:27-12 32, James Voelz
167. Psalm 34:8, Ronald Feuerhahn
168. John 20:1-2; 11-18, James Brauer
168. Luke 5:1-11, Bruce Schuchard
169. Ezekiel 2:1-5, Gary Schaper
169. Romans 8:18-25, Arthur Graudin
170. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Louis Brighton
170. Isaiah 44:6-8, Henry Rowold
171. Mark 6:1-6, Ronald Feuerhahn
171. Matthew 13:24-30,36-43, Jeffery Moore
172. 2 Corinthians 2:7-10, Charles Arand
172. Matthew 5:13-16, Robert Weise
173. Romans 8:26-27.mp3, Jeffrey Gibbs
174. Psalm 119:57-69.mp3, Joel Okamoto
1. Justificación y el ser criatura, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
1-Library Renovation Groundbreaking Program, un known
24. Dr. Ron Rall on his March 21, 2017 Sermon, Ron Rall and David Schmitt
25. Rev. Todd Jones on his April 7, 2017 Sermon, Todd Jones and David Schmitt
2. Justificación y teodicea, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
2-Library Renovation Groundbreaking Program, un known
2nd Annual Jack Dean Kingsbury Lecture, James Voelz and Jeffrey Kloha
3. Justicia pasiva y activa: Los dos tipos de justicia, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
3rd Annual Jack Dean Kingsbury Lecture, James Voelz, Charles Arand, Joel Okamoto, Jack Kingsbury, Andrew Bartelt, Jeffrey Kloha, and Paul Rabbe
4-21-17 Granting of Awards, Richard Marrs
4. Justificación: Narrativa y bosquejo, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
5. Justificación y elección, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
6. Justificación por la sola gracia, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
7. Justificación por causa de Cristo, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
8. Justificación por la fe, Leopoldo Sánchez M.
Abila of the Decapolis and its place in the Biblical picture, William Mare
A black perspective, Kermit Ratcliffe
A black perspective, Kermit Ratcliffe
A black perspective, Kermit Ratcliffe
Abraham in the early Christian interpretation, Robert Wilken
Abraham in the early Christian interpretation, Robert Wilken
Abraham in the New Testament, Edgar Krentz
Abraham in the New Testament, Edgar Krentz
Abraham in the New Testament, Edgar Krentz
Abraham in the New Testament, Edgar Krentz
Abraham in the setting of the ancient Near East, Carl Graesser
Acceptance speech, Ralph Bohlmann
A Christian witness to communist lands, Gary Arola
A Congregational & Legal Study in the Practice of Hospitality at Faith Community Center, Lacey, Washington, Matthew Henry
A Contemporary Application of the Parables of Growth, Victor Raj
Acts Part I: or DDT (Daring, delightful, threatening)., Dennis Benson
Addresses on the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, Alvaro Carino
Addresses on the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, Alvaro Carino
Addresses on the Lutheran Church in the Philippines, Alvaro Carino
Ad Gloriam Dei Humanism and Theology in David Chytraeus’ Regulae Studiorum, Timios Cook
A dialogue between Dr. Erwin Kolb and Rabbi Robert Jacobs with questions from students on Judaism, Erwin Kolb and Robert Jacobs
Advancing the Cause of the Gospel Pastoral Blogging by Luther’s Heirs, Robert Stroud
A general overview of Nigeria, Nelson Unwene
AIDS, Frede Mortensen
AIDS: the twentieth century black death, Jerold Eickmann, Gary Quick, Donald Prevallet, and Robert Weise
AIDS: the twentieth century black death, Jerold Eickmann, Gary Quick, Donald Prevallet, and Robert Weise
A lecture of C.F.W. Walther, Clifford Frederich
Alive in Christ, Immanuel Janssen
Alive in Christ: Opening service sermon., Ralph Bohlmann
A Look at the Authority of the Parish Pastor, Martin Koeller
A Lutheran approach to creation in the last decade of the 20th century, Paul Zimmerman
A Lutheran charismatic understanding of the means of grace, Theodore Jungkuntz
American Government-Reformation-2 Kingdoms, Charles Arand, Jon Diefenthaler, Robert Kolb, and Martin Marty
American Revolution and the Reformation, Robert Kolb, Mary Haemig, Stephen Burnett, Robert Rosin, and Erik Herrmann
A Model for Small Group Development and Enrichment at St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, Timothy Wenger
Anaheim convention update and interviews with Prof. and Mrs. Louis Brighton, Martin Schmidt, Louis Brighton, Mary Brighton, and Jacob Preus
An Analysis of Reinhold Niebuhr's Critique of Martin Luther's Two Kingdom Doctrine, Jack Flachsbart
An Analysis of the Attributive Participle and the Relative Clause in the Greek New Testament, Michael Hayes
An Autonomous Lutheran Church in Canada in a Time of Rising Nationalism, Roger Ellis
An Entry Level Lutheran Liturgy for Members and Guest, David Preuss
An ethical evaluation of homosexuality, Gilbert Meilaender
An evening with Martin Luther and Katie, Clifford Frederich
A new look at the Pharisees, Ellis Rivkin
An Examination and Evaluation of A. H. Strong's Doctrine of Holy Scripture, Myron Houghton
An Examination and Exposition of Process-Thought and Extrapolation of its Themes for Theological Use, Christian Just
An exegetical and theological evaluation of charismatic renewal, Everett Kalin
An exegetical investigation of the concept of Yahweh's presence as expressed by יהוֹחצמד [yhwh ʻmkh (romanized form)] and its variations, William Moorhead
An exegetical study of John 17: The high priestly prayer, Leon Morris
An Historical Analysis of the Doctrine of the Ministry in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod Until 1962, John Wohlrabe
An Inquiry of Dialogical Preaching: Its Purpose, Procedure, and Evaluation, Edward Hummel
A parish priest ruralis, Herbert Scharlemann
Apartment ministry in Dallas, Texas, Robert Hobus
A place of refuge for the pregnant and the unborn, Eldor Richter
A portrait of St. Paul, Jurgen Roloff
A Process for Equipping and Supervising Lay Christian Caregivers at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Girard, Illinois, Alan Janneke
A review of "The Conference on Worship and Music as they relate to Evangelism and Discipleship", James Brauer
Arriving at a Preferred Doctors Referral List for Use in Pastoral Counseling, Daniel Kriefall
Art of the Reformation, Erik Herrmann, Kelly Schumacher, and Jared Wicks
Arts & Education, Sandy Miller
Asbestos abatement-01, Benjamin Haupt
Asbestos abatement-02, Benjamin Haupt
Asbestos abatement-03, Benjamin Haupt
Ask the faculty, John Klotz, Robert Hoerber, Roy Suelflow, and Rudolph Harm
A Sociological Analysis of the Communiunity Immediately Surrounding Our Savior Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Missouri, Kenneth Haupt
Aspects of the Calendar of the Hebrew Bible and its Theological Significance, Charles Blanco
A Study of Bioethics for Christian Students at a Secular University, Edward Krauss
A Study of Recent Research on the Concept of Holy War in the Old Testament, Brian Truog
A Study of the Formation of a Mission Study Task Force as it Relates to the Planning Process of a Congregation, Paul Hoffman
A Study of the Old Testament Quote in Matthew 27:9, 10, Curtis Giese
A sympathetic viewpoint toward charismatic gifts, David Dorpat
A Systemic View of Collaborative Leadership-A Partnership of Joy, Dale Kleimola
A Theology of Ministerial Practice, Paul Kelm
Aurelius Augustine's-Use or Discarding of the Classical Methodology of Education to Promote the Christian Faith, Gordon Beck
Authenticating the Bach-Calov Bible, Howard Cox
Bach and hymnody: The chorale tradition., Robin Leaver
Bach and hymnody: The chorale tradition., Robin Leaver
Bach and hymnody: The chorale tradition., Robin Leaver
Bach and hymnody: The chorale tradition., Robin Leaver
Bach as preacher, Robin Leaver
Background to the Music of Johann Bach, Robin Leaver
Basis and purpose of worship, Stanley Grenz
Before remodel-01, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-02, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-03, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-04, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-05, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-06, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-07, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-08, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-09, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-10, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-11, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-12, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-13, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-14, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-15, Benjamin Haupt
Before remodel-16, Benjamin Haupt
Being a minister, George Bornemann
Ben Haupt and the Hassees' talking after the groundbreaking ceremony., Harold Rau
Berakah, anaphoral theory and Luther, Bryan Spinks
Bible, Sandy Miller
Bible study on the story of Abraham, Ralph Klein
Bible study on the story of Abraham, Ralph Klein
Bible Translation, Charles Arand, Paul Robinson, and Robert Rosin
Bible translation, Lutheran Bible Translators and the Great Commission, Edward Rupprecht
Bioethics and pastoral care, Richard Eyer
Black ministry in the South, John Davis
Black urban ministry Part 2, Will Herzfeld
Bonhoeffer: A life of challenge, D. Fado
Brain, Memory and Mind: The Neural Structures that Allow Us to Remember, Steve Joordens
Brenz, Matthew 18, and ecclesiastical discipline, James Estes
Burnout in the Pastoral Ministry: The Need for Clear Boundaries, Russell Weise
Business principles relating to church management, Robert Garmatz
By virtue of my office, Kenneth Siess
By way of introduction what's it all about., David Smith
By way of introduction what's it all about., David Smith
Call Day 2017 montage, Kendra Whittle
Called to proclaim, Paul Foust
Campus ministry, Edward Schmidt
Can God Be Persuaded A Discussion of the Immutability of God in Luther's Catechesis on Prayer, Timothy Roser
Cardinal principles of Lutheranism and 'Evangelical' theology, Karl Barth
Cardinal principles of Lutheranism. : Some contemporary systematics., Donald Ridgeway
Cass 72-60 50th anniversary of the Clayton campus sermon, Walter Wegner
CASS 72-60 Part 2 Founding of Frankenmuth, Herman Zehnder
CASS 73-8 The history of Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Richard Schultz
CASS 73-90 Founder's Day academic convocation, November 14, 1973, John Klotz
Cass 74-27 Founder's day convocation, John Klotz
Cass 74-27 Founder's Day Sermon, Ralph Bohlmann
Cass 75-71 Founder's Day Convocation, John Klotz
Cass 75-71 Founder's Day Sermon, August Mennicke
Cass 77-67 Founder's day sermon, Herman Scherer
Cass 79-98 140th anniversary of the founding of Concordia Seminary Sermon, Ralph Bohlmann
Cass 81-48 142nd anniversary of the founding of Concordia Seminary sermon, John Klotz
Cass 82-84 143rd anniversary of founding of Concordia Seminary sermon, Karl Barth
Cass 83-13 144th anniversary of the founding of Concordia Seminary sermon, Paul Spitz
Cass 85-41 146th anniversary of founding of Concordia Seminary sermon, Karl Barth
Cass 87-28 148th anniversary of founding of Concordia Seminary sermon, Karl Barth
Cass 88-30-1 149th anniversary of the founding of Concordia Seminary sermon, Paul Spitz
Cass 89-16-2 150th anniversary of the founding of Concordia Seminary Sermon, Ralph Bohlmann
CASS 89-29-1-1 Abortion, William Webster
CASS 89-29-1-2 Abortion, David Liefeld
CASS 89-29-2-1 The Christian in government, Albert Huegli
CASS 89-29-2-2 The Christian in government, John May
CASS 89-29-3-1 Religion in American public life, Richard Neuhaus
CASS 89-29-3-2 Religion in American public life, Robert Morrison
Catechetical Challenges today?, Charles Arand
Categories of communication, Paul Bauermeister
Catholicity or Consensus? The Role of the Consensus Patrum and the Vincentian Canon in Lutheran Orthodoxy: From Chemnitz to Quenstedt, Quentin Stewart
Celebrating God’s Gift to the Church, Roosevelt Gray, Robert Scudieri, Ted Thalang, Kou Seying, and Paul Sevieking
Center for Hispanic Studies - CHS Mission and Vision (English), Leopoldo Sánchez
Central Lutheran thrusts for today, Kurt Marquart
Centripetal and centrifugal: the Lord's mission strategies, Edward Westcott
Changing Demographics of Junior Confirmation, Mark Kiessling
Changing Role of Marriage, Erik Herrmann, Robert Kolb, Mary Haemig, Robert Rosin, and Ronald Rittgers
Changing Role of Money, Erik Herrmann and Robert Kolb
Changing Role of Vocation, Joel Biermann, Robert Kolb, Mary Haemig, and Martin Marty
Chapel sermon, Horace Hummel
Charimatic renewal in the Congregation, William Lazareth
Charisma in worship services, Herbert Mirly and Paul Andreson
Charismata and the LC-MS : with a student response by David Lumpp, Theodore Jungkuntz and David Lumpp
Charismatic gifts, Louis Brighton and Martin Schmidt
Charismatic gifts, Louis Brighton
Chemical dependency interaction, Edward Eggert
Childless not by choice, Jospeh Barbour, Karen Rehder, Randall Shields, and Karl Holderle
Childless not by choice, Jospeh Barbour, Karen Rehder, Randall Shields, and Karl Holderle
Christian missions to Muslims, Roland Miller
Christians and their affiliations, Philip Lochhaas
Christ's resurrection -- the world's absolution, Clifford Frederich
Church, Sandy Miller
Church life in Africa, John Mbiti
Church planting, Richard Greenthaner
Class moratorium at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis : a documentary, Un Known
Clergy and taxes, Philip Draheim
Cloning: the art of "celling" yourself, Robert Weise
Close Communion, Stephen Bartelt
Closing devotion for the convention sermon only, Ralph Bohlmann
Closing Session of the Symposium: Wrap Up, John Tietjen
Colloquium with Covenant Seminary, Robert Raymond and Horace Hummel
Commemorating the Center's 25th Anniversary: Reflections from Dr. Douglas Groll, Leopoldo Sánchez and Douglas Groll
Commencement 2017 montage, Kendra Whittle
Commencement Address 2017, Curtis Peters and Dale Meyer
Concepts and principles of team ministry, Delphin Schulz
Concepts of time in the Old Testament, Hans Wolff
Concordia Seminary choir Laudamus performing during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Concordia Seminary IR Public Policies, Benjamin Haupt
Concordia Seminary magazine Fall 2017, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary magazine Spring 2017, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary magazine Summer 2017, Dale Meyer
Concordia Seminary Winter 2017, Jeffrey Kloha
Condemned to repeat it, Walter Forster
Confessing Christ before the world: 16th century views of Augsburg, 1530, Robert Kolb and Norman Wangerin
Confessional subscription, Herbert Bouman
Confirmation instruction workshop, Bruce Wurdeman
Confirmation instruction workshop, Bruce Wurdeman
Confirmation instruction workshop, Bruce Wurdeman
Conflict in the church, Luther Werth
Confronting and Utilizing Conflict in the Parish, David Becker
Congregational autonomy, August Suelflow and Martin Schmidt
Congregational Autonomy, August Suelflow
Congregational ministry in an urban, transitional setting, Harold Avers
Conrad Dieterich (1575-1639) and the Instruction of Luther's Small Catechism, Gerhard Bode
Continuing challenges of black ministry, Joseph Lavalais
Convention address by Jacob Preus, Jacob Preus
Convention updates, Paul Schwinler and Paul Devantier
Counseling for abortions, Jean Garton
Course management: Objectives, methodology and testing., Lowell Schoer
Course management: Objectives, methodology and testing., Lowell Schoer
Creation and the ecumenical challenge, Per Lonning
Creation and the ecumenical challenge, Per Lonning
Creative church management seminar, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, January 15, 1985, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, January 15, 1985, Guido Merkens
Creative church management seminar, January 15, 1985, Guido Merkens
Crisis in Latin American Christianity: implications for Protestants., Richard Millett
Criteria and expectations, William Schmelder
Cross-Cultural ministries, Eugene Bunkowski
Crossing Borders: Christ and the Syrophoenician Woman, Héctor Hoppe and Leopoldo Sánchez
Cultivating Faith in the Second Generation with the Gifts of the Reformation, Robert Kieselowsky and Kou Seying
Current problems in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Francis Schaeffer
Cyril as Pastor: The Proclamation of His Christology to His People, Theodore Mayes
Dale Meyer interviews Haddon Robinson, Dale Meyer and Haddon Robinson
Dale Meyer, Seminary President, using a backhoe during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Dale Meyer, Seminary President, using a backhoe during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Dale Meyer, Seminary President, using a backhoe during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Day of Theological Reflection, May 12, 1975, Erich Kiehl
Deaconess: origins, service & training, Kristin Wassilak
Dellinger Lecture 1999 - Steven Carter, Steven Carter
Dellinger Lecture 2002 - Tony Snow, Tony Snow
Dellinger Lecture 2006 - Cal Thomas, Cal Thomas and Dale Meyer
Demolition work-01, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-02, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-03, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-04, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-05, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-06, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-07, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-08, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-09, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-10, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-11, Benjamin Haupt
Demolition work-12, Benjamin Haupt
Demonic Possession, Exorcism, and Pastoral Care, Paul Sherouse
Designing a Member Development Process for Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Delavan, Wisconsin, David Lieske
Developing a Congregational Committee on Communication, Mark Bangert
“Developing an Effective Divorce Recovery Ministry”, Kirk Hille
Developing a Program for Interpersonal Ministry in the Liturgy for St. Paul Lutheran Church Shreveport, Louisiana, Wesley Toncre
Developing eldership, Donald Pfotenhauer
Developing eldership, Donald Pfotenhauer
Devotion homily, Martin Scharlemann
Discussion at the Symposium on Gnosticism, Jonathan Grothe, Timothy Endean, Petr Pokorny, and Gregory Lockwood
Disorderliness and gnosticism, Jonathan Grothe
District President in residence address, David Buegler
District President in residence address, David Buegler
Divine Uncertaninty and Discovery-Anatomy of Anthropomorphism, Robert Chisholm
Docetic Christology and gnosticism, Edwin Yamauchi
Doctor Death the right to die., Andrew Bartelt, Gilbert Meilaender, Eugene Linse, and Lawrence. Burgdorf
Doctor Death the right to die., Andrew Bartelt, Gilbert Meilaender, Eugene Linse, and Lawrence. Burgdorf
Doctor of Ministry programs, Marvin Taylor
Dr. Adolph A. Brux and Prayer Fellowship in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, John Marschhausen
Dr. Overduin speaks to students on abortion, Daniel Overduin
Dying Well: A Christian Perspective, William Morris
Ebla of the pre-patriarchal period, David Freedman
Ecumenics: Brothers in the Lord, Arthur Piepkorn
Effective Christian witnessing, Erwin Kolb
Effective Christian witnessing, Erwin Kolb
Effective Christian witnessing, Erwin Kolb
Effective Leadership in Small Group Ministry Through the Application of Family Systems, James Knill
Effective preaching, Alvin Norden
Effective preaching, Alvin Norden
Effective preaching, Alvin Norden
Effective preaching, Gerhard Aho
Effective preaching, Richard Kapfer
Effective preaching on stewardship, Carl Berner
Effects of T.V. viewing, Gary Childs
Eisegesis and its affect on the handicapped, Rodney Rynearson
Equipping students for effective black ministry today, Ulmer Marshall
Erasmus as interpreter of Romans, John Payne
Eschatological and Eucharistic Motifs in Luke 12:35-40, Paul Deterding
Evangelical songs appropriate for Lutheran worship., Charles Arand, James Brauer, Paul Raabe, and Timothy Saleska
Evangelism, Leroy Biesenthal
Evangelism and church growth: LCMS viewpoint, Jacob Preus
Exegesis: Beetles in the ivy, Eugene Nissen
Exegesis in order to preach: Matthew 4:1-11, H. Armin Moellering
Exterior-01, Benjamin Haupt
Extra Nos but not Extraneous: Augustine’s De Natura Et Gratia and Contemporary Receptions of Augustine, Thomas Pietsch
Facing crises in the pastor's life program, Martin Haendschke
Facing up to death, Edward Schroeder
Fact and faith, Norman Habel
Faithful for all times: Festival service of thanksgiving, John Baumgaertner
Faith group perspectives on abortion with Father Robert F. Coerver, Dr. Frede Mortensen, and Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman., Robert Coerver, Frede Mortensen, and Jeffrey Stiffman
Faith group perspectives on abortion with Father Robert F. Coerver, Dr. Frede Mortensen, and Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman., Robert Coerver, Frede Mortensen, and Jeffrey Stiffman
Family and Lifelong Catechesis/Catechesis as a Narrative, Anthony Cook
Field education luncheon, September 5, 1975, Richard Warneck
Fifty Years of Theological Education in the Gutnius Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea: 1948-1998, John Eggert
Filling in the blank : "American religion" and Biblical Christianity, Joel Okamoto
Filling in the blank : confessing Christ in a pluralistic culture, John Nunes
Filling in the blank : "Dale I have a question...", Dale Meyer
Filling in the blank : ministering in the midst of civic crisis panel discussion.-, Joel Okamoto and John Nunes
Filling in the blank : ministering in the midst of civic crisis panel discussion.-, Joel Okamoto, John Nunes, David Benke, Matthew Harrison, Mark Steiner, and Robert Fleischmann
Findings of the CTCR concerning the Lutheran charismatic movement, Howard Tepker
First Person Expository Preaching, Haddon Robinson
Focus on the seventies Latin American culture., Fred Pankow
Focus on the seventies Latin American culture., Fred Pankow
Focus on the seventies Latin American culture., Fred Pankow
Folk and jazz liturgies in the church? Part 1, Robert Bergt
From institutional missions to specialized ministry, Edward Mahnke
From Jesus to the Bible and Back Part 1, Peter Nafzger
From Jesus to the Bible and Back Part 2, Peter Nafzger
From Jesus to the Bible and Back Part 3, Peter Nafzger
From Jesus to the Bible and Back Part 4, Peter Nafzger
From Saxony to St. Louis, Roy Suelflow
Gabrieli and Schutz: the shift from Italy to Germany., Vernon Wicker
Gay ministry at Chapel of the Cross, Harold Jagels
Genetic engineering and genetic defects who's in charge here., Wayne Schmidt, Dale Knuteson, Aaron Moe, and Herbert Freise
Genetic engineering and genetic defects who's in charge here., Wayne Schmidt, Dale Knuteson, Aaron Moe, and Herbert Freise
Geography and world hunger, Herbert Gross
Geological and historical settings of the Bible, James Munsen
Getting ready for the real world: adjustments to the first parish, Timothy Quill
Gifts of the Spirit, Glenn Nielsen
Glenn Hasse speaking during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Glenn Hasse speaking during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Gnosticism, Ignatius of Antioch and eastern Christian incarnational theology, Gregory Lockwood
God as Phenomenon, Charles Yunghans
God loves the delinquent, Tim Maas
God's Challenge for missionaries in North America, Roger Leenerts
Gospel and Scripture, Richard Schultz and Martin Schmidt
Gospel and Scripture, Richard Schultz
Gospel reductionism: what does it mean?, Jakob Heckert
Graupner, Vernon Wicker
Greetings and speeches in front of the library., Harold Rau
Greetings and speeches in front of the library., Harold Rau
Greetings and speeches in front of the library., Harold Rau
Greetings and speeches in front of the library., Harold Rau
Greetings from Lutheran church body leaders, Ralph Bohlmann, Reuben Swanson, Elwyn Ewald, and David Preus
Grief and the Pastor, Galen Drawbaugh
Grieving as a Neurological Activity, Bruce Hartung
Growing Up as a Pastor's Child-The Pressures and Positives of Living in a Clergy Family System, Stephen Juergensen
Guilt in the Parish Ministry-A Pastoral Perspective, Dale Kleimola
Hannibal Frederich as C.S. Lewis, Clifford Frederich
Hannibal Frederich as G. K. Chesterton, Clifford Frederich
Hannibal Frederich portrays Martin Luther, Clifford Frederich
Hearing the New Testament Latinamente: On Latino Hermeneutics, Efraín Agosto and Leopoldo Sánchez
Helping Contemporary People use Historic Liturgy, Richard Wolfram
Helping People Remember the Sermon Beyond the Parking Lot, Glenn Nielsen
"Here's The Way: Preaching", Bertwin Frey
Heritage of church architecture, Rex Becker
Heritage of church architecture, Rex Becker
Hillel's first three principles in the Gospel of John, Irvin Arkin
Hinduism today: a mission world., Mahendra Singhal
Hispanic ministries: where are we today?, Frederick Boden
Historical critical what?, Martin Scharlemann
History of Schools, Erik Herrmann, Robert Rosin, and Mary Haemig
Holistic Mission: Reflections on Social Ministry from the Field, Aurelio Magariño and Leopoldo Sánchez
Holistic Purpose and Use of Luther’s Catechism, Charles Arand and Jason Broge
Holy Scripture and the Gospel, Ralph Bohlmann and Robert Griffin
Holy Scripture and the Gospel, Ralph Bohlmann and Robert Griffin
Holy Scripture and the Gospel, Ralph Bohlmann and Robert Griffin
Homiletical studies for Lent, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Homiletical studies for Lent, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Homiletical studies for Lent, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Homiletical studies for Lent, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Homiletical studies for Lent, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Homiletical studies for Lent, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Honorable Shame: The Rhetorical Use of Didactic Shame Discourse in Ezekiel 36:16-32, Ronald Mudge
How can you be Jewish and believe in Jesus?, Mitch Glaser
How current tensions over methods of interpretation affect my ministry, Eugene Koene and Rudolph Haak
How does the criminal justice system work?, Allen Harris and Charles Mann
How to become involved in mission work, Paul Miller
How to Relate to those Who are Suffering, Kenneth Haugk
How trials and troubles shape pastors, Bryan Salminen
Hymnology and church music, Erik Routley
Hymn translating, Jaroslav Vajda
Hymn writing, Jaroslav Vajda and Henry Gerike
Ideological problems of Bach research, seen in the light of the Calov Bible, Christoph Trautmann
Immigrants Among Us: Numbers and Myths (presented at St. Louis University High School), Leopoldo Sánchez
Immigration and Mission: A Case Study on the Two Realms and Vocation, Leopoldo Sánchez
Immigration, Vocation, and the Two Realms: On the LCMS Joint Statement Regarding Immigration Concerns, Leopoldo Sánchez
Implications for ministry of the universal priesthood, Ralph Underwager
Imputatio Iustitiae Christi, Liberum Arbitrium in Renatis, and Tertius Usus Legis in Melanchthon's Later Loci, Richard Osslund
Inaugural luncheon for Dr. John Tietjen, John Tietjen
Indian missions and ministry Part 1, William Weber
Indulgences, Ronald Rittgers, Oswald Bayer, Robert Kolb, and Timothy Wengert
Institute on the ministry, January 15-18, 1976, Ralph Bohlmann, Horace Hummel, and Rudolph Harm
Institute on the ministry, January 15-18, 1976, Roy Suelflow and Ewald Otto
Institute on the ministry Part 1, Ralph Bohlmann, Robert Hoerber, and Fred Harm
Institute on the ministry Part 3, Roland Hopmann, Dave Splett, Chris Dodge, and Ralph Bohlmann
Integrity and Integration in Ecclesiastical Historiography: The Perspective of Mosheim and Neander, Paulo Buss
Intergenerational ministry, Richard Buhrke and Rhonda Buhrke
Interview with Rev. Greg Klotz, CHS 7th Annual Lecturer, Leopoldo Sánchez and Greg Klotz
Involving our youth in ministry, David Beultmann
Involving the parish in world missions, Milton Nauss
Is Christ the Son in the Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen, Stephen Carter
Issues concerning the office of the pastoral ministry, H. Armin Moellering and Richard Schultz
Issues concerning the office of the pastoral ministry, Michael Stelmachowicz
Issues concerning the office of the pastoral ministry, Paul Zimmerman
Issues concerning the office of the pastoral ministry, Jerald Joersz
Issues concerning the office of the pastoral ministry, Richard Schlecht
Issues confronting Christendom, Stephen Neill and Martin Scharlemann
Is theistic evolution a viable option for the Biblical Christian?, David Menton
Is there a God-pleasing purpose to war?, Charles Arand, Henry Rowold, Timothy Saleska, and David Wollenburg
James 1:25 and 2:12: The Perfect Law of Liberty and the Perfect Liberty of the Christian, Paul Alliet `
Jewish evangelism in Johannesburg, Andreas Deirks
Jewish sects in the New Testament, Menahem Mansoor
Jews for Jesus, Martin Schmidt
Johann Walter- Pioneer Church Musician, Arthur Eichhorn
John 9:1-38, David Schmitt
John Kleinig Lecture, John Kleinig
John's use of Semeion, Leon Morris
John's Use of the Absolute ΕΓΩ EIMI as a Reflection of the Theology of the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel, John Upton
John the Baptizer, Is He Elijah Who is to Come?, Floyd Schoenhals
Joy in the ministry 2000 and beyond, Bill Ameiss
Justice and mercy Theological perspectives., Kenneth Vaux
Kay Hasse speaking during the groundbreaking for the library renovation., Harold Rau
Keeping our care pastoral: Preaching as community creation, William Willimon
Laubach literacy program, Mrs Covington and Martin Schmidt
Lay leadership dinner, Immanuel Janssen, Roland Hopmann, L Dean Hempelmann, John Klotz, R Meyer, M Miller, Samuel Nafzger, and Ralph Bohlmann
Lay leadership dinner, Immanuel Janssen, Roland Hopmann, L Dean Hempelmann, John Klotz, R Meyer, M Miller, Samuel Nafzger, and Ralph Bohlmann
LCMS 101, Gerald Kieschnick
Lección 01 - Una Muerte Con Sentido, Hector Hoppe
Lección 02 - Geografía Estratégica, Hector Hoppe
Lección 03 - El Nacimiento De Jesús, Hector Hoppe
Lección 04 - Juan y Jesús, Hector Hoppe
Lección 05 - Jesús Visita Su Pueblo, Hector Hoppe
Lección 06 - Jesús Con El Padre, Hector Hoppe
Lección 07 - La Enseñanza De Jesús, Hector Hoppe
Lección 08 - Jesús No Trabajó Sólo, Hector Hoppe
Lección 09 - El Ministerio De Jesus, Hector Hoppe
Lección 10 - El Ministerio De Jesús, Hector Hoppe
Lección 11 - Una Pascua Diferente, Hector Hoppe
Lección 12 - Jesús Es Imparable, Hector Hoppe
Leviticus 17:11 and the Theology of Sacrifice, Robert Clancy
Lex--promisso, Edward Schroeder
Liberation theology and Scripture, Otto Hintze
Liberation theology in practice, Fred Pankow
Library plaque-01, Benjamin Haupt
Life concerns workshop, May 12, 1976, Samuel Nafzger
Life concerns workshop, May 12, 1976, David Allen
Life concerns workshop, May 12, 1976, Jean Garton
Life in the Spirit, James Kittelson
Liturgical function of the Bach cantata, Robin Leaver
Liturgical reform among the Irenicists, John Dolan
Liturgical worship, Robin Leaver
Living Lutheran leadership, Guido Merkens
Living Lutheran Leadership, April 26, 1977, Guido Merkens
Living Lutheran leadership, February 9, 1979, Guido Merkens
Living With Dying — A Pastoral and Congregational Guide, Kristian Kincaid
Loving Leah, Randy Walquist
Luke, the evangelist to the Hellenistic world, Karl Rengstorf
Lutheran Day School Operation: Financial Stewardship Implications, Thomas Radtke
Luther and liturgy, Robin Leaver
Luther and liturgy, Robin Leaver
Luther and scholasticism, Leif Grane
Luther and the false brethren, Mark Edwards
Luther and the Jews, Gordon Rupp
Lutheranism in United States history, Roy Suelflow
Lutheranism in United States history, Roy Suelflow
Lutheranism in United States history, Roy Suelflow
Lutheran seminarian project, Milo Brekke
Lutherans for Life, Tim Dorsch
Lutherans struggling against Hitler, Lowell Green
Lutheran theology and charismatic experience, Mark Hillmer
Luther as pastor, Markus Wriedt
Luther as Seelsorger, George Kraus
Luther during and after the Reformation, Ernest Schwiebert
Luther: prophet to the church catholic, James Atkinson
Luther's Attitude Toward Religious Toleration in Light of his Two Kingdom Doctrine, Richard Elseroad
Luther’s Fiercest Foes, Robert Kolb, Dale Meyer, and Erik Herrmann
Luther's Haupt Artikel: How Roman Catholics have come to understand and accept it, Jill Raitt
Luther's Summaries of the Psalms (1531)--A Model for Contemporary Psalm Interpretation, Bruce Cameron
Luther's translation of Mark 14:1-52, David Schmiel
Madison & the 2 Kingdoms, Jon Diefenthaler, Charles Arand, and Robert Kolb
Maintaining balance in the pastoral ministry, Joel Biermann
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 1, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 10, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 11, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 12, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 13, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 14, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 15, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 16, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 17, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 18, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 2, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 3, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 4, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 5, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 6, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 7, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 8, Thomas Baker
Major Lutheran teachings. : Seminary wives' Bible study Class 9, Thomas Baker
Man's sin, God's grace, and evangelism, Theodore Radeke and Martin Schmidt
Man's sin, God's grace, and evangelism, Theodore Radeke
Manuscript 2193 and its Text of the Gospel According to John, Timothy Koch
Marpek versus Bucer a sixteenth century debate over uses and limits of political authority, Donald Ziegler
Marriage and Ministry, Heidi Goehmann and Celina Haupt
Marriages in America, Jeffrey Meyer
Medical-societal moral dilemmas, Roco Latorraca
Medical-societal moral dilemmas, Roco Latorraca
Meeting the need for multi-cultural outreach by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Roger Leenerts
Melanchthon's Understanding of the Will in the Loci Communes, Richard Osslund
Michael Praetorius Creuzbergensis-The Man, the Musician, the Theologian: An Introduction, David Susan
Military Imagery in Preaching: An Effective Means of Nurturing a Lutheran Identity in the Military, Mark Steiner
Ministering to Dementia Patients, Richard Marrs
Ministering to people with disabilities, David Morstad and Earl Bleke
Ministering to the alcoholic, Edward Eggert
Ministering to the alcoholic, Edward Eggert, Edward Eggert, Charles Knippel, and Martin Haendschke
Ministering to young Christians, Donald Hinchey and David Dahline
Ministering to young Christians, Donald Hinchey and Edward Stevens
Ministry at Riverside, David Eberhard
Ministry in an unchurched society, Ronald Bergen
Ministry in North St. Louis, Otis Woodard
Ministry to the elderly, Ron Hilmer
Miracles fact or fiction?, Louis Brighton
Missio et promissio, Martin Marty
Mission explosion, Alvin Barry and Martin Schmidt
Mission explosion, Alvin Barry
Mission: God's mission - a world mission now!, William Reinking
Mission in ministry means training for multi-cultural outreach abroad, Edward Westcott
Mission in ministry means training for multi-cultural outreach at home, Carlos Puig
Mission in ministry means training for multi-cultural outreach at home, Carlos Puig
Mission of Service!: Diakonia!, Edwin Nerger and Eugene Linse
Missions in Africa, Allan Buckman
Missions update, Allan Buckman
Missions - Which way? With responses by Robert Bertram and Joseph Mensing., Peter Beyerhaus, Robert Bertram, and Joseph Mensing
Money, Sandy Miller
Motivation to Prepare for Ministry, Kent Hunter
Moving into the 21st century the church and the older adult., Robert Weise and Shirley Bergman
Moving into the 21st century the church and the older adult., Robert Weise and John O'Hara
Moving into the 21st century the church and the older adult., Robert Weise, Linda Whitton, and James Bachman
Moving into the 21st century the church and the older adult., Robert Weise, John Eckrich, and Terence Groth
Moving into the 21st century the church and the older adult., Robert Weise, Pamela Barbour, and Ed Watson
Moving into the 21st century the church and the older adult., Robert Weise and Paul Wunderlich
Moving the books-01, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-02, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-03, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-04, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-05, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-06, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-07, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-08, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-09, Benjamin Haupt
Moving the books-10, Benjamin Haupt