"John's Use of the Absolute ΕΓΩ EIMI as a Reflection of the Theology of" by John Upton


John Upton

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Sacred Theology (STM)


Exegetical Theology

First Advisor

Erich Kiehl

Scripture References in this Resource

John 20:31; Acts 5:36-37; Acts 8:9-10; John 1:1; John 1:14; John 1:20; John 13:19; John 18:17; John 18:5; 6; 8; John 3:28; John 4:26; John 6:20; John 8:18; 23; John 8:24; John 8:58; John 9:9


The investigation will center on John's intended meaning of έγω είμι as the phrase relates to the unique Prologue which prefaces the Fourth Gospel. It is hoped that, in approaching the Prologue as the thematic key to the Gospel, it will provide guidance in ascertaining the relative purpose of the έγω είμιs as they reflect the purpose of the Gospel as a whole; the Prologue should provide a direction for drawing some conclusions as to John's intent in the use of this phrase.

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