"A Theology of Ministerial Practice" by Paul Kelm

Date of Award


Document Type

Major Applied Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)


Practical Theology

Scripture References in this Resource

Timothy 3:16; 1 Corinthians 9: 14-15; 1 Corinthians 9:22; Acts 1:8; Acts 11:19-22; Acts 13:1-3; Acts 13:46; Acts 14:8-18; Acts 16:13; Acts 16:22-34; Acts 17:17; Acts 17:18-34; Acts 18:2-3; Acts 19:9-10; Acts 2:42; Acts 28:30-31; Acts 8:14; Acts 8:4; Acts 9:32; John 13:34; Philippians 1:12-14; Romans 15:20


Competing agendas and changing culture create a need for churches to consciously determine why they will do what they do the way they do.

This project develops four doctrinal bases for a theology of ministerial practice. It summarizes literature on philosophy of ministry. Research in five Lutheran churches identifies gaps in the way people view ministry. Chapter four provides a comprehensive rationale and definition for a theology of ministerial practice.

One church's experience demonstrates the value of thinking through and developing "guiding principles" that apply a church's theology to its culture in shaping ministerial practice.

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