Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Purpose of the Pastoral Office as Taught by the Church Fathers, Augsburg Confession V, and the Contemporary Age, D Lee Cullen Jr.
Finding and Losing One's Life: The Themes of Gain and Loss in Matthew 10:32-42 and 16:21-28, Jeremiah Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Opus Dei and Christian Formation: Compatible with a Lutheran Understanding?, Timothy Winterstein
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
A Pastor and his Ministry: Gregory Thamaturgus' Address of Thanksgiving to Origen as Pastoral Practice, Edwin Harkey
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Luther's Reformation of Penance, Robin Korsch
Know Thy Hearer!, William Mons
English Reformation Apocalypticism Foreshadowed in Lollard Sermons, Douglas Reinders
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
The Laments of Integrity An investigation of Psalms 17, 101, and 26, Robert Gebel
An Icon of Jesus Michael: The Archangel as Antagonist of Satan, Raymond Hagan
Portraits of Moses, John Sharp
Preparing Christian High School Students for Secular College Experience, Joseph Stanley
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Killing and Making Alive as the Vital Work of the Spirit in Preaching According to Martin Luther, Peter Kirby
The Image of God and Human Identity: An Explanation Informed by the Two Kinds of Righteousness, Lucas Woodford
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
A Narrative Critical Approach to the Gospel of Peter with a Focus on its Christology, Roberto Bustamante
Mesopotamian Imagery and Influence in the Book of Daniel, Eric Jensen
An Exegetical Study of 1 Corinthians 15:42-49 Theological and Historical Contexts, Jennifer Leese
Sin, Sickness, and Salvation from Nazareth to Lake Woebegone, David Schoessow
Armenian Christology and the Council of Chalcedon, Joseph Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Principles, Practices, and Problems-The Pastoral Theology of St. John Chrysostom, Jack Ferguson
Arthur Carl Piepkorn and the Evangelical Catholic Approach to Ecuminism, Paul Sauer
God's Power for the Believer, Andre Snavely
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
"One to Hear Me" An Exegetical Analysis of Job 31:1-7,35-37 which Explores the Presence of God in the Context of Human Suffering, Christopher Bramich `
The Study of Intercommunion 1951-1971 : Evidence of a Hermeneutical Shift in Faith and Order, Mark Buetow
Defining the שְלמִים Sacrifice-A Study of Communion in the Old Testament, Eric Nelson
"Blessed are they Who Keep These Words" An Examination of the Use of Language and the Intentionality of Solecisms in the Apocalypse, Timothy Rosenthal
Luther's Small Catechism: An Examination Of Its Structure, Intent, and Use for the Church Today, Kenneth Watson
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Luther and "Social Ethics", Terrance Adamson
Holy Baptism’s Liturgy : What Is Extolled in Ones and Threes?, Jonathan Bontke
Original Sin in the Smalcald Articles With an Excursus on the Coat of Skins as an Image of Original, Albert Collver III
An Exegetical Study of Galatians 1:1-12, Ted Laesch
The Usage of A Κατ Ω Formula in the Book of Revelation, Shiu Ming Lau
De Poenitentia et Evangelio Coming Together and Coming Clear in Luther's Theology, Korey Maas
Christology in Africa: Work in Progress, Carl Rockrohr
O Come our Wisdom from on High- An Introduction into Wisdom Christology, Ralph Shorey
Narrative Seam Antics in Luke's Gospel, James Waddell
Remembrance and Worship in Israel-A Study of Gerhard von Rad's Theology of Worship in the Old Testament, Brian Whittle
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Luther's Teaching of "Faith" in his Catechisms, Randy Asburry
August Vilmar's Theology of Fact Versus the Theology of Rhetoric, Martin Conkling
Suspended Endings in Ancient Literature-A Context for the Evaluation of the Ending of Mark's Gospel, David Lewis
Der Grund Der Seligkeit Luther's Evangelical & Christological Method of Distinguishing Doctrine Within the Early Church Councils & Fathers, Jeffrey Meyers
Διαθήκη In the Lord's Supper and the Lord's Supper's Liturgy in Luther and the Lutheran Tradition, Chuck Ramsey
Suffering and Eschatology in light of an Exegetical Study of 2 Thessalonians 1:4-5, Richard Shields
The Function of the Questions "How Long?" and "Why?" Addressed to God in the Lament Psalms, Robert Shreckhise
How Can the Ancient Greek Translations of the Song of the Suffering Servant, Michael Walther
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
The Reign of Christ and the Mission of the Church, William Eickhoff
An Examination of the Theology of Blessing as Found in the Book of Job, Charles Fox
Contextualization A Development of a Theology and Examination of its Application, David Meggers
Ransomed/Redeemed - At What Price A Study of the λυτρον Group of Words, Frederick Schmitt
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The Organic and Dynamic Relationship of Justification and Sanctification for Christian Faith and Life in Reformation Soteriology, Seon-Dae Chae
A Study of the Influence of C. F. W. Walther on the Norwegian Synod, Michael Dorner
Jerome on Virginity: An Analysis of St. Jerome's Position on Consecrated Virginity and Celibacy and their Relation to Marriage, Daniel Kempin
The Arrest of Jesus: An Exegesis of Matthew 26:47-56, Michael Schmidt
Ministratores Verbi in Fidem Remissionis Gospel and Ministry in Luther's Writings to 1520, William Schumacher
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Mariology in the Roman Catholic Magisterium since the Second Vatican Council, David Mahsman
Luther and Zwingli on the Righteousness of God, lIars Plume
Theses/Dissertations from 1978
Christology and the Cleansing of the Temple: Integrating Biblical and Dogmatic Theology, Gerhard Bode