Content Posted in 2016
53 - is there anything outside of God's control?, Joel Okamoto
53 - What does the Forumla say regarding "adiaphora"?, Lawrence Rast
53 - What does the word sect mean?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
53 - What is an outline of Isaiah 58 through 66?, Daniel Gard
53 - What is an overview of the book of Acts?, Jeffrey Oschwald
53 - What other Lutheran synods existed in America in the 19th century?, William Schumacher
53 - What role does law and gospel play in sermon delivery?, Carl Fickenscher
53 - Who were the Jesuits?, Cameron MacKenzie
53 - Why do the creeds make reference to the burial of Jesus?, David Scaer
54 - Are sanctification and perfectionism the same thing?, Leopoldo Sánchez
54 - Has Christ completed his work?, David Scaer
54 - How can the marriage of Israel be understood in light of the church?, Daniel Gard
54 - How would a pastor analyze the liturgy?, James Brauer
54 - Is evil no longer a real problem for Christians?, Joel Okamoto
54 - Is there significance in the fact that the people repeat their oath to do all that the LORD has commanded?, David Adams
54 - Was the encounter of Paul with Jesus on the road to Demascus truly a conversion?, Jeffrey Oschwald
54 - Was the Missouri Synod the only confessional church in America at the time?, William Schumacher
54 - What does Jesus mean when he says on the cross "it is finished"?, David Lewis
54 - What does the Formula say about the doctrine of predestination?, Lawrence Rast
54 - What principles guided the confessors on which parts of church practice to keep?, Charles Arand
54 - What role did politicians play in preserving the Roman church?, Cameron MacKenzie
54 - Who does the preaching and administering of the Sacraments in the church?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
55 - Does Isaiah have anything to say about the future beyond our present age?, Daniel Gard
55 - How are building blocks used in a service like matins or morning prayer?, James Brauer
55 - How can Paul claim to be an apostle?, Jeffrey Oschwald
55 - How different is the ministry of pastors today from that of the apostles?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
55 - How does the two kinds of righteousness aid in understanding our standing before God and before our neighbor?, Leopoldo Sánchez
55 - What kinds of issues did English-speaking confessional Lutherans face in America?, William Schumacher
55 - What relation is there between christology and baptism?, David Scaer
55 - Why did the Israelites return to the worship of the gods of Egypt after all the LORD had done for them?, David Adams
55 - Why does John mention water and blood coming from Jesus' pierced side?, David Lewis
55 - Why is there confusion over the number of Sacraments?, Charles Arand
55 - Why should the Lutheran church continue to exist today?, Lawrence Rast
56 - Does the Synodical Conference still exist today?, Lawrence Rast
56 - How does the distinction between two Sacrifices in the Apology help us understand the Lord's Supper?, Leopoldo Sánchez
56 - How do the building blocks of worship shape the divine service?, James Brauer
56 - Is there a connection between Isaiah and the hope that we have in the risen Christ?, Daniel Gard
56 - Is there a proper way to honor the saints?, Charles Arand
56 - What are the requirements to fill the office of the ministry?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
56 - What is the significance of the Baptism of Jesus?, David Scaer
56 - What is the substance of the Romans debate?, Jeffrey Oschwald
56 - Why is the emphasis on Moses rather than Israel in aftermath of the golden calf episode?, David Adams
57 - How did the building blocks of worship form the individual confession and absolution in Lutheran worship?, James Brauer
57 - How does prayer function?, Leopoldo Sánchez
57 - Is the Tent of Meeting of chapter 33 the same as the Tent of Meeting associated with the Tabernacle?, David Adams
57 - Was the issue faced by Paul over justification by faith the same as the issue faced by Luther?, Jeffrey Oschwald
57 - What meaning does the quest of the historical Jesus have for christology?, David Scaer
57 - What place do non-ordained and alternate route people have in relation to the call?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
57 - What was the predestination controversy?, Lawrence Rast
57 - Why were the Smalcald Articles needed?, Charles Arand
58 - Does the Jesus Seminar have a place in the quest for the historical Jesus?, David Scaer
58 - How are the concepts of "lex orande, lex credende" illustrated in Lutheran worship?, James Brauer
58 - How was it that a secular group took up the matter of what to say at a church council?, Charles Arand
58 - What are the roles of commissioned ministers?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
58 - What does Jesus mean when he talks about forgiving and binding sins in John 20?, David Lewis
58 - What other ethnic Lutherans came to the United States?, Lawrence Rast
58 - What place do the gifts of the Spirit have in the church today?, Leopoldo Sánchez
58 - Where does Paul develop his doctrine of justification by faith alone in his writings?, Jeffrey Oschwald
59 - How does a pastor connect gifts of the Spirit to the person of the Holy Spirit?, Leopoldo Sánchez
59 - How do the confessional principles help us with questions of place and furnishings for worship?, James Brauer
59 - Is what Mormons believe about Jesus different from the Lutheran belief?, David Scaer
59 - Was Luther near death at the time of the writing of the Smalcald Articles?, Charles Arand
59 - Were Lutherans in America ever able to get along?, Lawrence Rast
59 - What constitutes an emergency in ministry?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
59 - What does it mean that Moses was only able to see the back of God?, David Adams
59 - What does the term sanctification mean for Paul?, Jeffrey Oschwald
59 - Why is there yet another chapter in John after the close of chapter 20?, David Lewis
5th Annual Lecture: Unión, Reunión, y Comunión: Latino/a Religious Diversity and the Wager of Ecumenical Communion, María Teresa Dávila and Leopoldo Sanchez
60 - Can spiritual gifts be distinguished between other talents and gifts?, Leopoldo Sánchez
60 - How can a good God hold descendents responsible for the sins of their fathers?, David Adams
60 - How do the confessional principles guide decisions about artwork in worship spaces?, James Brauer
60 - What does Paul say about the last things?, Jeffrey Oschwald
60 - What does the church year have to do with christology?, David Scaer
60 - What is role or the first chief article of the Smalcald Articles?, Charles Arand
60 - What is the purpose of the miraculous catch of fish in John 21?, David Lewis
60 - What role do local congregations have in the call process?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
60 - When did the LCMS become English-speaking?, William Schumacher
61 - Did Luther and Melanchthon agree in their views on the papacy?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
61 - How did the Missouri Synod grow after its founding?, William Schumacher
61 - How do Luther's observations about music help pastors, congregations, and musicians in our time?, James Brauer
61 - How important is the laying on of hands at an ordination?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
61 - Just how is Jesus present in the church today?, David Scaer
61 - What is gnosticism?, Jeffrey Oschwald
61 - What is the proper Christian attitude towards the poor and the needy?, Leopoldo Sánchez
61 - Why does the Gospel of John end as it does, and what is the significance of the ending?, David Lewis
61 - Why is there not another covenant ceremony in Exodus?, David Adams
62 - How do the confessional principles assist with choices about music for worship?, James Brauer
62 - How is enthusiasm the basis of all heresy for Luther?, Charles Arand
62 - What advice do the Confessions have for pastors?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
62 - What developments occurred in the LCMS during the first half of the 20th century?, William Schumacher
62 - What did the Tabernacle actually look like?, David Adams
62 - Why does Ephesians sound so different from other Pauline letters?, Jeffrey Oschwald
62 - Why do Lutherans talk about justification so much?, David Maxwell
63 - Are the subjects of church and ministry important to the LCMS?, Lawrence Rast
63 - Does Luther imply that a believer loses the Holy Spirit every time they sin?, Charles Arand
63 - What did Luther have in mind when he encouraged hymns to be written?, James Brauer
63 - What differences exist among Lutherans with respect to polity?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
63 - What does it mean to attain righteousness?, David Maxwell
63 - Why does Exodus end with the account of the Tabernacle?, David Adams
63 - Why do some think that Ephesians was not originally written to the church in Ephesus?, Jeffrey Oschwald
64 - How are hymns useful in our services?, James Brauer
64 - How did 16th century Lutherans overcome the difficulty of finding bishops to ordain their pastors?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
64 - Is America really a Christian nation?, David Maxwell
64 - What are the prominent themes present in Exodus?, David Adams
64 - What happened to the LCMS during the 1970s?, Lawrence Rast
64 - What made Paul joyful in Philippians?, Jeffrey Oschwald
64 - Who are the priesthood of all believers and what is their role?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
65 - Do the documents discussed serve as a roadmap for eccumenical relations today?, Charles Arand
65 - How do individual congregations relate to the Synod (in German)?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
65 - How do we attain righteousness?, David Maxwell
65 - How have the text and tunes styles of hymns changed over the centuries?, James Brauer
65 - What does the Lutheran landscape look like today?, Lawrence Rast and William Schumacher
65 - Why was a letter like Philemon included in the canon?, Jeffrey Oschwald
66 - How does the pastor stand as a person in contrast to his members?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
66 - How well do the Lutheran hymnals reflect the long tradition of hymnody in the church?, James Brauer
66 - Why does AC IV say that righteousness does not come from our own work?, David Maxwell
66 - Why would Paul have written the pastoral epistles?, Jeffrey Oschwald
67 - Can one invite Jesus into their heart with the help of the Holy Spirit?, David Maxwell
67 - What does Paul say about the office of the pastor in his letters?, Jeffrey Oschwald
67 - When a pastor speaks, whose voice is speaking?, Klaus Detlev Schulz
67 - Which hymns are the most useful to Lutherans and which are the least useful?, James Brauer
68 - How does Paul's view of ministry fit with the idea of the priesthood of all believers?, Peter Scaer
68 - What musical style changes have occurred for hymns in the LCMS in the last fifty years?, James Brauer
68 - What Scripture passages present the doctrine of justification?, David Maxwell
69 - Are any of Paul's statements in his letters simply cultural?, Peter Scaer
69 - How should one go about choosing hymns for special occasions?, James Brauer
69 - What does grace mean?, David Maxwell
6th Annual Lecture: The New Latino Generations: Caught Between Two Worlds, Victor Rodriguez, Leopoldo Sanchez, and William Schumacher
70 - Does God just pretend we are righteous?, David Maxwell
70 - What drove Luther to reform the Latin mass?, James Brauer
70 - What was the cause of the problems of the church in Corinth?, Peter Scaer
71 - How did Luther's Latin mass illustrate the principles of the Lutheran confessions?, James Brauer
71 - Should one be concerned over what goes on in the Christian heart?, David Maxwell
71 - Who wrote Hebrews?, Peter Scaer
72 - How did Luther's Latin mass use music?, James Brauer
72 - Why is Revelation so different?, Jeffrey Oschwald
72 - Why should one do good works?, David Maxwell
73 - Is the genre of Revelation apocalypse?, Jeffrey Oschwald
73 - What did Luther want to accomplish with his German Mass?, James Brauer
73 - Why does the AC add the phrase "for Christ's sake"?, David Maxwell
74 - How can one teach a proper approach to Revelation?, Jeffrey Oschwald
74 - How is the Lutheran understanding of atonement related to AC IV?, David Maxwell
74 - What does Luther's German mass teach us about using music in worship?, James Brauer
75 - Did Christ die for everyone?, David Maxwell
75 - What does the Bible say about the Lord's Supper?, Peter Scaer
75 - What influence did Luther's reforms have on the liturgy in other German territories?, James Brauer
76 - How have Luther's reforms influenced the liturgy and hymnody within the LCMS?, James Brauer
76 - What does the New Testament teach about infant baptism?, Peter Scaer
76 - Why do we need a Savior who is both God and man?, David Maxwell
77 - Do we always have to preach about the cross?, David Maxwell
77 - How did the Lutheran Hymnal come to have the common service, and is the same found in Lutheran Worship?, James Brauer
77 - Where is the Office of the Keys found in the New Testament?, Peter Scaer
78 - What is faith?, David Maxwell
78 - What other major influences were there for the liturgies of Lutheran Worship?, James Brauer
79 - How can we approach the cultural dimensions of worship in a congregation?, James Brauer
79 - Why is faith righteousness?, David Maxwell
7th Annual Lecture: Dealing with Culture in Theological Formation, Greg Klotz and Leopoldo Sanchez
80 - How can pastors approach cultural dimensions in worship within their congregations?, James Brauer
80 - Why do we speak of justification by faith alone?, David Maxwell
81 - How does Luther's German mass demonstrate the use of dynamic equivalents?, James Brauer
81 - How should one understand justification in light of James?, David Maxwell
82 - How does one analyze one's congregation's cultural dimensions in a beneficial way?, James Brauer
82 - How does one obtain faith?, David Maxwell
83 - How can we apply cultural analysis to pastoral choices within liturgies?, James Brauer
83 - Is being sorry for sins a part of being forgiven?, David Maxwell
84 - Can one be saved by keeping the Law?, David Maxwell
84 - What are some of the current trends in worship within LCMS congregations?, Arthur Just and James Brauer
85 - Is believing an action?, David Maxwell
86 - Does Jesus measure faith?, David Maxwell
87 - Why are some saved and not others?, David Maxwell
88 - How does one know they are elect?, David Maxwell
89 - Is it possible for the elect to fall away from faith?, David Maxwell
8th Annual Lecture: Foundations for a Biblical Theology of Immigration, Daniel Carroll Rodas
90 - How can one present the doctrine of election to people?, David Maxwell
91 - Why is justification the article by which the church stands or falls?, David Maxwell
92 - Do other churches agree with Lutherans on justification?, David Maxwell
93 - Has progress been made on a Lutheran and Catholic agreement on the matter of justification?, David Maxwell
94 - What is the intersection between christology and AC IV?, David Maxwell and David Scaer
9th Annual Lecture: The Sense of Community Among Hispanic Latinos and the Future of the Church in the USA, Giácomo Cassese
A Biblical Understanding of Women in Ministry: An Investigation of I Timothy 2:8-15, Jerry L. Moan
Abortion, John Klotz
Academic review committee, David Schmiel
A Case Study of Challenges Foreign-born Church Leaders Face in Establishing Multicultural Churches in the United States, Josef A. Howard
A Catholic Appreciation of Martin Luther for Theology and Life, Jared Wicks
A Century of Catholic Mission Roman Catholic Missiology 1910 to the Present, Stephan Bevans
A Comparison of the Ecclesiology of Representatives of the Lutheran and Helvetic Reformers, Chun Kwan Lee
A confessional Lutheran response to the evangelical analysis and solutions, Jacob Preus
A confessional Lutheran theology of fellowship in the modern world: problems and challenges, Ralph Bohlmann
A discussion of his book "Reclaiming patterns of pastoral ministry", Jonathan Grothe
Adopt-A-Student - An interview with Eric Hutchinson, Dale Meyer and Eric Hutchinson
A Exegetical Study of Hebrews 6:4-6: Apostasy and Renewal to Repentance, Don Wiley
A festival of the hymns of Martin Franzmann, Arthur Just
A foreign perspective on the future of the American church, Raymond Wong
African American Lutheran Hymnal supplement, John Nunes
Age wave: implications for the church, Shirley Bergman
A Hermeneutical and Exegetical Evaluation of Contextualization in Light of John 1:14, Steven J. Schneider
A Historical and Theological Examination of the Resurrections of the Saints in Matthew 27:51-53, John Thomas Frawley
Alcoholism and drug abuse, Martin Haendschke
A Learning Missional Church Reflections from Young Missiologists, Beate Fagerli, Knud Jorgensen, Rolv Olsen, and Kari Storstein Haug
A Literary-Theological Study Of the Nations in Isaiah 56-66, Matthew Jeremy Lynch
Alumni jubilarian service, Edwin Weber
Alumni reunion closing worship service, Ralph Bohlmann
Alumni Testimonial, Tim Carter
American Lutheran Hymnody, Carl Schalk
An Analysis of Paul's Usage of Five Words for Power, Kurt H. Gebhards
An Analysis of the Anthropological Christology of Wolfhart Pannenberg, Anthony R. Watson
An Analysis of the Pre-Pauline Formula in 1 Corinthians 15: 3b-5, Jay Smith
Ancient Books In the News, Jeffrey Kloha
And who shall hear their cry?: Sermon on abortion, Karl Barth
An Evaluation of China's Three Self Patriotic Movement in the Reform Era: Affinities and Differences with its Counterpart Under Mao, Kwuang-Fo Kurt Teng
An Evaluation of George Lindbeck's Theory of Doctrinal Truth, Joshua Paul Winn
An Evaluation of the Homiletic of Some Emerging Church Pastors, Timothy James Titus
A New Paradigm for Pastoral Care: An Interactive Application of Ephesians 4:11-15, Tim R. Watson
An Exegesis and Theology of the Creation Decree in Genesis 1:26-28 and its Poetic Amplification in Psalm 8, Paul DeWitt Garrison
An Exegetical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 11:4-6, Martin Tuohy
An Exegetical and Theological Study of Habakkuk 2:4-5, Waldemar N. Neufeld
An Exposition of the Book of Titus with a Missiological Perspective, Roger G. Johansen
An Interview with Matthew West, Matthew West and Dale Ward
An Interview with Philip Towner, American Bible Society, Dale Meyer and Philip Towner
Antichrist: Has The Biblical Evidence Been Left Behind? - High Quality, Charles Gieschen and Reed Lessing
Anticipating and planning for change: antidote for inertia, John O'Hara
An updated report on the state of the synod, Alvin Barry
Any Luther without Augustine?, Henry Chadwick
A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 7:1-24, Jaideep S. Taluja
A Rhetorical-Literary Analysis of Amos 1:3-2:16: A Roll Call of Judgment Against the Nations, J. Dewayne Crawford
Articulating the Gospel according to different Christian traditions, Millard Erickson, Theodore Stylianopoulos, Avery Dulles, and J. Reumann
Articulating the Gospel in American Evangelicalism and Orthodoxy, Millard Erickson
Articulating the Gospel in Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism, Avery Dulles and John Reumann
Asian ministry in a pluralistic society, Leonard Harms
Asia visitation 1991: theological education centers, L Dean Hempelmann and Wayne Schmidt
Ask the president, number one, Ralph Bohlmann
Ask the president, number two, Ralph Bohlmann
A Statement of scriptural and confessional principles, Samuel Nafzger
A Study of Wholistic Ministry Factors that Contributed to the Effectiveness of Mission Among the Karayu Oromo of Ethiopia, Solomon Endashaw Yadessa
Augsburg Confession - Article 14 - Interview with Charles Arand, Dale Meyer and Charles Arand
Augustana V is it still useful for a Lutheran doctrine of the ministry?, David Scaer
Augustine and the Justification Debates: Did Calvin Step Too Far in the Right Direction?, Gerald Hiestand
Augustine & Barth's Views of Evil: Theodicy in Postmodern Context, John Louis Schaaf
Australian Lutheran College - An Interview with Dr. Michael Hassold, Dale Meyer and Michael Hassold
A Word, Syntactical, Narrative and Contextual Analysis of Matthew 8:23-27, Alex Smith
A worldwide view of missions, Edward Wescott
[Bach at the Sem] 10th Anniversary Year, Robert Bergt
[Bach at the Sem] February 19, 2006, Robert Bergt
Baptism and Sacramental Method in Martin Luther, Richard James Serina
Basics: What Causes Suicide?, Richard Marrs
Bible in Mission, Pauline Hoggarth, Fergus Macdonald, Bill Mitchell, and Knud Jorgensen
Bible lectures, Alfred Sauer and Horace Hummel
Bible lectures Tape 2, Alfred Sauer and Horace Hummel
Biblical Counseling and Culture: Addressing Cross-Cultural Challenges in Counseling, Theodore E. Knox
Biblical counseling and referral issues, Leslie Fyans
Bioethical issues, John Klotz
Bioethical issues, John Klotz
Bioethical issues, John Klotz
Bio-ethics/pastoral ministry, John Klotz
Boldness before God, Ronald Feuerhahn
Bonhoeffer and Kristallnacht, Eberhard Bethge
Burmese Nationalism and Christianity in Myanmar: Christian Identity and Witness in Myanmar Today, Zam Khat Kham
Call Day 2009 Call Service, Ray Mirly and Robert Hoehner
Call Day 2009 Vicarage Service, Gerhard Michael and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2010 Call Service, Glen Thomas and Robert Hoehner
Call Day 2010 Vicarage Service, David Bueltmann and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2011 Call Service, Matthew Harrison and Robert Hoehner
Call Day 2011 Vicarage Assignment Service, Russell Sommerfeld and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2012 Call Service, Jon Diefenthaler and Robert Hoehner
Call Day 2012 Vicarage Assignment Service, Keith Kohlmeier and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2013 Call Service, Daniel Gilbert and Wayne Knolhoff
Call Day 2013 Vicarage Assignment Service, Donald Fondow and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2014 Call Service, Russell Sommerfeld and Wayne Knolhoff
Call Day 2014 Vicarage Assignment Service, Dale Sattgast and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2015 Call Service, Carl Krueger and Wayne Knolhoff
Call Day 2015 Vicarage Assignment Service, Ray Mirly and Glenn Nielsen
Call Day 2016 Call Service, Dean Nadasdy and Wayne Knolhoff
Call Day 2016 Vicarage Assignment Service, John Denninger and Glenn Nielsen
Called To Be Human Lecture, Carl Feit and Uwe Siemon-Netto
Called To Be Human Q and A, Uwe Siemon-Netto, Carl Feit, and David Adams
Called to Unity For the Sake of Mission, John Gibaut and Knud Jorgensen
Campus ministry, Robert Lange
Can God spread a table in the wilderness?, Martin Scharlemann
Capstone of the catechism: the Lord's prayer as the cry of faith, Charles Arand
Catch the age wave, Walter Schoedel
Catecheses: what does this mean and how is this done, Arthur Just
Center for Hispanic Studies Placement Service, Leopoldo Sanchez and Mark Kempff
Certification and counseling process, Joseph Barbour and David Smith
Challenge of urbanization to mission thinking and strategy, Raymond Bakke
Changes and trends affecting the LCMS, Ralph Bohlmann
Changes in eastern Europe, David Daniel
Chapter 01, James Voelz
Chapter 02, James Voelz
Chapter 03.H, James Voelz
Chapter 03.I, James Voelz
Chapter 04.I, James Voelz
Chapter 05.C, James Voelz
Chapter 06.D, James Voelz
Chapter 06.E, James Voelz
Chapter 07.D, James Voelz
Chapter 07.E, James Voelz
Chapter 08.F, James Voelz
Chapter 09.E, James Voelz
Chapter 10.F, James Voelz
Chapter 11.G, James Voelz
Chapter 12.C, James Voelz
Chapter 13.K, James Voelz
Chapter 14.E, James Voelz
Chapter 15.C, James Voelz
Chapter 16.F, James Voelz
Chapter 17.C, James Voelz
Chapter 18.E, James Voelz
Chapter 19.C, James Voelz
Chapter 20.H, James Voelz
Chapter 21.H, James Voelz
Chapter 22.C, James Voelz
Chapter 23.H, James Voelz
Chapter 24.E, James Voelz
Chapter 25.D, James Voelz
Chapter 26.D, James Voelz
Chapter 27.C, James Voelz
Chapter 28.I, James Voelz
Chapter 29.C, James Voelz
Chapter 30.E, James Voelz
Chapter 31.E, James Voelz
Chapter 32.H, James Voelz
Chapter 33.E, James Voelz
Chapter 34.E, James Voelz
Chapter 35.E, James Voelz
Chapter 36.F, James Voelz
Chapter 37.G, James Voelz
Chapter 38.G, James Voelz
Chapter 39.E, James Voelz
Chapter 40.E, James Voelz
Chapter 41.F, James Voelz
Chapter 42.D, James Voelz
Charismata and the LC-MS: an exegetical presentation with a student response by Chris Cahill, H. Armin Moellering and Chris Cahill
Charismata and the LC-MS: with a student response by Fred Schap, Samuel Nafzger and Fred Schap
China missions, Henry Rowold
Christ, Church, and World: A Christological Ecclesiology for Post-Christendom, Theodore Hopkins
Christians and culture: finding place in Clio's mansions, Robert Rosin
Christian unity and union, William Schmelder
Christ in the Old Testament Tape 1, Arthur Graudin
Christ in the Old Testament Tape 2, Arthur Graudin
Christ in the Old Testament Tape 3, Arthur Graudin
Christ on our lips, Christ in our hearts: ritual beyond the Eucharist, Arthur Just
Church and ministry issues in writing confessional Lutheran dogmatics, Kurt Marquart
Church growth symposium: greeting and introduction, Elmer Matthias
Church membership initiative, Alan Klaas
Church & State - An Interview with Rev. William Hecht, Dale Meyer and William Hecht
Close or closed communion, Richard Warneck
Commonalities of growing churches, Wayne Pohl
Communication in new horizons, Dennis Bauer
Community Cohesiveness as a Factor in Successful Urban Outreach., James Carl Tino
Concordia at Christ Lutheran Church: Introducing the Lutheran Confessions to a Lutheran Congregation, Philip G. Quardokus
Concordia Publishing House - an Interview with Bruce Kintz, Dale Meyer and Bruce Kintz
Concordia Seminary, Jeffrey Kloha
Concordia Seminary commencement address, Samuel Goltermann
Concordia Seminary magazine | Spring 2016, Jeffrey Kloha
Concordia Seminary magazine | Winter 2016, Jeffrey Kloha
Concordia Seminary on "The Journal", Dale Meyer, John Loum, Leoplodo Sanchez, and Ruth McDonnell
Confessing Christ before the world: 16th century views of Augsburg, 1530, Robert Kolb
Connecting archaeology and the Holy Scriptures, Rudolph Dornemann
Contemporary Lutheran views on justification, H. Richard Klann and Richard Warneck
Contemporary worship and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, James Brauer
Contemporary worship: worship dialogue, James Brauer, Darwin Karsten, William Cwirla, and Dawn Rathman
Continuing Education, Tony Cook
Convention address, Jacob Preus and August Mennicke
Convocation at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, December 12, 1985, Ralph Bohlmann
Council of Lutheran Ministries, un known
Counseling and personal growth, Gary Schaper and Joseph Barbour
Creation: how did it all begin?, Arthur Graudin
Creation Vs Evolution Part 1, David Menton and Christian Tiews
Creation Vs Evolution Part 2, David Menton
Creation Vs Evolution Part 3, David Menton
Creation Vs Evolution Part 4, David Menton
Cross-cultural understandings and Black outreach, Emmanuel McCall
CTCR evangelism and church growth document, Samuel Nafzger
Cultural Hermeneutics: A Case Study in Reading Scripture, James Voelz, Will Main, Kou Seying, and John Loum
Cultural Perspectives: Theology and Anthropology, William Schumacher
Current problems in the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod” December 5, 1974, Francis Schaeffer
Currents 2010 Like Dandelion Dust - Bobby Downes, Bobby Downes
Curriculum Formation - An Interview with Dr. Paul Robinson, Dale Meyer and Paul Robinson
Curriculum review forum, Andrew Bartelt
Deaconesses, the church, and you, Kristin Wassilak and Sara Nordling
Deaf ministry, Rodney Rynearson
Dec. 16 - Third Convocation, Erik Herrmann and Anthony Cook
Deciphering the Da Vinci Code - An Interview with Dr. Paul Maier, Dale Meyer and Paul Maier
Deconstruction, Hermeneutics, and the Book of Job: A Comparative Analysis and Critique of Two Deconstructive Readings of the Epilogue (42:7-17), Alexander Duncan MacLean
Deepening your worship life Lesson Five, Wayne Schmidt
Deepening your worship life Lesson Four, Wayne Schmidt
Deepening your worship life Lesson One, Wayne Schmidt
Deepening your worship life Lesson Six, Wayne Schmidt
Deepening your worship life Lesson Three, Wayne Schmidt
Deepening your worship life Lesson Two, Wayne Schmidt
Delivering the sermon, Karl Barth
Denominational strategies for growth, Win Arn
De Trinitae: catechetical contours, Charles Arand
Devotional classics resources for devotional life, H. Armin Moellering
Discipline in the liturgy : adiaphora, Arthur Piepkorn
Discover America: a new mission field, Barry Hughey, Roberto Gonzalez, David Elseroad, and Mark Wessling
District President address, David Benke
District President in residence address, David Buegler
Diversity and Unity in a Multicultural Church, Kou Seying
Divine Service ... forgiveness of sins, John Pless
Doctrine as Pastoral Care at Bethel Lutheran, Gurnee, Illinois, to Support Members Who are in Multi-Denominational Settings, Benjamin Squires
Doctrine of the call: the Biblical foundation and theological significance, Karl Barth
Doctrine of the ministry, Karl Barth
Doctrine of the ministry, Karl Barth
Doctrine of the ministry is unity possible or do Lutherans have to live with diversity?, Norman Nagel
Doctrine of the ministry is unity possible or do Lutherans have to live with diversity?, Norman Nagel
Donatism, Augustine, and Augustana VIII, William Weinrich
Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury Chair of New Testament Theology Annual Lecture, James Voelz, Jeffery Kloha, and Jack Kingsbury
Dr. Jeffrey Kloha's Lecture, Jeffrey Kloha
Dr. Jeffrey Oschwald's Lecture, Jeffrey Oschwald
Dr. Kolb explains why the Apostle's Creed is in the catechism and why it is important for the Christian life., Robert Kolb
Dynamics of multiple staff ministry, Mark Degner
Early Trinitarianism in the Apostolic Fathers: A Comparative Study of 1 Clement and the Ignatian Corpus, Kyuhong Hwang
Ecumenism : an archbishop's perspective, Justin Rigali
Education and the liturgy, Wayne Schmidt
Effective minority ministry in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Richard Dickinson
Effective preaching, Karl Barth
Effective Urban Congregations: A Study of Ministry Factors That Contribute to the Effectiveness of a Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod Urban Congregation, Yohannes A. Mengsteab
ELCA sex statement, Robert Benne
Eleven hundred voices for our Redeemer's praise, Walter Maier
Embracing LIFE in Ministry, Heidi Goehmann
Embracing Life Lecture Part 1, Heidi Goehmann
Embracing Life Lecture Part 2, Heidi Goehmann
Embracing Life Lecture Part 3, Heidi Goehmann
Embracing Life Lecture Part 4, Heidi Goehmann
Embracing Life Listening Guide, Heidi Goehmann
Engaging the World Christian Communities in Contemporary Global Societies, Afeosemime U. Adogame, Janice McLean, and Anderson Jeremiah
Enhancing Integration of Psychological and Theological Reflection on Caregiving Practice: Implications for CPE Curricula, David R. Jenkins
Epistemological Studies in the Thought of Martin Luther Concentrating on Faith, Reason and Certainty, K. David Kragen
Equipping Christians with Effective Evangelism Strategies for Arab Shi'a Muslims in North America, Elie B. Hasbani
Equipping God's people for His mission Tape 1, John Elliott
Equipping God's people for His mission Tape 2, John Elliott
Equipping God's people for His mission Tape 3, John Elliott
Equipping God's people for His mission Tape 4 Missing ending, John Elliott
Equipping God's people for His mission Tape 5, John Elliott
Equipping God's people for His mission Tape 6, John Elliott
Erin Bode & the Themba Girls, Erin Bode, Matthew Harrison, Dale Ward, and Albert Collver
Essays of Hermann Sasse, Norman. Nagel
Establishing a climate in your church for effective outreach, Richard Dickinson
Etymology and Usage as Clues to the Meaning of the Hebrew Term KPR, Charles Rhine
Evaluating the Reading Choris Theou in Hebrews 2:9 in Light of Patristic Evidence, Krista M. Miller
Evangelical and Frontier Mission Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel, Beth Snodderly and A. Scott Moreau
Evangelicalism : the problems it addresses, the solutions it gives, Nathan Hatch
Evangelism and church growth: LCMS viewpoint., Jacob Preus
Evangelism and church growth: LCMS viewpoint., Jacob Preus
Evening Prayer., unknown unknown
Existentialism and its role in deconstructionist thought, Gene Veith
Expressing the Gospel in today's world, Dale Meyer
Facing crises in the pastor's life program, Martin Haendschke
Faculty Formation - An Interview with Dr. James Voelz, Dale Meyer and James Voelz
Faith and revelation, Fred Kramer
‘Faith Credited as Righteousness’ An Evaluation of N.T. Wright’s Perspectives on Justification Through Paul’s Use of Psalms 32 in Romans 4, Michael E. Erickson
Faithful Witness in Marginality and Hospitality, Leopoldo Sánchez
Faithful Witness in Work and Rest, William Schumacher
Fighting for end of the (Christian) World, Timothy Furnish
Fire Starters: A Comparative Study of the Lives and Reforms of Martin Luther and Alexander Campbell, Russell Dean Burbank
Five Things Not to Say at a Funeral - An Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, Dale Meyer and Jeffrey Gibbs
Formulating an Effective Means of Bringing More Adult Males into Active Participation in the Church, Nicholas Salifu
Foundations for church growth in the LC-MS, Win Arn
Foundations for Mission, Emma Wild-Wood and Peniel Rajkumar
Free Will in Clement of Alexandria, Origen of Alexandria, Methodius of Olympus and Athanasius of Alexandria, Luis Joshua Salés
From here to eternity: mobilizing God's people for mission, John Mueller
From Saxony to St. Louis, Roy Suelflow
Galatians, linguistics, and modern hermeneutics, Moises Silva
Genesis 17:9-14: An Exegetical and Theological Study of the Relation of Circumcision to the Covenant, Steven Benton
Genetic Manipulation - An Interview with Dr. Robert Weise, Dale Meyer and Robert Weise
Genius of Luther- An Interview with Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb, Dale Meyer, Robert Kolb, and Charles Arand
Germany's Future - An Islamic Republic?, Kirchenrat Albrecht Hauser
Global Diasporas and Mission, Chandler Im and Amos Yong
Global Nomads: Identity and Assimilation of 1.5 and second- generation Ethiopians in the United States, Tesfai Zeleke Tesema
Goals for the Synod, Ralph Bohlmann
God's revelation and communication to men, Fred Kramer
God's revelation in Christ and communication to all men, Fred Kramer
God's revelation through "Tat-Wort" and "Rede-Wort", Fred Kramer
Going to Make Disciples: An Examination of the Lives and Work of American Lutheran Women in Mission During The Early and Mid Twentieth Century, Laura E. Strietelmeier
Gospel Encounter With Subaltern India , Stanish Stanley
Grace Place Class 1, Darrell Zimmerman and John Eckrich
Gratia Pro Gratia: Augustine's Doctrine of Grace, Matthew James Gore
Greetings from Consul-general Wolfgang Drautz, Wolfgang Drautz
Growing close under stress, Joseph Barbour
Growth through groups, Stephen Wagner
Guideposts for appropriate music in worship of God, Robert Bergt
Has Luther a Future in Germany?, Jobst Schoene
Health and wellness of pastors, Bruce Hartung
Health: What is it?, Martin Scharlemann
Henry VIII : defender of the faith?, Peter Brooks
He Qi In His Art, He Qi and Travis Scholl
He Qi In His Time, He Qi, Travis Scholl, Christopher Born, and Eric Stancliff
He Qi In His Words, He Qi and Travis Scholl
He Qi In the News, He Qi
He Qi - Mandarin Interview, He Qi and Christopher Born
Here Am I ... Send Me?, Paul Heerboth
High integrity ministry in an insane world, John Messmann
Hindutva Nationalism and Civil Government in India: Towards a Theology of Engagement from Luther’s Two Realm Perspective, Sam Thompson
Historical reflections on the Walkout, Jacob Preus
History and development of the ministry of the Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ, Erwin Ruhlig
Holiness Unto Whom? John Wesley’s Doctrine of Entire Sanctification in Light of The Two Kinds of Righteousness, John Trinklein
Holistic Formation - An Interview with Dr. Bruce Hartung, Dale Meyer and Bruce Hartung
Holistic Mission God’s Plan for God’s People, Brian Woolnough and Wonsuk Ma
Homosexuality & Ordination - An Interview with Dr. Joel Biermann, Dale Meyer and Joel Biermann
Homosexuality: theological, biological, psychological, William Kirwain
Household Worship, Sung Joon Hong
How Can I as Parish Pastor Make Use of the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness, Gerhard Bode, David Peter, and Richard Marrs
How did it all begin?, John Klotz
How did it all begin?, John Klotz
How did it all begin?, John Klotz
How did it all begin?, John Klotz
How did it all begin?, John Klotz
How did it all begin?, John Klotz
How did the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness get Revived in Our Circle, Gerhard Bode, Robert Kolb, and Charles Arand
How does the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness Help Clarify Grace and Forgiveness, Gerhard Bode, Joel Okamoto, and Timothy Saleska
How does the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness Help Clarify Sanctification, Gerhard Bode, Robert Kolb, and Charles Arand
How do I know when to refer?, Anthony Cook and Richard Marrs
How do I maintain my language skills?, Anthony Cook and Timothy Saleska
How firm a foundation, Ronald Feuerhahn
How the liturgy can hinder the gospel, Eugene Smith
How to introduce liturgical change in the parish, Wayne Schmidt
How to stay alive in the Reserve, Arthur Piepkorn
Implementing family devotions, Darwin Karsten
In Defense of Sola Fide: A Refutation of N. T. Wright's View of Justification, Paul Yoon
Ingria Lutheran Church in Russia - An Interview with Dr. Arri Kugappi, Dale Meyer and Arri Kugappi
In Honor of the Unknown God-Preaching the Character of God in a Post-Christian World, Scott Ardavanis
"In Remembrance of Me": A Critical and Historical Inquiry into the Last Supper and the Words of Institution (Matt 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:15-20; 1 Cor 11 :23-26), Matthew R. Wilson
Institute on Lay Vocation - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
Integrating Theology and Psychology in Pastoral Counseling Practice, David M. Scheider
Interfaith Relations after One Hundred Years: Christian Mission among Other Faiths, Marina Ngursangzeli Behera
Interpreting Qohelet's Contradictions, Richard L. Metzger
Interview with Craig Evans, Jeffrey Kloha and Craig Evans
Interview with J.K. Elliott, Jeffrey Kloha and J. K. Elliott
Interview with John Oswalt, Paul Raabe and John Oswalt
Interview with LCEF President, Richard Robertson, Dale Meyer and Richard Robertson
Interview with Mark Mattes, Beth Hoeltke and Mark Mattes
Interview with Mark Seifrid, Jeffrey Oschwald and Mark Seifrid
Interview with Richard Schultz, Jeffrey Gibbs and Richard Galchutt
In The News - Debt Retirement, Dale Meyer and Kent Burreson
In The News - Patriotic Award, Dale Meyer and Erik Neider
Introduction, Gerhard Bode
Is a synthesis possible? : Can substance and style be separated?, David Luecke and Andrew Bartelt
Issues in the ELCA, H. Anderson
Is the Christian in the Flesh? An Apocalyptic Reading of Galatians 5:16–26, Michael Redeker
Is the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness Biblical, Gerhard Bode, Jeffrey Gibbs, and Timothy Saleska
It's fun to teach Tape 1, Donald Deffner
It's fun to teach Tape 2, Donald Deffner
Jean Baptiste vs. the prodigal, Donald Deffner
Jesus as a Healer: Investigating The Healing Miracles of the Gospel of John and Their Background, Brittany Ann Flowers
Jesus' Eternal Priesthood in Hebrews, Chi Ming Yam
Jesus, Teller of Parables Tape 1, Martin Scharlemann
Jesus, Teller of Parables Tape 2, Martin Scharlemann
Jesus, Teller of Parables Tape 3, Martin Scharlemann
Jesus, The New Temple Mark 11:20–25 in its Narrative Context, Daniel Jeffrey Berge
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 1, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 2, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 3, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 4, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 5, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 6, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and Catholicism : agreement or not? Session 7, Ronald Feuerhahn
Justification and the Active Obedience of Christ: Toward a Biblical Understanding of Imputed Righteousness, Andrew V. Snider
Just words : probing the biblical language of the Gospel, Jacob Preus, Manfred Roensch, George Wollenburg, and Christine Hallemeier
Keynote address, Oswald Hoffmann
Lambdin's Hebrew Vocabulary, Andrew Bartelt
Land of Narnia - An Interview with Dr. Francis Rossow, Dale Meyer and Francis Rossow
Lasting impact of father-daughter relationships, Marsha Somers
Latter-day idols: history and times., Robert Rosin
Law and Gospel according to Chemnitz., Jacob Preus
Law and Gospel according to Chemnitz., Jacob Preus
Law and Gospel according to Luther, Norman. Nagel
Law and Gospel according to Luther., Norman. Nagel
Law and Gospel in counseling and church discipline, Richard Klann
Law and Gospel in difficult Bible texts, Thomas Baker
Law/Gospel and the liturgy, William Schmelder
Law Gospel preaching, Henry Rowold
Law Gospel preaching, Richard Warneck
Law Gospel preaching, Richard Warneck
Law Gospel preaching, Andrew Bartelt
LCMS/ALC fellowship, Samuel Nafzger and William Weiblin
LCMS/ALC fellowship, Samuel Nafzger and William Weiblin
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Brian Friedrich, Dale Meyer and Brian Friedrich
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Charles Winterstein, Dale Meyer and Charles Winterstein
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Don Johnson, Dale Meyer and Don Johnson
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. James Lamb, Dale Meyer and James Lamb
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. John Nunes, Dale Meyer and John Nunes
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Kurt Kreuger, Dale Meyer and Kurt Kreuger
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. L. Dean Hempelmann, Dale Meyer and L Dean Hempelmann
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Patrick Ferry, Dale Meyer and Patrick Ferry
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Robert Holst, Dale Meyer and Robert Holst
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Tilahun Mendedo, Dale Meyer and Tilahun Mendedo
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Tom Cedel, Dale Meyer and Tom Cedel
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Dr. Viji George, Dale Meyer and Viji George
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Howe the Comfort Dog, Dale Meyer and Tim Hetzner
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Janice Wendorf, Dale Meyer and Janice Wendorf
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Mark Heckler, Dale Meyer and Mark Heckler
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Rev. Mark Jeske, Dale Meyer and Mark Jeske
LCMS Conv 2010 An Interview with Rev. Robert Hoehner, Dale Meyer and Robert Hoehner
Leadership training in today's context for tomorrow's harvest, James Costen
Lección 01 - Los Años Formativos de M. Lutero, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 02 - Wittenberg, el Centro de la Reforma, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 03 - Las Indulgencas y el Inicio de la Reforma, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 04 - Las Primeras Reacciones contra Lutero, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 05 - El Debate de Leipzig, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 06 - Las Primeras Medidas de Reforma de la Iglesia, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 07 - La Bula de Excomunión y la Dieta de Worms, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 08 - El Retiro Temporal en Wartburgo, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 09 - Las Controversias Internas, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 10 - Las Controversias Externas: Erasmo de Rótterdam, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 11 - La Vida Personal de M. Lutero, Rubén Dominguez
Lección 12 - La Controversia Sobre la Presencia de Cristo en la Eucaristía y el Establecimiento de la Iglesia Luterana, Rubén Dominguez
Life-Widening Mission Global Perspectives from the Anglican Communion, Cathy Ross
Light for our world: the rich heritage of Lutheran Liturgy Tape 1, James Brauer
Light for our world: the rich heritage of Lutheran Liturgy Tape 2, James Brauer
Liturgical heritage, Bryan Spinks
Liturgical resources for the pastor's devotional life, Charles Knippel
Liturgy and culture, Bryan Spinks
Liturgy as pastoral care, L. Dean Hempelmann
Living in the Promises and Places of God, Charles Arand and Erik Herrmann
Luke's Sermon on the Plain and the Restoration of Israel: Luke 6:12-20 as Prolegomenon, Drew J. Strait
Luther and devotions and prayer, Norman. Nagel
Luther and the Ecumenical Creeds, Hermann Sasse
Lutheran Free Conference : The crisis in American Lutheranism, Robert Sauer, Roy Harrisville, Armin Panning, and Wilhelm Petersen
Lutheran Hour Ministries--opening doors, Eric Van Scyoc
Lutheran merger and the LCMS, William Schmelder
Lutheran merger and the LCMS, William Schmelder
Lutheran merger and the LCMS, William Schmelder
Lutheran Mission Society - An Interview with Dr. Richard Alms, Dale Meyer and Richard Alms
Lutherans and Catholics - Joined Against Postmodern Confusion?, Gregory J. Lockwood
Lutherans Engaging the World: Time to Plant Apple Trees, Robert Rosin
Lutheran theological contributions to church growth, Kent Hunter
Lutheran tradition and the Black culture, James Thomas
Lutheran tradition and the Black culture, James Thomas
Lutheran Worship and your personal devotions, Alfred Fremder
Luther as Pastor and Theologian - Class 1A, Erik Herrmann
Luther as Pastor and Theologian - Class 1B, Erik Herrmann
Luther as Pastor and Theologian - Class 1C, Erik Herrmann
Luther as Pastor/Seelsorger, Robert Kolb
Luther's Deutsche Messe: Instructive Guide for Lutheran Worship, Wayne Schmidt
Luther's Genesis Lectures on the Hidden God Who Reveals Himself, Timothy E. Beck
Luther's liturgical reformation, Norman. Nagel
Luther: uncut and uncensored, Clifford Frederich
Maintaining balance in the pastoral ministry, Joel Biermann
Major Figures Day 01.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 01.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 01.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 02.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 02.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 02.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 03.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 03.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 03.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 04.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 04.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 05.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 05.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 05.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 06.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 06.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 06.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 07.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 07.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 07.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 08.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 08.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 08.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 09.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 09.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 09.C, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 10.A, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Major Figures Day 10.B, Mark Powell and Bruce Schuchard
Male and Female He Created Them, Andrew Bartelt
Marriage of God, Mission of God: A Missiological Paradigm based on the Church as the Bride of Christ Bearing Seed and Producing Fruit, Jr.; Leroy H. Leach
Married at the seminary, Joseph Barbour
Martin Chemnitz's approach to refuting error, Jacob Preus
Martin Luther's Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms: Cultural Defeatism or Theonomic Reconstructionism?, Sang Hyun Woo
Mary as an ecumenical issue, Henry Chadwick
Matthew and Luke's Use of δ Κλαυθμὀs Καἰ ὀ βρυγμὀs Τ̣͂ῶν ὀδντων, Wil Jr. Poteate
Medical ethics : advance directives in medical care, Gilbert Meilaender
Meditatio, Karl Barth
Megatrends in church growth and ministry, Stephen Wagner
Melanchthon the educator, Carl Meyer
Melanchthon the exegete, Frederick Danker
Memories of the walkout, Ralph Bohlmann
Memory and Reconciliation, Miroslav Volf, Jeffrey Kloha, and Erik Herrmann
Messianic prophecies Tape 1, Arthur Graudin
Messianic prophecies Tape 2, Arthur Graudin
Metro missions and God's Word, Karl Barth
Ministry and/or ministries?, Martin Kretzmann
Ministry as a gift from God, Herbert Chilstrom
Ministry ecclesiological and hermeneutical reflections, Karl Donfried
Ministry in a changing neighborhood, Barry Hughey
Ministry today: Homiletical studies for Lent Part 1, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Ministry today: Homiletical studies for Lent Part 2, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Ministry today: Homiletical studies for Lent Part 3, Frederick Danker and George Hoyer
Ministry to Survivors, Bruce Hartung
Ministry to the homosexual, Rodel Eberle
Miracles : fact or fiction, Louis Brighton
Mission and ministry in the trenches, Ulmer Marshall
Mission and Postmodernities, Rolv Olsen, Kajsa Ahlstrand, J. Andrew Kirk, and Tania Petrova
Mission and wholeness, Richard Caemmerer
Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation, Robert Schreiter and Knud Jorgensen
Mission At and From the Margins Patterns, Protagonists and Perspectives, Peniel Rajkumar, Joseph Prabhakar Dayam, and I. P. Asheervadham
Mission Continues Global Impulses for the 21st Century, Claudia Währisch-Oblau and Fidon Mwombeki
Mission development for south-east Asia, Henry Rowold
Mission horizon identification, Charles Manske
Missions opportunities in the third world, Won Ji
Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship, Wonsuk Ma and Kenneth Ross
Missions update, Barry Hughey
Mission Then and Now, David Kerr and Kenneth Ross
Mission Today and Tomorrow, Kim Kirsteen and Andrew Anderson
Modeling a new approach in urban ministry, Frazier Odom
Modern thinking on the Trinity and the eucharistic prayer, Bryan Spinks
Morning praise a service of prayer., unknown unknown
Music and the arts in worship, Robin Leaver
Muslim outreach seminar, Ernest Hahn
Muslim outreach seminar, Ernest Hahn
Muslim outreach seminar, Ernest Hahn
Must I believe everything the Bible says?, H. Richard Klann
Naming God in the contemporary world, David Tracy
Natural order and law in Graeco-Roman thought, Arthur Adkins
New approaches for metro mission, Roberto Rojas
New Testament exegetics and the charismatic movement, Louis Brighton
Nicholas Berdyaev and the new middle ages, James Dye
Norwegian School of Theology - An Intervierw with Dr. Kjell Olav Sannes, Dale Meyer and Kjell Olav Sannes
N.T. Perspectives on Homosexuality - An Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, Dale Meyer and Jeffrey Gibbs
Nurturing the development of the preschool child, Kimberly Kleckner
Nurturing the development of the preschool child, Kimberly Kleckner
O-Antiphon sermons, William Schmelder
Occasions for joy, Lewis Spitz
Oct. 21 - Second Convocation, Erik Herrmann, Joel Biermann, and Kent Burreson
Old Testament Perspectives on Homosexuality - An Interview with Dr. Paul Raabe, Dale Meyer and Paul Raabe
Open forum on seminary and synodical problems, Ralph Bohlmann
Open forum on Seminary--IV, Ralph Bohlmann and John Klotz
Open forum on Synod and seminary, Ralph Bohlmann and John Klotz
Open forum on Synod and seminary problems, Ralph Bohlmann
Opening Devotion, Elmer Matthias and Richard Schultz
Opening devotion for Law and Gospel retreat, Karl Barth
Opening devotions, welcome, orientation, Alfred Fremder
Origen's Role in the Formation of the New Testament Canon, C. G. Bateman
Orthodox Perspectives on Mission, Petros Vassiliadis
Our problem with the doctrine of the ministry, H. Armin Moellering
Outreach U.S.A : the United States as a world mission field, Darwin Karsten
Overseas recruitment, John Fajen
Panel discussion, H. Armin Moellering
Part III: Public-ness and Mystery: Some Distinctions - Dr. Oswald Bayer, Oswald Bayer
Part III: Public-ness and Mystery: Some Distinctions - Dr. Oswald Bayer, Oswald Bayer
Part II: The Apocalyptic Public Sphere: Before God and the World - Dr. Oswald Bayer, Oswald Bayer
Part II: The Apocalyptic Public Sphere: Before God and the World - Dr. Oswald Bayer, Oswald Bayer
Part I: The Logo - VDMA: The Word of the Lord Remains Forever (Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum) - Dr. Oswald Bayer, Oswald Bayer
Part I: The Logo - VDMA: The Word of the Lord Remains Forever (Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum) - Dr. Oswald Bayer, Oswald Bayer
Pastoral care for alcoholics, Charles Knippel and Norman Wangerin
Pastoral Formation - An Interview with Dr. Andrew Bartelt, Dale Meyer and Andrew Bartelt
Pastoral leadership and the growth of the church, Kent Hunter
Pastor as churchman, Wilbert Sohns
Pastor as father, Peter Steinke
Pastor as husband, Peter Steinke
Pastor as preacher, H. Armin Moellering
Pastor as team leader, Darwin Karsten
Pastor as worship leader, Darwin Karsten
Pastor in residence address, Ralph Blomenberg
Paul, Ananias, And Authority: An Exegetical Study of Acts 22:30-23:5, J. L. Gerdes
Paul's Doctrine of Justification in Romans 2:1-16 In Dialogue with the Old and New Perspectives, J. David Stark
Paul's Use of the Old Testament in Ephesians 4:25-26, R. Thomas Buck
Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity, Ma Wonsuk, Veli-Matti Karkkainen, and J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu
Personal Bible study of the pastor., Louis Brighton
Personal counseling in the program of the military chaplaincy., Arthur Piepkorn
Perspectives from the Field I, Eloy Gonzalez, Jaun Zamora, and Chris Holder
Perspectives from the Field II, Victor Belton
Perspectives from the Field III, Tom Park
Perspectives from Within Institutional Reflections, Leopoldo Sánchez, Rossevelt Gray, Yohannes Mengsteab, Luz Guerrero, and Steven Scheve
Pop Culture: From Jack Bauer to Captain Jack - An Interview with Tim Wesemann, Dale Meyer and Tim Wesemann
Post-Christian, Still Christian, Pre-Christian? - Part 1, Ulrich Poener
Post-Christian, Still Christian, Pre-Christian? - Part 2, Ulrich Poener
Post-modern evangelical spirituality, Thomas Oden
Practical advice on the issue of church fellowship, Karl Barth
Practical Application in Christ Centered Preaching, Daniel J. Weyerhaeuser
Practical theology today, Don Browning
Praise the Lord with Drums and Cymbals Montage, David Johnson
Praise to Thee Who Light Dost Send, Gerhard Bode
Prayer, Arthur Just
Preaching evil: Lutheran proclamation and the problem of evil, Dale Meyer
Preaching Martin Luther's Small Catechism at The Fort Knox Lutheran Service, David Karl Jacob
Preaching the Gospel in Korea: A Critical Analysis of the Contextual Theologies of Shamanism and Minjung, JongPil Yoo
Preaching to the Spirits in Prison First Peter 3:19, Brian Keith Moulton
Preaching via the public media, Eugene Bertermann
Preach the cross of Christ, Oswald Hoffmann
Preparation, certification, and placement of pastors, Roland Hopmann
Presentation on Laborers for Christ, Curt Connolly
Presentation on missions, Jacob Preus
Presenter Round Table, Leopoldo Sánchez M., Rossevelt Gray, Yohannes Mengsteab, Luz Guerrero, Steven Scheve, and Andrew Bartelt
President J.A.O. Preus speaks to students on missions, Jacob Preus
President's forum, December 10, 1997, Alvin Barry
President's forum, December 16, 1998, Alvin Barry
President's forum, December 4, 1996, Alvin Barry
President's forum, December 9, 1992, Alvin Barry
President's forum, February 2, 2000, Alvin Barry
President's forum, November 1, 1995, Alvin Barry
Presidents' forum, October 20, 1982, Karl Barth and Robert Preus
President's forum, October 9, 1985, Karl Barth and William Heine
Presidents' forum, September 11, 1991, John Johnson
Pressing issues in the LC-MS, Alvin Barry
Principles of the practice of worship, William Thompson
Private Confession and Absolution, Wayne Schmidt and Joel Dieterichs
Procedures for Synodical resolutions and statements, Arthur Repp
Profiles of ministry, Gary Schaper, David Smith, and Leroy Vogel
Proper sermon content, Karl Barth
Psalm 93: An Exegetical Study of the Psalm and its Relationship to Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, Geoffrey Randall Kirkland
Psalms Festival, Henry Gerike
Psalms for personal devotional life, Paul Raabe
Puritan influences on the English Reformation, Carl Meyer
Puritanism and the covenant theology, Carl Meyer
Quo vademus, Alvin Barry
Quo vademus : the '90s and beyond, Victor Gebauer
Quo vademus : the future of evangelicalism and lutheranism in North America, Thomas Zehnder
Ragman DVD & Bible Study, Robert Bergt
"Real Presence" A Confession of the Lord's Supper - The Origin and Development of the Term In The 16th Century, Albert B. Collver
Rebuilding Concordia Seminary after the 1974 walkout, Ralph Bohlmann
Recapitulation and Salvation in Irenaeus of Lyon, Jonathan Hoglund
Reclaiming Fundamentalism: Harold Lindsell, Inerrancy, and the Fragmentation of Postwar Evangelicalism, 1935-82, Amber R. Thomas
Reclaiming Responsibility For The Great Commission An Evaluation of Traditional Missions with Focus on How the Local Church Can Reclaim its Responsibility for the Missions Process, Glenn W. Jr. Bromewell
Reflecting on and Equipping for Christian Mission, Stephen Bevans, Teresa Chai, J. Nelson Jennings, and Knud Jorgensen
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson Five, George Robbert
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson Four, George Robbert
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson One, George Robbert
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson Six, George Robbert
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson Three, George Robbert
Reformation issues: now and then Lesson Two, George Robbert
Regular prayer and the ministry, Kurt Marquart
Religion and materialism in 17th century England, George Mosse
Remembering our baptism, Ralph Bohlmann
Renewing urban ministries, John Nunes
Reports of furloughed missionaries from New Guinea, India, Japan, and the Philippines Tape 1, William Danker
Reports of furloughed missionaries from New Guinea, India, Japan, and the Philippines Tape 2, William Danker
Re-reading the Confessions of St. Augustine, Henry Chadwick
Responding to Islam, Abjar Bahkou, John Loum, and Leah Hunt Greenhaw
Responding to Questions of Homosexuality; A Look at Forty Years of Teaching in the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America (and Predecessors) and the Roman Catholic Church, Jacob M. Kohlhaas
Response - Germany's Future - Luther / Has Luther a Future in Germany?, William Schumacher
Response - The Corporate World: Germany's Promising Mission Field?, Powell Woods
Response to Dr. Feit, David Adams and Uwe Siemon-Netto
Response to Dr. Harold O. J. Brown, Charles Arand
Response to Dr. Noll, James Voelz
Response to Dr. Rosin, David Neff
Response to Fr. Lockwood, Paul Rorem
Reversion and Syncretism among the Wimbum Baptists of Cameroon, West Africa: A Missiological Problem, Gabriel N. Massa
Review of works by Bach, Vernon Wicker
Richard Watson: A Historical Presentation and Analysis of the Doctrine of Original Sin, Richard Joseph Miller
Ritual life beyond the Eucharist, Arthur Just
Robert Wilken Lecture 2015, Robert Wilken, Paul Robinson, and Joel Elowsky
Romans 5:12-21 an Exegetical Investigation, Jonathan Bennett
Rural ministry, Eldor Meyer
Safe in God's Faithfulness, Henry Gerike
Sanctification : a Lutheran response to the Evangelicals, Harold Senkbeil
Saved by Teaching: An Exegetical Study of 1 Timothy 4:11-16, David A. Niblack
Scripturality of Instrumental Music in the New Testament Church, William Howard Jr. Elder
Seizing the opportunities: outreach projection and strategies, James McDaniels
SemCast CTCR Introduction, Dale Meyer and Charles Arand
SemCast CTCR Part 1, Dale Meyer and Charles Arand
SemCast CTCR Part 2, Dale Meyer and Charles Arand
SemCast CTCR Part 3, Dale Meyer and Charles Arand
SemCast CTCR Part 4, Dale Meyer and Charles Arand
[Seminary Chorus] Agnus Dei, Henry Gerike
[Seminary Chorus] Gentle Stranger, Henry Gerike
[Seminary Chorus] Hope, Henry Gerike
[Seminary Chorus] Safe in God’s Faithfulness, Robert Bergt
Seminary Dedication 1926 - Video Footage, C. S. Earnhardt
Seminary Virtual Tour - An Interview with Stephen Mudd, Dale Meyer and Stephen Mudd
Sept. 30 - Chapel Sermon - John 17.20-23, Anthony Cook
Sept. 30 - First Convocation, David Schmitt, Erik Herrmann, and Dale Meyer
Serving the Whole Person, Wakseyoum Idossa and Jeffrey Khloa
Session 1, Jeffrey Gibbs
Session 1, Andrew Bartelt
Session 2, Jeffrey Gibbs
Session 2, Andrew Bartelt
Session 3, Jeffrey Gibbs
Session 3, Andrew Bartelt
Session 4, Jeffrey Gibbs
Session 4, Andrew Bartelt
Session 5, Andrew Bartelt
Session 6, Andrew Bartelt
Session 7, Andrew Bartelt
Session 8, Andrew Bartelt
Sexual deviation and suicide, Martin Haendschke
Sin and sickness, Martin Scharlemann
Small Group Ministry in the Context of a Lutheran High School, Jon K. Anderson
Social change good or bad for Christian life?, John Klotz
Social change good or bad for Christian life?, Richard Schultz
Social change good or bad for Christian life?, Richard Schultz
Sola Fide: The Doctrine of Justification and its Relationship to the "Evangelicals and Catholics Together" Dialogue, Robert C. Weaver
Song as confession for the church, Richard Resch
Special Presentation -"For Those that Are With Us", Dale Meyer
Spiritual Toughness in the Battle for Eternity, David Cook and Jeffrey Kloha
State of the synod, Ralph Bohlmann
State of the synod address, Ralph Bohlmann
State of the synod address, Ralph Bohlmann
State of the synod address, Ralph Bohlmann
State of the synod address, Ralph Bohlmann
State of the synod address, Ralph Bohlmann
State of the synod address, Ralph Bohlmann
Stem Cell Research - An Interview with Dr. Robert Weise, Dale Meyer and Robert Weise
Stephanus Keyl, Carl Meyer
Strategies and models for urban evangelism, Raymond Bakke
Student Interview- Greyson Grenz, Dale Meyer and Greyson Grenz
Sunset or Dawn? - The Lutheran Calling to Public Life in America, Robert Benne
Systematics 1 Class 01, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 02, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 03, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 04, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 05, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 06, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 07, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 08, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 09, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 10, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 11, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 12, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 13, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 14, Joel Biermann
Systematics 1 Class 15, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 01, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 02A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 02B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 03A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 03B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 04A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 04B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 05A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 05B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 06A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 06B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 07A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 07B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 08A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 08B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 09A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 09B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 10A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 10B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 11A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 11B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 12A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 12B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 13A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 13B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 14A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 14B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 15A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 15B, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 16A, Joel Biermann
Systematics II 16B, Joel Biermann
Teen Suicide: Special Issues, Scott Jonas
Thanatos theology: pastoral care to saints who die, John Zeile
The American Bible Society, Everett Zabriskie
The American Bible Society - An Interview with Richard Jeske, Dale Meyer and Richard Jeske
The American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan, James Sauer
The army chaplain--per se, Arthur Piepkorn
The Augsburg Confession Tape 1, Jerrold Eickmann
The Augsburg Confession Tape 2, Jerrold Eickmann
The Augsburg Confession Tape 3, Jerrold Eickmann
The blessing of the bells (Rite of consecration), Alfred Fuerbringer
The book of Jonah: "Jonah reconsidered" or "Jonah revisited" or "Jonah and the big fish", David Freedman
The Book of Psalms - An Interview with Quentin Wesselschmidt, Dale Meyer and Quentin Wesselschmidt
The burden of being right, Carl Fickenscher
The call, John Bass
The call of Jesus Christ, George Wollenburg
The Call to Serve - An Interview with Dr. Kent Burreson, Dale Meyer and Kent Burreson
The certification and counseling process, David Smith and Joseph Barbour
The challenge of aging in the pastor's life program, Ronald Lind
The challenge of eastern spiritualities in the form of new agers to theology and mission, Won Ji
The challenge of missions in Africa, Oswald Hoffmann
The Christian in today's society Lesson 1, Martin Haendschke
The Christian in today's society Lesson 2, Martin Haendschke
The Christian in today's society Lesson 3, Martin Haendschke
The Christian in today's society Lesson 4, Martin Haendschke
The Christian in today's society Lesson 5, Martin Haendschke
The Christian in today's society Lesson 6, Martin Haendschke
The Christ, the Antichrist, and Prophetic Claims, Jonathan Woell
The church and the churches Tape 1, William Schmelder
The church and the churches Tape 2, William Schmelder
The church and the churches Tape 3, William Schmelder
The Church as the new Israel Tape 1, Martin Scharlemann
The Church as the new Israel Tape 1, Martin Scharlemann
The Church as the new Israel Tape 2, Martin Scharlemann
The Church as the new Israel Tape 2, Martin Scharlemann
The Church as the new Israel Tape 3, Martin Scharlemann
The Church as the new Israel Tape 3, Martin Scharlemann
The Church Going Glocal Mission and Globalisation, Tormod Engelsviken, Erling Lundeby, and Dagfinn Solheim
The church in Germany, Martin Niemoeller
The church in the 19th century, William Danker
The Church in the Ninteenth Century - 1957, William Danker
The church's work in Korea, Won Yong Ji
The concept of "gifts" in the Lutheran Confessions, Norman. Nagel
The content of "A Statement", Carl Volz
The Contour Methodology: Mediating Scripture in the Digital Age, Cara L. Pfeiffer
The Corporate World: Germany's Promising Mission Field?, Michael Stollwerk
The Cranach Factor in the Reformation, Steven Ozment and Erik Herrmann
The Cranach Factor in the Reformation, Steven Ozment and Erik Herrmann
The creator and his image, Douglas Judisch
The Date and Author of the Gospel According to Matthew, Neil David Nelson
The Development and Place of the Notae Ecclesiae in Luther and the Lutheran Confessions, John E. Hill
The Doctrine of God in African Traditional Religion, Tokunboh Adeyemo
The Egalitarian Use of the Trinity as a Model for Gender Relations, Barry L. Branaman
The end of the law in the Lutheran Confessions, James Nestingen
The Eucharist: A Covenantal Analysis of I Corinthians 11 :17-32, David C. Linton
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia, Harald Kalnins
The experience of Seoul, Korea, Philip Wottrich
The Extra-Biblical Passages in the Book of Jude, Louis B. Baca
The fertility cult and the Old Testament, Walter Maier
The Formula of Concord as a pastoral document, William Schmelder
The Genealogy According to Matthew, Previewing The Plot Before the Story Begins, Elizabeth Michelle Scott
The Genesis Creation Narratives: Through the Lenses of a Historical-Critical Perspective and the Creation/Evolution Debate, Ryan Michael Jackson
The god who repents, David Freedman
The Gospel after the benediction, Otis Woodard
The Gospel of Mark DVD, James Voelz, Dale Meyer, Michael Zeigler, Kent Burreson, Ron Rall, David Schmitt, and Beth Hoeltke
The gospel of repentance, James Nestingen
The greatest challenge facing the Missouri Synod today, Jacob Preus
The handbook. : structure for service., John Klotz
The Heart of the Lutheran Church: Developing a Pietist Ecclesiology from its Lutheran Roots, Paul Eastwood
The Hermeneutical Problem of the Mixed Audience in the Book of Hebrews, Mike Duffy
The historical-critical method, Samuel Nafzger
The historical critical methodology and the authority of Scripture, Samuel Nafzger
The historical critical method. What's it all about?, Erich Kiehl
The hopelessly ill patient, John Klotz
The Image of God, Timothy Saleska
The Importance of Ritual in Helping Heal Veterans Who Suffer with PTSD/Moral Injury: A Chaplain’s Role in the Body of the Church, Matthew Prince
The influence of German Pietism on the practice of confirmation in the Lutheran Church, Arthur Repp
The Interpretation of Allegory in Ezekiel 16:1-63, Nathan Nehemiah Hoff
The journey of the Word of God: a reading of the plot of the fourth Gospel, Fernando Sergovia
The just war in the Lutheran tradition, John Johnson and Nabil Nour
The language and concepts of theology, Ralph Bohlmann
The Lausanne Movement: A Range of Perspectives, Lars Dahle, Margunn Serigstad Dahle, and Knud Jorgensen
The layman's role in Synod today, Richard Warneck
The life of God--Epiphanytide, Arthur Piepkorn
The life of God--Epiphanytide, Arthur Piepkorn
The liturgy as law and gospel, William Cwirla
The Lord's Supper, Samuel Nafzger
The Lord's Supper, Samuel Nafzger
The Lord's Supper: Doctrine and practice, H. Richard Klann
"The Lost Tomb of Jesus" - An Interview with Paul A. Maier, Dale Meyer and Paul Maier
The Lutheran church and relations with other churches, Karl Barth
The Lutheran Church in East Asia, Karl Barth
The Lutheran Church in Germany today, Manfred Roensch
The mission explosion, Alvin Barry
The Missouri Synod : past and present, August Suelflow
The Missouri Synod : past and present, August Suelflow
The moral aspects of war, Martin Scharlemann
The moral aspects of war, Martin Scharlemann
The Moral Status of the Human Embryo Based on Theological Arguments, James L. Chambers
The Need for a Lutheran Perspective on Christianity and Politics, Mark Noll
The "New quest" and its meaning start and end missing, John Elliott
The nine commandments, David Freedman
The office of the ministry in the Old Testament., Andrew Bartelt
"The Old Evil Foe Now Means Deadly Woe": The Works of the Devil in the Theology Of Martin Luther, Esko Murto
The Old Testament: relevant for today., Horace Hummel
Theological and Missiological Implications of Contextualization: Interdisciplinary Analyses of the Notion of Context, Didzis Stilve
Theological education by extension, Robert Huebner
Theological impact of J.S. Bach, William Schmelder
Theological Reflection: Law and Gospel, Leopoldo Sánchez
Theology, Mission and Child: Global Perspectives, William Prevette, Keith White, C. Rosalee Velloso da Silva, and D. J. Konz
Theology of the Body, John Gresham
The pastor as administrator, Raymond Hilgert
The pastor as counselor, Rudolph Harm
The pastor as ... counselor, Charles Knippel
The pastor as ... equipper, Henry Simon
The pastor as ... preacher, Howard Patten
The pastor as scholar, Martin Scharlemann
The Pastor's Head and the Pastor's Heart, Andrew Bartelt
The Pastor's task and problems., Martin Haendschke
The person of the pastor, Dale Meyer
The presence of Christ in the Sacrament, Norman Nagel
The Primitive Advance of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the First and Second Century Church, Andrew David Shurson
The Resurrection and Paul's Pneumacentric Gospel in Romans, Joshua A. J. Chalmers
The Righteousness of God in the Old Testament and its Implication on Justification, Terry T. Wong
The Role of African Christians in Establishing a Self Consciously Zimbabwean Lutheran Church in the Western Region of Zimbabwe, Michael Dube
The Role of The Holy Spirit in Old Testament Salvation, Thomas Kenji Sugimura
The sanctity of life, Linda Bartlet
The Secret, David Lewis and Dale Ward
Theses lectures, Arthur Repp and Frederick Whitney
Theses lectures, Arthur Repp and Frederick Whitney
Theses lectures, Arthur Repp and Frederick Whitney
Theses lectures, Arthur Repp and Frederick Whitney
Theses lectures, Arthur Repp and Frederick Whitney
Theses lectures, Arthur Repp and Frederick Whitney
The significance of contemporary literature for the Sunday school teacher, Donald Deffner
The significance of J. Bengel, Martin Scharlemann
The significance of ordination for the pastor as a worker of God, Walter Otten
The Spirit's Witness: A Historical and Theological Examination of the Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum, Barry D. Jones
The spiritual dynamics of addiction, Merrill Kempfert
The standards of preaching, David Peter
The state of affairs in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, Jacob Preus
The state of partner churches, Victor Raj and Jose Fuliga
The status of women in the church, John Johnson
The stewardship of the pastor's life program, Earl Haake
The stewardship of the pastor's life program, Earl Haake
The Suffering of God with Implications for Human Suffering in the Trinitarian Theology of Karl Barth, Peter Jon Michael Glen Mitchell
The Text-Critical Problem of 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 and the Evidences of its Origin, Siqueira; Julio Cesar Piffero de Siqueira
The Theological Message of Amos 7:10-17 in Harmony with its Literary Structure, Yongseung Kang
The theology and practice of church-state relations, David Adams
The theology of fellowship in Luther and the Lutheran confessions, Norman Nagel
The theology of fellowship in Luther and the Lutheran confessions, Norman. Nagel
The theology of fellowship in the apostolic and post-apostolic church, Carl Volz
The theology of the catechism, Ralph Bohlmann
The Tomb Of Jesus, Jeffrey Kloha and Tony Cook
The Two Kingdoms, Part 1 - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
The Two Kingdoms, Part 2 - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Simeon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
The Two Kingdoms, Part 3 - An Interview with Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, Dale Meyer and Uwe Siemon-Netto
The Two Will Become One Flesh: Paul's Use of Gen 2:24 in Eph 5:31, Peter Ivan Ho
The Use of Didaskein in 1 Timothy 2:12 and its Applications, Cortney Whiting
The Use of Yala Proverbs (Paremia) in Communicating the Gospel: A Model for Communicating the Gospel in Africa, Michael Oko Adoga
The warfare between science and theology, John Klotz
The working relationship between social ministry and world mission, Eugene Linse
The world of the Old Testament, Horace Hummel
The world of the Old Testament, Horace Hummel
The world of the Old Testament, Horace Hummel
Timely preaching in timeless liturgy, Dale Meyer
Time management, L Dean Hempelmann
To be remembered as a chair': the domestication of American Shakerism, Stephen Stein
Tour of world missions, William Danker
Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Islam in the United States, Berhanu D. Arsse
To what are we calling our people?, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Translation of the Hebrew Tripartite Nominal Clause in the Greek Old Testament, Steve Keith Jr. Woodard
Tullian Tchividjian, Tullian Tchividjian
Tullian Tchividjian, Tullian Tchividjian
Two Kinds of Righteousness - An Interview with Dr. Joel Biermann, Dale Meyer and Joel Biermann
Ultimate Life, Rick Eldridge and Dale Ward
Unchanging Gospel for the changed neighborhood, Venice Douglas
Understanding metro mission horizons, Shang Moon
Understanding our church's structure Tape 1, John Klotz
Understanding our church's structure Tape 2, John Klotz
Understanding Psychosis from A Biblical Perspective, Joshua Ethan Sheridan
Unity and Diversity in a Multicultural Church, Mason Okubo
Upcoming convention, Karl Barth
Update of latest Board of Control actions of November 19, 1973, John Tietjen
Use of Gar in the New Testament, Chi-Ping Fu
Using church growth in the LC-MS, Roger Leenerts
Venezuela, Harley Kopitske
Walther 4 Disc DVD Set, Henry Gerike
Walther Movie - An Interview with Director Dale Ward, Dale Meyer and Dale Ward
Walther Movie Soundtrack, Henry Gerike
Was Melanchthon a Philippist on the doctrine of conversion?, H. Richard Klann
Water as a Metaphor for the Holy Spirit in Johannine Pneumatology, Andrew Albert Carr
Weeding your field of dreams, William Diekelman
Welcome and Remarks, Dale Meyer
Welcome to the tenth annual institute on the church in mission, Alfred Fuerbringer
Welcome to the tenth annual institute on the church in mission, Alfred Fuerbringer
We're in this together, Richard Caemmerer
Westfield House - An Interview with Rev. Reginald Quirk, Dale Meyer and Reginald Quirk
Whatever happened to church discipline?, Karl Barth
What is Expected of Pastoral Care in the Twenty-first Century Lutheran Church its Measures and its Myths: A Confessional Lutheran Perspective, Roger C. Paavola
What is the third use of the law?, James Voelz and Charles Arand
What is worship and liturgy?, Vernon Wicker
What mean these stones? Tape 1, Arthur Piepkorn
What mean these stones? Tape 2, Arthur Piepkorn
What's an Institute for Mission Studies doing in a place like Concordia Seminary, St. Louis?, Robert Kolb
What's new in church growth?, Win Arn
What you owe them out there?, Karl Barth
When Myth Married Truth: The Practical Value of Tolkien and Lewis’s View of Mythology and Christianity, Kevin H. Kelsey
Where are the angels?, Louis Brighton
Where did Luther get the Distinction of Two Kinds of Righteousness, Gerhard Bode, Robert Kolb, and Erik Herrmann
Where is Luther When We Need Him?, Harold O. J. Brown
Who are you? (the preacher): a groper, a griper, a grouper, or a gripper, Donald Deffner and Timothy Bohlmann
"Who Do I Say That You Are?" Anthropology and the Theology of Theosis in the Finnish School of Tuomo Mannermaa, William Schumacher
Who is the Speaker in Job 24:18-24 and What Does He Mean?, Joel Reemtsma
Who's [sic] liturgy is it?, Norman. Nagel
Why contemporary literature should be of concern to the campus pastor, Donald Deffner
Why Does Joseph Wash his Face? A Semantic, Historical, and Literary Analysis of Genesis 43:31a, Philip Young Yoo
Why we're here: missions today, Harley Kopitske
Winter Call Service February 2012, Wally Becker, Glenn Nielsen, and Robert Hoehner
Winter Call Service January 2010, Victor Raj and Robert Hoehner
Winter Placement Service, Robert Hoehner and Glenn Nielsen
With basin and towel, Martin Scharlemann
Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic World Christian Mission among Other Faiths, Lalsangkima Pachuau and Knud Jorgensen
Witnessing to Christ Today, Daryl Balia and Kirsteen Kim
Witness in Suffering and Joy, Jeffrey Oschwald
Women in Military - Church and State, Heath Curtis
World Missions, Glenn O'Shoney
World missions, Glenn O'Shoney
World Missions, Glenn O'Shoney
Worship and Devotion, Eric Tritten
Worship and preaching style re: "outreach", Simon Bodley
Worship and the mission of the church, Robert Scudieri, John Pless, and David Lueke
Worship and the mission of the church, Robert Scudieri, John Pless, and David Lueke
Worship as heaven on earth: the mystery of worship, John Kleining
Worship & the heart, Paul Grime
Year in Review, Dale Meyer and Glen Thomas