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Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Who Will Go For Us
spring 2016, forming pastors and deaconesses for the 21st century, they will go for us, becoming a student, From the President, Faculty and Staff Notes, Student Spotlight, News Worth Noting, Support Your Sem, Alumni and Friends
Practical Theology
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)
Psalm 145:4; Romans 10:15; Isaiah 6:8;
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers
People in this Resource (separated by commas)
Dale Meyer, Timothy Saleska, James Kirschenmann, Micah Glenn, Mollie Schultz, Dave McGinley, Mark Femmel, Paul Albers, Gillian Bond, Bill Wrede, Kelly Jacob, Ramón Cabrales, Jackie Parker, Lannon Martin, Paul Flo, Leopoldo Sanchez, Matthew Harrison, Gerad Bolling, Kendra Whittle, Laura Hemmer, Mildred Nienaber, Sara Scungio, Bill Harmon,
Streaming Media
Recommended Citation
Kloha, Jeffrey, "Concordia Seminary magazine | Spring 2016" (2016). Concordia Seminary Magazine. 17.