Dr. Thompson leads you through the understanding of what it means to be part of the Royal Priesthood.
You are a Royal Priesthood: God Calls all Christians to Serve Session 1
Mart Thompson
Dr. Thompson guides the class into understanding that they have both earthly and heavenly identities.
You are a Royal Priesthood: God Calls all Christians to Serve Session 2
Mart Thompson
Dr. Thompson guides the class into understanding that they are part of the Royal Priesthood in the line of Aaron.
You are a Royal Priesthood: God Calls all Christians to Serve Session 3
Mart Thompson
Dr. Thompson explains the 3 fold work of the Priesthood for all the baptized.
You are a Royal Priesthood: God Calls all Christians to Serve Session 4
Mart Thompson
Dr. Thompson gives suggestions and ideas to practice being the Royal Priesthood.