The Lay Bible Institute is an ongoing study of the Bible and how it relates to today’s life and events. These topics are led by Professors at Concordia Seminary St. Louis as a way to clarify the Bible and how it relates to our lives and events in our world today.


Browse the Lay Bible Institute Collections:

Lay Bible Institute: 400 Years Bibles & Battles

Lay Bible Institute: Acts of the Apostles: Mission Insights for the Church Today

Lay Bible Institute: Biblical Peacemaking

Lay Bible Institute: Christian Politics

Lay Bible Institute: Christ is Risen

Lay Bible Institute: Confessing Christ & Living His Mission

Lay Bible Institute: Decoding Apocalypse

Lay Bible Institute: Early African Christianity

Lay Bible Institute: Exodus- The Greatest (OT) Story Ever Told

Lay Bible Institute: From Jesus to the Bible and Back

Lay Bible Institute: Gospel of Mark

Lay Bible Institute: How the Early Church Read the Bible

Lay Bible Institute: Jesus in Islam

Lay Bible Institute: Justification and Catholicism: agreement or not?

Lay Bible Institute: Living as Citizens of Heaven/America

Lay Bible Institute: Lord of Creation

Lay Bible Institute: Lutherans Listening to C. S. Lewis

Lay Bible Institute: Mankind's Origins

Lay Bible Institute: Ministry to People with Special Needs

Lay Bible Institute: Paul Through Ages

Lay Bible Institute: Philip Melancthon Luther’s Go-To Layman

Lay Bible Institute: Prophet, Prostitute, & Prodigal

Lay Bible Institute: Reading the Psalms for Spiritual Strength

Lay Bible Institute: Sea to Shining Sea

Lay Bible Institute: Still Fighting Crusades?

Lay Bible Institute: Strength for Today. Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Lay Bible Institute: The Bible, Theology, and the Christ Figures in Film

Lay Bible Institute: The Bible we Read in Church

Lay Bible Institute: The Psalms: Text for Our Hearts

Lay Bible Institute: Two Kingdoms only One King

Lay Bible Institute: Welcome to Little-Known Nehemiah

Lay Bible Institute: What Christians in a Scientific Age Should Know about Theology

Lay Bible Institute: Which Jesus

Lay Bible Institute: Wholly Citizens: Thinking Rightly about Christian Engagement with the World

Lay Bible Institute: Woman and Man

Lay Bible Institute: You are a Royal Priesthood

The Book of Psalms and the Christ