Seminary Courses | Concordia Seminary - Saint Louis Research | Scholarly Resources from Concordia Seminary

A sampling of courses taught at Concordia Seminary for interested future seminarians, pastors and laity.


Browse the Seminary Courses Collections:

Advanced Pastoral Counseling

American Religious Scene

A People Called to Love

Biblical Hermeneutics


Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS)

Christian Apologetics

Christian Doctrine

Controversy in the LCMS

Dr. Francis Pieper's Christian Dogmatics Study Guide

Elementary Greek

Elementary Hebrew 2007

Elementary Hebrew 2015

Elem Greek Pronunciation Helps

Exe901 Voelz

Exodus and the Torah

Formation Hour PRA311

Genetics in Perspective

Gospel of Matthew

Hebrew Readings

Intertestamental Period

Lutheran Mind

Luther as Pastor and Theologian

Major Figures

Man and Woman in Christ

Marriage and the Family

New Testament Introduction

Notes for Lectures on Catechism by Professor William Dau

NT Content & History

Old Testament Lessons

OT Content & History

PRA 311-Formation Hour

PRA507- Intro to Practical Theology

Reaching Out to Muslims


Studies in the Life of Paul

Systematic Theology 1

Systematic Theology 2

Systematic Theology 4

Systematic Theology 3

The Epistle of First Peter

The Passion of Our Lord

Topical Study of 1st Peter