Scholarly Resources from Concordia Seminary - Wenchel, Bertermann, Wind and Riess Lectures: Cross and craft

Event Title

Cross and craft

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Start Date

1-4-1998 10:00 AM

End Date

1-4-1998 11:00 AM


Annual Wenchel lecture recorded at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis, Mo.) on April 1, 1998.

Dr. Lisher focuses on the cross and the craft of working with words, languages, style and stories.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Submission Topics

Education; Homelitics (Preaching); Practical Theology; Preaching and Teaching

Submission Audience

Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost



Apr 1st, 10:00 AM Apr 1st, 11:00 AM

Cross and craft

Annual Wenchel lecture recorded at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis, Mo.) on April 1, 1998.

Dr. Lisher focuses on the cross and the craft of working with words, languages, style and stories.