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In this episode, hosts Rev. Tom Schlund and Katie Gaschler are joined by one of Concordia Seminary's newest professors, Dr. Ryan Tinetti. While studying journalism during his undergraduate years at Michigan State University, Tinetti felt a call toward ministry. After graduation, he followed God's call with a few different stops along the way. He says, "Ministry is a trailhead, not a terminus. When you get into ministry, it could go into so many different directions... Don't think, 'I've just got to fit into this box and this is what it's going to look like.' It can take so many different shapes and God is going to use who you are in order to shape the ministry that you're in."

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“Under the Fig Tree” is a video and audio podcast of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. New video and audio episodes are added semi-weekly during the academic year. “Under the Fig Tree” can be found on YouTube, the Seminary’s Scholar site ( and most podcast platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


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Laity; Ministers; Future Seminarians; Future Deaconesses

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