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In this episode of Under the Fig Tree, hosts Rev. Micah Glenn and Dr. Ben Haupt bring Allen Dass, a fourth-year Master of Divinity student, into the studio. Allen, who immigrated to the United States from India with his family when he was 1 month old, shares highlights from his journey to Lutheranism and to the Seminary. His advice for prospective students? “The one thing I would say is just do,” he says. “Just be the Gospel. Just do it. … Just try to share Christ with people. By sharing, I mean, by actually being that presence, being there, thinking in your mind, if Christ was here right now, what would He do? Make that part of how you live out the faith.” He also offers a perspective on arriving at the Seminary from New York as a person of color on a largely Caucasian campus. “From my experience, it’s been a very safe place to be who you are and to be accepted,” he says. “Yes, you come from a unique background and God is going to use you through that. I felt that from every step, from the admissions process to sitting in the classroom, talking to professors. … I felt so welcomed coming to this campus.”

“Under the Fig Tree” is a video and audio podcast of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. New video and audio episodes are added weekly each Monday during the academic year. “Under the Fig Tree” can be found on YouTube, the Seminary’s Scholar site ( and most podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Those interested in vocational ministry are invited to join the Seminary contact list at Request-Information. You can learn more about Concordia Seminary at or by contacting the admissions team at [email protected] or 800-822-9545.


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Laity; Ministers; Future Seminarians; Future Deaconesses

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