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In this episode, hosts Rev. Micah Glenn and Dr. Ben Haupt chat with Deaconess Sarah Rusche, who just received a call to Luther Home of Mercy in Williston, Ohio. Rusche recently received a Master of Arts with Deaconess Certification from Concordia Seminary in 2023. She shares how she started her Seminary studies during the COVID-19 pandemic and began her deaconess internship during the difficulties of the lockdown and pandemic restrictions. She shares how she tries to be present with people in their suffering and not shy away from the “hard stuff.” She says she listens, proclaims the Gospel, but also tries “not to tell people how they should feel and what they should do next but [rather] to guide them,” she says. Her advice for women considering deaconess ministry? “If you’re nervous or scared, it’s probably a good thing,” Rusche says. “You should do it. … I think it’s a great opportunity as a church worker to be able to bring Jesus to people.”

Under the Fig Tree is a video and audio podcast of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. New video and audio episodes are added weekly each Monday. Under the Fig Tree can be found on YouTube, the Seminary’s Scholar site, and most podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Those interested in vocational ministry are invited to learn more about Concordia Seminary at or by contacting the admissions team at [email protected] or 800-822-9545.


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Laity; Ministers; Future Seminarians; Future Deaconesses

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