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In this episode, we discuss Matthew 9:9-13 and Jesus' calling of Matthew, an unlikely candidate to be a disciple. Joining us is Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez, Director of Concordia Seminary's Center for Hispanic Studies and the Werner R.H. Krause and Elizabeth Ringger Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries and Systematic Theology. If you see yourself as marginal, an outsider, a sinner, or an unlikely candidate to come to seminary and study to become a pastor or deaconess, this episode is for you. Born in Chile and raised in Panama, Dr. Sánchez tells his own story of how we grew up among Roman Catholics and Pentecostals and ended up being confirmed as a Lutheran and then studying to be a pastor in the LCMS.


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Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Matthew 9:9-13

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Future Seminarians; Future Deaconesses

Submission Cost

