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19-9-2023 10:00 AM

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19-9-2023 11:00 AM


2023 theological symposium, christian hope


Hope is a widespread human experience. For centuries, followers of Jesus of Nazareth have ordered their lives around a central hope. How is their experience similar or different from others who live by hope? Living by hope involves living within a peculiar story of the world — an incomplete story. The stories that shape these hopes are threatened by evil, however it may be defined, and the hopeful struggle as characters caught up in plots that move toward resolution. In this regard, the hope of Christians is similar to others. Yet, it is different because they wait for the God and Father of Jesus to transform the world to fit the promise He made to Abraham. Therefore, although Christians and participants in other life-organizing stories do not agree on the ground of hope, taking a detour into the hopeful experience of another may help uncover a place where rivals can stand together long enough to talk.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

1 Corinthians 10;12

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

People in this Resource (separated by commas)

John Searle, Martin Luther

Submission Cost



Sep 19th, 10:00 AM Sep 19th, 11:00 AM

Christian Hope Among Rivals

Hope is a widespread human experience. For centuries, followers of Jesus of Nazareth have ordered their lives around a central hope. How is their experience similar or different from others who live by hope? Living by hope involves living within a peculiar story of the world — an incomplete story. The stories that shape these hopes are threatened by evil, however it may be defined, and the hopeful struggle as characters caught up in plots that move toward resolution. In this regard, the hope of Christians is similar to others. Yet, it is different because they wait for the God and Father of Jesus to transform the world to fit the promise He made to Abraham. Therefore, although Christians and participants in other life-organizing stories do not agree on the ground of hope, taking a detour into the hopeful experience of another may help uncover a place where rivals can stand together long enough to talk.