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Start Date

19-9-2023 3:15 PM

End Date

19-9-2023 4:00 PM


2023 theological symposium, vanity, love, idol, church, christian, hermaphrodite, idolatry, transcendence, lutheranism


Nietzsche wrote in 1885, “Nihilism stands at the door.” In 2023, this uncanny guest is no longer at the threshold. Nihilism has stormed the house. It is the wind that blows through this stretch of the valley of the shadow of death the church walks today. Jean-Luc Marion diagnoses this normal nihilism as the end of a process that revealed human desire as intractably and terminally poisoned with vanity. Marion suggests it is only in “desiring the will of the Father” that vanity can be overcome. This sectional will use Marion’s account of desire in order to develop an approach to mission that utilizes the theological virtue of love in response to the vanity the church and the world.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

People in this Resource (separated by commas)

Descartes, Archer,

Submission Cost



Sep 19th, 3:15 PM Sep 19th, 4:00 PM

Escape from Vanity: Jean-Luc Marion on the Possibility of Theological Virtue in a Nihilistic Age

Nietzsche wrote in 1885, “Nihilism stands at the door.” In 2023, this uncanny guest is no longer at the threshold. Nihilism has stormed the house. It is the wind that blows through this stretch of the valley of the shadow of death the church walks today. Jean-Luc Marion diagnoses this normal nihilism as the end of a process that revealed human desire as intractably and terminally poisoned with vanity. Marion suggests it is only in “desiring the will of the Father” that vanity can be overcome. This sectional will use Marion’s account of desire in order to develop an approach to mission that utilizes the theological virtue of love in response to the vanity the church and the world.