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Start Date

20-9-2023 2:15 PM

End Date

20-9-2023 3:00 PM


2023 theological symposium, culture, self-righteousness, judgments, christians


In 2008, Andy Crouch released Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling as a call for Christians to recover creativity in their engagement with culture. Crouch’s book helps readers break out of the posture of constantly condemning and critiquing the world. This sectional will introduce participants to Crouch’s concepts and will add a piece that is missing: curiousity. Eschatological hope is what allows Christians to respond to culture and society with words and actions of genuine, loving curiosity and compassionate questions.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

People in this Resource (separated by commas)

Andrew Crouch, Lasso

Submission Cost



Sep 20th, 2:15 PM Sep 20th, 3:00 PM

Cultivating a Posture of Curiosity

In 2008, Andy Crouch released Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling as a call for Christians to recover creativity in their engagement with culture. Crouch’s book helps readers break out of the posture of constantly condemning and critiquing the world. This sectional will introduce participants to Crouch’s concepts and will add a piece that is missing: curiousity. Eschatological hope is what allows Christians to respond to culture and society with words and actions of genuine, loving curiosity and compassionate questions.