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song of songs, christologically, allegory


The biblical book Song of Songs is often either neglected or understood in purely a carnal manner. To do so is to misuse a precious gift. This paper will seek to speak to this issue. We seek to free the Song's message for the life of the Church. To accomplish this, this paper will first examine the role of canonicity on interpretation to reinforce the belief that the Song of Songs must be understood Christologically. Second, we will discuss and critique the limitations on the common modern way in which interpreters read the Song Christologically. Finally, we will identify how to responsibly interpret the Song for the life of the Church. In the end, this paper will show that as a part of the Christian canon, the Song of Songs should be interpreted in a responsible, Christological manner through the use of allegory.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Submission Topics

Ecclesiology (The Church); Education; Literature and Art; Practical Theology; Preaching and Teaching; Scripture Interpretation; Sin; Worship

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Song of Solomon 2:8; 2 Corinthians 7:18;

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost




Reading the Song of Songs Christologically: A Defense of Allegory

The biblical book Song of Songs is often either neglected or understood in purely a carnal manner. To do so is to misuse a precious gift. This paper will seek to speak to this issue. We seek to free the Song's message for the life of the Church. To accomplish this, this paper will first examine the role of canonicity on interpretation to reinforce the belief that the Song of Songs must be understood Christologically. Second, we will discuss and critique the limitations on the common modern way in which interpreters read the Song Christologically. Finally, we will identify how to responsibly interpret the Song for the life of the Church. In the end, this paper will show that as a part of the Christian canon, the Song of Songs should be interpreted in a responsible, Christological manner through the use of allegory.