Start Date
23-9-2009 1:00 PM
End Date
23-9-2009 1:45 PM
determinism, reductionism, materialism, naturalism, God spot, mystical state, Pam Reynolds case, entagled minds, theological symposium, 2009
Dr. Beauregard explains how scientists have tried to quantify religious experiences and the results of these experiments.
Submission Type
Lecture; Sermon Prep
Submission Topics
Ecclesiology (The Church); Education; Literature and Art; Practical Theology; Preaching and Teaching; Scripture Interpretation; Sin; Worship
Submission Audience
Ministers; Scholars
People in this Resource (separated by commas)
Alisttair Hardy, Francis Crick, Robert Spetzler, Pam Reynolds,
The Neuroscience of Spirituality
Dr. Beauregard explains how scientists have tried to quantify religious experiences and the results of these experiments.