Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Theology (ThD)


Practical Theology

First Advisor

Roy Suelflow

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Romans 13:1-2, 5; Acts 5:29; Psalm 27:4; Mark 12:41-44; Exodus 17:16;


The purpose of this study is to examine the seventy years of the history of the IBLB from a missiological perspective. There are several historical issues and events in the IELB's development which must be questioned and analyzed critically. It is an historical description and an evaluation of the so-called missionary performance of the Missouri Synod during the period of 1900-1974.

The writer will give special attention to the following areas, which prompted the writing of this dissertation: (1) Row and why did the Missouri Synod begin work in Brazil? Was that work considered mission, or diaspora, or simply proselytism? What kind of work was actually contemplated in the beginning? The fact that there was considerable confusion in this regard was evident from the beginning: Should the work be home or foreign missions? It is generally accepted that the entry of Missouri Synod Lutherans into Brazil and Argentina was largely brought by chance, not design. Having thus begun by chance, we must establish whether these attempts at work in Brazil and Argentina were diaspora, or mission, or some kind of a combination of both.

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