"A Systematic-Historical Study of the Policy of the Lutheran Church—Mis" by George F. Lobien

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Theology (ThD)


Systematic Theology

First Advisor

Erwin Lueker


The purpose of this research was to accurately ascertain the policy and practice of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod with respect to fraternal organizations-usually called lodges or secret societies in its literature-at specific times throughout its history. If any changes in policy or practice were discovered, these were to be noted so that trends might become apparent and causes for change might be discovered.

Furthermore, it was the intention of the author to reach a judgment as to why The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is as concerned with the issue of fraternal organizations as its literature demonstrates it to be. Conclusions also were to be drawn as to what affect the attitude of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to fraternal organizations had upon its relationships to other Lutheran bodies in America.

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