"The Theological Argument of Hebrews 11 in Light of its Literary Form" by Merland Miller

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Theology (ThD)


Exegetical Theology

First Advisor

Jonathan Grothe

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Hebrews 11:1-12:2; 2 Peter 2; Acts 13:16-40; Acts 7:2-53; Deuteronomy 1-4; Ezekiel 20; Jude 3-18; Nehemiah 9:15-31; Psalm 105; Psalm 106; Psalm 135; Psalm 136; Psalm 78;


The scope of this study does not end with literary form, however. Too often in the past the study of literary form has been either consciously or unconsciously divorced from the study of theological argument. The hypothesis of this paper is that an understanding of literary form will aid in determining and illuminating theological argument.

The material for the study of literary form will be the texting Hebrews itself, along with the prior extant texts whose literary structure and characteristics are similar to Hebrews 11. The existence of literary material lying behind the present text is conjectural and beyond the scope of this study.

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