"Paul's Portrayal of Judaism: St. Paul's Critique of Judaism in Romans " by Michael Middendorf

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Sacred Theology (STM)


Exegetical Theology

First Advisor

Louis Brighton

Scripture References in this Resource

Romans 3:19-31; Matthew 23:1-36; Luke 11:39-52; John 7:45-8:49; Galatians 4:4; Acts 4:12; John 14:6; Romans 1:18-3:20; Romans 1:9-15; Romans 15:22-24; Acts 2:10; Romans 4:1; Romans 9:10; Romans 1:5; Romans 6:19; Romans 11:13; 30


This thesis will address the current debate over whether St. Paul is being fair and accurate in his appraisal of first-century Judaism's teaching on the doctrine of justification. The Apostle is currently being accused of making an unfair caricature of Judaism, especially in regard to its conception of how a righteous standing before God could be attained.1 This first chapter will serve to document these accusations, to lay out the issues and arguments involved in this debate, and then to assess its significance.

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