Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Sacred Theology (STM)


Practical Theology

Scripture References in this Resource

Micah 2:22; Luke 6:39; Luke 7:40-50; Deuteronomy 13:6-9; Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23; Mark 4:1-9, 14-20:; Luke 8:5-8, 11-15; Matthew 13:24-30; Micah 4:26-29; Matthew 13:31-02; Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20-21; Matthew 13:44; Matthew 13:45-46; Matthew 13:47-50; Matthew 18:12-24; Matthew 18:23-85; Luke 10:30-37; Luke 14:8-11; Luke 11:24-26; Luke 12:15-21; John 10:l-5; 7-18; Luke 12:35-40; Luke 12:42-48; Matthew 14:18-24; Luke 18:1-13; Luke 18:19-31; Luke 17: 7-10; Luke 18:2-8; Luke 18:9-14; Matthew 20:1-18; Luke 9 :12-27; Matthew 31:28-32; Matthew 21:33-44; Matthew 22: 2-14; Matthew 24:32-33; Luke 13:34-37; Matthew 24:42-51; Matthew 25:1-13; Matthew 25:14-30; John 15:1-17; Matthew 24:32-33; Luke . 8:18


ln strict keeping with the subject as stated, the paper is confined to an exposition of Jewish society and economics as exhibited by the Parables.

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