"Augustine’s Theology of the Sacrament of the Altar as Understood from " by Leo Fuhr

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Sacred Theology (STM)


Systematic Theology

First Advisor

Norman Nagel

Scripture References in this Resource

John 9:3


Augustine's Platonic way of thinking causes him to see the things of this world as signs that point to a world beyond. Within the context of this way of thinking, that is, from lower to higher, from outer to inner, from visible to invisible, from temporal to eternal, we will seek to analyze his theology of the sacrament. In order to do this, this paper will examine the terms siqnum and res as employed by Augustine in his theory of sign and in his definition of sacrament. That, in turn, may enable us to re late this theory to his theology of the sacrament. On the basis of these preliminary studies, we shall attempt to follow the way his theology of "sacrament" influences his theology of the sacrament of the altar.

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