Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Sacred Theology (STM)


Practical Theology

First Advisor

Walter Buszin


At the suggestion, then, of Dr. Walter E. Buszin this task was undertaken: to write a history of the hymnals used by The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Such a study would be helpful in understanding the selection of hymns in the present hymnal, The Lutheran Hymnal. It would also provide answers to questions like ''Who prepared these hymnals?," "When were they prepared? “In what way were they compiled and edited?” and “What influences do they reflect?”

The scope of this study, then, is the hymns in the Missouri Synod hymnals. It encompasses the needs that. brought them into being, the people who prepared them, the problems encountered in publishing them, the acceptance they received and the contribution they have made to the church.

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