Start Date
3-5-2022 9:30 AM
End Date
3-5-2022 10:00 AM
Given Dr. Alvin Padilla's life experience, teaching and publication record, and link to the church and the issues he faces in United States society, especially in the urban setting, he has the capacity to see the reality of the city from a New Testament lens but also from the lens of the Hispanic experience. His experience shows how a New Testament theology of the city, Latino-style, could teach something to the whole church (not just to Hispanics or Latinos/as). His teaching can indeed be a blessing to our communities as we wrap our heads around the promise of a Hispanic contribution to mission and ministry in the city.
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Submission Cost
16th Annual Lecture in Hispanic/Latino Theology and Mission: A New Testament Theology of the City Through Hispanic Eyes
Given Dr. Alvin Padilla's life experience, teaching and publication record, and link to the church and the issues he faces in United States society, especially in the urban setting, he has the capacity to see the reality of the city from a New Testament lens but also from the lens of the Hispanic experience. His experience shows how a New Testament theology of the city, Latino-style, could teach something to the whole church (not just to Hispanics or Latinos/as). His teaching can indeed be a blessing to our communities as we wrap our heads around the promise of a Hispanic contribution to mission and ministry in the city.