A collection of CD’s and DVD’s available from the Campus Store.
The Gospel of Mark DVD
James Voelz, Dale Meyer, Michael Zeigler, Kent Burreson, Ron Rall, David Schmitt, and Beth Hoeltke
For decades, scholars have increasingly placed The Gospel of Mark in an oral context, believing it to be a written document intended to be read aloud to agathered audience. Concordia Seminary’s dramatic presentation of The Gospel of Mark is not simply a recitation of the text, nor is it a play based upon it.
Instead, you will hear the text of Mark come alive as never before in an interpretation of the way in which it might have impacted those who first received it.
Unlike the standard assessments of Mark’s Gospel that understand it as the earliest, simplest, and least sophisticated of the four Gospels, this presentation proceeds with the understanding that the Gospel of Mark is not only a later document but that it provides a complex and sophisticated account of the life of Jesus, designed for rhetorical impact.
The cast—comprised of LCMS pastors and members of Concordia Seminary’s faculty –will enthrall you with St. Mark’s words, his images, and his message of the rule and reign of God.
Ragman DVD & Bible Study
Robert Bergt
This is Emmy Award-winning director Dale Ward’s adaptation of National Book Award winner Walter Wangerin’s classic story of unconditional love and self-sacrifice. We follow businessman Will (Alan David), who on his quiet walk to work, meets the mysterious Ragman (Allen Marsh) with his call of “New rags for old!” Will shadows the Ragman as he moves through the city encountering the broken, hopeless people who inhabit it and he learns about life, hope, and redemption.
The short film Ragman has appeared in more than 30 film festivals worldwide, winning numerous awards. This is the only film or video adaptation personally authorized by Walter Wangerin, Jr.
[Seminary Chorus] Safe in God’s Faithfulness
Robert Bergt
Recorded in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, Missouri, 2006-2007. Casavant organ (III/63 ranks), 1991.
[Seminary Chorus] Agnus Dei
Henry Gerike
A Recording of the Concordia Seminary Chorus and the Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour Chorus.
[Seminary Chorus] Gentle Stranger
Henry Gerike
The male choir Laudamus of Concordia Seminary Chorus, directed by Rev. Henry V. Gerike presents 19 familiar and new perspectives on Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany carols. 71 minutes on CD.
[Seminary Chorus] Hope
Henry Gerike
A recording of the Concordia Seminary Chorus, the Alumni Centennial Chorus, and Laudamus; the Reverend Hentry V. Gerike, Director
Walther 4 Disc DVD Set
Henry Gerike
The Pilgrims on the Mayflower were not the only colonists to flee religious persecution in a far-off land. In 1839 more than 700 Saxons left their homeland to build a colony in the new lands of America where they could speak freely, worship freely, and believe freely. The challenging journey across the Atlantic and up the Mississippi River is documented, as well as their initial struggles in these new lands. Out of this group emerges a great leader who guides the group through their trials and tribulations and builds the foundations for an international church body (LCMS), and a world-class Seminary, as well as starting magazines and several churches. This film tells his story – the story of CFW Walther.
Walther Movie Soundtrack
Henry Gerike
This CD contains the soundtrack to the original motion picture Walther and features the works of Peter Mayer and Erin Bode.
[Bach at the Sem] February 19, 2006
Robert Bergt
Recorded live broadcast of February 19, 2006, 3:00 p.m. on KFUO-FM Classic 99.1