A collection of books available from the Campus Store.
Inviting Community
Robert Kolb and Theodore Hopkins
What challenges keep congregations from inviting community, and being inviting communities, in North America today? How can churches effectively proclaim and embody the gospel in the midst of such challenges?
Teaching God’s Children His Teaching
Robert Kolb
Designed for educators, pastors, parents, and all who are involved in Christian faith formation, this book is an indispensable resource for understanding and teaching the lifelong adventure of faith.
First Things First: A Primer in Lutheran Theological Prolegomena
David Lumpp
Lumpp sharpens this focus by bringing to light the distinctive assumptions and emphases of Christian theology, particularly from a Lutheran perspective.
The American Mind Meets the Mind of Christ
Robert Kolb
Whether it is an altar to an unknown god or the New Atheists, Christians have always faced the challenge of translating the Gospel message within the surrounding culture. This is no less true for the tangled web that is 21st century America.
Counseling and Confession: The Role of Confession and Absolution in Pastoral Counseling
Richard Marrs and Walter Koehler
Walter Koehler weaves a multilayered account of the relationships between psychology, pastoral counseling, and the theology of individual confession and absolution, igniting a conversation that has only expanded in the years since.
Under the Cross of Christ—Yesterday, Today, Forever: Reflections on Lutheran Hispanic Ministry in the United States
Leopoldo Sánchez
Collecting together the essays from the historic first Hispanic National Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (2003), this book encompasses a number of crucial voices to consider the reality of the Latino experience in the United States, and what it means for doing theology and ministry with and among Latinos.
The Lutheran Parochial School: Dates, Documents, Events, People
Wayne Schmidt
The book tracks the history of the Lutheran Parochial School by identifying significant years as touchstones in the growth and change of church-related education.
Make Disciples, Baptizing: God’s Gift of New Life and Christian Witness
Robert Kolb
This little volume—a “classic” from the pen of renowned scholar Robert Kolb—sketches the connections between God’s work in baptism and God’s witness to the world.
The Congregation’s Right to Choose Its Pastor
C. F. W. Walther
Walther’s essay outlining the voting rights of the congregation in light of Luther’s doctrine of the universal priesthood is, in some regards, a sequel to his influential treatise Church and Ministry (Kirche und Amt).
A Cup of Cold Water: A Look at Biblical Charity
Robert Rosin, Charles Arand, Andrew Bartelt, James Voelz, Quentin Wesselschmidt, John Oberdeck, and Timothy Quill
This volume of essays, edited by Robert Rosin and Charles Arand, evaluates old and develops new models toward the concept of “biblical charity” and how it can inform our understanding of Christian acts of charity and mercy in our contemporary world.
Scripture and the Church: Selected Essays of Hermann Sasse
Jeffrey Kloha
The book is the best single collection of Sasse’s thought regarding the Bible and the doctrine of scripture, and reflects Sasse’s ongoing thinking as he tried to navigate between misleading alternatives regarding the Bible and theology.
Light for our World: Essays Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Concordia Seminary
John Klotz, Ralph Bohlmann, Karl Barth, August Suelflow, John F. Johnson, Horace D. Hummel, and Quentin Wesselschmidt
The essays cover an incredibly wide range of topics—from theological education to biblical hermeneutics to justification to “real-life ministry,” and everything in between—written by a global cast of scholars and church leaders.