Start Date
9-4-1986 10:00 AM
End Date
9-4-1986 10:15 AM
Dr. Klug speaks about Chemnitz being the "forgotten Reformer" and the "bridge" between Luther and the 3d generation of the Reformation. Facts about Chemnitz's life are imparted. (university life, self-education, knowledge of early chrch father, etc). Brought to light the huge gulf between Lutherans and Reformed, s a prime architect fo the Formula of Concord. He also speaks about the lesser known works of Chemnitz.
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Submission Cost
Convocation - Chemnitz: Relections on the 400th Anniversary of his death
Dr. Klug speaks about Chemnitz being the "forgotten Reformer" and the "bridge" between Luther and the 3d generation of the Reformation. Facts about Chemnitz's life are imparted. (university life, self-education, knowledge of early chrch father, etc). Brought to light the huge gulf between Lutherans and Reformed, s a prime architect fo the Formula of Concord. He also speaks about the lesser known works of Chemnitz.