
Theses/Dissertations from 2008


Beyond Appearance: Irony and the Death of Jesus in the Matthean Passion Narrative (26:1-27:66), InHee Cho


A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Leadership Approaches in Ethiopian Immigrant Churches in the United States: Leadership Styles and Implications for Missions, Yared Halche


A Case Study of Challenges Foreign-born Church Leaders Face in Establishing Multicultural Churches in the United States, Josef A. Howard


The Spirit's Witness: A Historical and Theological Examination of the Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum, Barry D. Jones


Bonding and Bridging Social Capital Among Immigrants in the United States: A Study Reconciling Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Principles as a New Paradigm for Reaching Out to a Racially Disjointed Community, Jasson Kalugendo


Marriage of God, Mission of God: A Missiological Paradigm based on the Church as the Bride of Christ Bearing Seed and Producing Fruit, Jr.; Leroy H. Leach


Luther's Two Kinds of Righteousness and his Wartbug Postil, Makito Masaki


Effective Urban Congregations: A Study of Ministry Factors That Contribute to the Effectiveness of a Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod Urban Congregation, Yohannes A. Mengsteab


In the Footsteps of Walther: The Doctrine of the Ministry in the Writings of George Stoeckhardt, Joel Loren Pless

Theses/Dissertations from 2007


A Household to be Gathered-The Anointing at Bethany and the Day of Jesus' Death in the Gospel According to John, Jonathan A. Blanke


A.F.C. Vilmar: Theology of Church and Ministry, Martin E. Conkling


My Son, Listen to the Instruction of Your Father : An Analysis of How the Father’s Rhetoric in Proverbs 1-7 Continues and Climaxes in Proverbs 8-9, Samuel Hsiao-Yung Liu


Theological and Missiological Implications of Contextualization: Interdisciplinary Analyses of the Notion of Context, Didzis Stilve

Theses/Dissertations from 2006


I Will Sing Unto the Lord A Rhetorical-Narrative Analysis of the Poem in Exodus 15:1-21, Robert Shreckhise


Catholicity or Consensus? The Role of the Consensus Patrum and the Vincentian Canon in Lutheran Orthodoxy: From Chemnitz to Quenstedt, Quentin Stewart

Theses/Dissertations from 2005


Conrad Dieterich (1575-1639) and the Instruction of Luther's Small Catechism, Gerhard Bode


His Spear Through my Side into Luther Calvin's Relationship to Luther's Doctrine of the Will, Matthew Heckel


"Why Then the Law?" Salvation History and the Law in Martin Luther's Interpretation of Galatians 1513-1522, Erik Herrmann


"Words Written in Golden Letters": A Lutheran Anthropological Reading of the Ecumenical Creeds—"For Us" as the Constitutive Factor of What it Means to be Human, Guntis Kalme


The Confessional Liturgical Revival of Theodor Kliefoth and the Works of Liturgical Revision of the Preface in Nineteenth-Century Sweden: The Vitality of the Lord's Supper as Confessed in "He Alone is Worthy!", Naomichi Masaki


The Gentile Mission in Old Testament Citations in Acts-Text, Hermeneutic, and Purpose, James Meek

Theses/Dissertations from 2004


The Christological and Ecclesial Pacifism of Stanley Hauerwas-A Lutheran Analysis and Appraisal, Joel Lehenbauer


Straight Away: The Meaning and Literary Function of εὐθὐς/εὐθἐως in the Gospel of Mark, Daniel Paavola

Theses/Dissertations from 2003


Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God's Spirit-Jesus' Life and Mission in the Spirit as a Ground for Understanding Christology, Trinity, and Proclamation, Leopoldo Sanchez


Who Do I Say That You Are? Anthropology and the Theology of Theosis in the Finnish School of Tuomo Mannermaa, William Schumacher

Theses/Dissertations from 2002


Virtue Ethics and the Place of Character Formation within Lutheran theology, Joel Biermann


The Moral Visions of the Epistle of James and Zhongyong, Stephen Oliver

Theses/Dissertations from 2001


"Real Presence" A Confession of the Lord's Supper - The Origin and Development of the Term In The 16th Century, Albert B. Collver III


Interpreting Discontinuity: Isaiah’s Tyre Oracle, R. Reed Lessing

Theses/Dissertations from 2000


Changes within the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America that Led to the Exit of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Mark Braun


Avery Dulles's Advocacy of Reformulation of Dogma and Doctrinal Development, Richard Warneck

Theses/Dissertations from 1999


A Study in the Theology of Carl Fr Wisloff with Particular Focus on Faith and the Means of Grace in the Bestowal of Salvation, Eugene Boe


"The People of God" In the Old Testament: The View of Eichrodt and Gutierrez as Evaluated by Confessional Lutheran Hermeneutics, Acir Raymann

Theses/Dissertations from 1991


The Angel of Revelation -An Angel of God and an Icon of Jesus Christ, Louis Brighton

Theses/Dissertations from 1990


The Eucharistic Theologies of Nineteenth Century Anglican and Lutheran Repristination Movements Compared, Jonathan Charles Naumann

Theses/Dissertations from 1955


Martin Luther’s Doctrine of Prayer, Henry Hutchison