"It Was Necessary that the Christ Should Suffer: The Passion of Our Lor" by Zachary Wessel



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The Passion is not simply one episode out of many in the Scriptures, but the climax of one, unified message that runs throughout. All that comes before the Passion in Scripture leads up to it, and all that comes after it flows from it. Jesus Himself said that the whole purpose and content of the Scriptures is pointing to Him and His work of salvation (John 5:39, Luke 24:25-26).

Since all of Scripture centers on Christ, it should come as no surprise that there is much fruitful fodder for meditation on Christ’s Passion even beyond the Passion accounts of the Gospels. Indeed, what is relatively tersely stated in the Passion accounts is more extensively meditated upon and traced with faith and awe in the prophecies and foreshadowings by which God promised the Savior and revealed what He would do. In light of this, I encourage you to make use of this compilation of devotions, in which students at the seminaries meditate on passages that foretell or foreshadow Christ’s Passion. Just as Christ’s Passion is not one single episode in the Scriptures, but the whole sum and content of them, so also Christ’s Passion contains within it not merely one part of our faith and life as Christians, but the entirety of it. It is as a reminder of this that we observe the season of Lent each year, in which we may refocus our attention from its many distractions in our lives and turn it to be fixed solely on Christ, our crucified and risen Savior.

What a blessing it is to meditate on our Lord’s Passion and learn to dive ever deeper into the Scriptural testimony to it! The riches of Christ’s Passion cannot be plumbed with a lifetime of pondering the Scriptures. May God lead you into an ever deepening love and appreciation for the salvation of our Lord this Lent and throughout all your life!


lent, devotions


Practical Theology

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

John 5:39; Luke 24:25-26; Genesis 3:15; Numbers 21:8-9; John 3:14-15; John 6:31-59; Numbers 21:5; Exodus 12:5-6; Jeremiah 31:30; Exodus 12:13; Leviticus 16:15; Hebrews 2:17; Leviticus 16:21-22; Psalm 22:1-2; Psalm 22:7-8; Psalm 22:14-15; Psalm 22:16; John 20:27; Zechariah 12:10; Revelation 1:7; Psalm 22:17-18; Philippians 2:6; Genesis 15:9-10, 17; Romans 4:25; Romans 4:20; Judges 16:30; Hebrews 2:17; Isaiah 42:24-25; Isaiah 49:7; Romans 9:1-3; Psalm 22:27; Romans 11:1, 23; Psalm 143:3-4; Genesis 12:3; Zechariah 2:10-11; Isaiah 60:3; Revelation 21:24; Psalm 89:38–41; Genesis 17:7; Matthew 27:46; Psalm 89:41-45; Genesis 22:13-14; Isaiah 43:24-25; Numbers 18:15, 17; Isaiah 63:1-3; Zechariah 13:3; Deuteronomy 13:6-9; Zechariah 12:10; Zechariah 13:1; Zechariah 13:4-6; Zechariah 13:7; Isaiah 52:13; Isaiah 52:14-15; Isaiah 53:1-2; Isaiah 53:3; Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 27:46; Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 53:6; Isaiah 53:7-8; Isaiah 53:9; 1 Corinthians 15:54b-55, 57; Zechariah 11:13; Zechariah 12:10-11; Psalm 31:11-13; Isaiah 50:5-6; Leviticus 18:5; Exodus 24:8; Exodus 24:3; Jeremiah 31:34; Psalm 55:12-14; Zechariah h 9:9; Philippians s 2:7; Isaiah h 6:3; Matthew 21:9; Philippians . 2:8; Mark 15:13; Jeremiah 11:19; Matthew 26:4; Psalm 88:18; Psalm 41:7-9; Isaiah 25:6-8; Isaiah 53:10–11; Romans 8:29; John 1:12-13; Jonah 2:2,6; Psalm 16:10-11;

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost


It Was Necessary that the Christ Should Suffer: The Passion of Our Lord Foretold
