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Start Date

30-4-2024 10:00 AM

End Date

30-4-2024 11:00 AM


To ask the LCMS the question, “Do we really believe in the Catholic church?” there could be something more than a simple yes or no answer. The doctrinal answer is certainly a resounding yes. In practice? Not so much. This presentation will explore several realities and one great challenge. The first reality is America’s population trends. A second reality is the Lutheran doctrine of the church’s catholicity. And the great challenge for the LCMS, in particular, is that of applying the truth that the church is catholic to the people of our world today and tomorrow.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Romans 10:17; Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:8; John 10:16;

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

People in this Resource (separated by commas)

Ryan McPherson, Jaroslav Pelikan, Martin Luther, Robert Kolb,

Submission Cost



Apr 30th, 10:00 AM Apr 30th, 11:00 AM

Do We Really Believe in the ‘Catholic Church?’ And Why It Matters

To ask the LCMS the question, “Do we really believe in the Catholic church?” there could be something more than a simple yes or no answer. The doctrinal answer is certainly a resounding yes. In practice? Not so much. This presentation will explore several realities and one great challenge. The first reality is America’s population trends. A second reality is the Lutheran doctrine of the church’s catholicity. And the great challenge for the LCMS, in particular, is that of applying the truth that the church is catholic to the people of our world today and tomorrow.