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Start Date

3-5-2022 9:30 AM

End Date

3-5-2022 9:45 AM


The manual focuses on the six basic value spectrums that anthropologists feel exist in each culture. The person entering the culture needs to find where that culture is on each of the spectrums and begin to learn how to communicate in the context of that culture. Anthropologists list these values: identity (I versus we), hierarchy (top-down versus flat), risk (tight versus loose), time (short-term versus long-term orientation), communication (explicit versus implicit) and achievement (being versus doing). Each culture fits somewhere along the spectrum of each of these value scales. Understanding each spectrum and finding where the new culture is on the spectrum helps communication with people in the culture. This sectional will describe each spectrum and give examples to show how cultures can differ. Of course, to be most effective in adjusting to a new culture, it is important to know the values of one’s own culture.

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Submission Topics

World Mission

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost



May 3rd, 9:30 AM May 3rd, 9:45 AM

Manual for Volunteers Entering a Cross-cultural Ministry Context

The manual focuses on the six basic value spectrums that anthropologists feel exist in each culture. The person entering the culture needs to find where that culture is on each of the spectrums and begin to learn how to communicate in the context of that culture. Anthropologists list these values: identity (I versus we), hierarchy (top-down versus flat), risk (tight versus loose), time (short-term versus long-term orientation), communication (explicit versus implicit) and achievement (being versus doing). Each culture fits somewhere along the spectrum of each of these value scales. Understanding each spectrum and finding where the new culture is on the spectrum helps communication with people in the culture. This sectional will describe each spectrum and give examples to show how cultures can differ. Of course, to be most effective in adjusting to a new culture, it is important to know the values of one’s own culture.