"The Understandings of Pornography in the Behavioral Sciences and the L" by Paul Metzler

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Divinity (M.Div)


Practical Theology

First Advisor

Kenneth Siems


Some further comments about the intent of this study should help clarify what I am attempting to do. I do not plan to develop a universally valid definition of pornography. My research has led me to see definition itself as one of the issues: In Chapter II where I have presented my findings from the behavorial sciences, I have indicated the attempts of various studies to develop just such a definition. Their variety and differing emphases show that one of the difficulties of dealing adequately with the phenomenon of pornography is determining what qualifies or does not qualify for that designation. The complexity, then, of isolating the causes and effects of a phenomenon that resists clear definition is evident.

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