Date of Award

Fall 12-18-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Practical Theology

Scripture References in this Resource

Acts 1:8


Jesus Christ inaugurated and commissioned his church to be a missionary until the end of the world. Thus, the church is missionary by her very nature. The modern mission paradigm was from the West to the rest. But, in this 21st century, the mission has shifted from the global North to the global South; this massive shift has anchored the global South as the heartland of Christianity and the force of mission. This mission shift also demands the paradigm shift of both global north and south. Although the African church has played a pivotal role in the church history, and the largest Christian continent is still a mission field for most missionary-sending churches and organizations. Its missionary endeavors and role is limited only to the continent of Africa. The thesis attempted to understand the factors which have limited the African church’s mission role within the continent and impede its role for the 21st-century global mission and expected paradigm shift.

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