"Leonardo Boff’s Social-Environmental Ecology Exposition, Analysis, and" by Alan Furst

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Systematic Theology

First Advisor

Joel Okamoto

Scripture References in this Resource

Genesis 2:7; Genesis 2:15; Psalm 127:1;


Furst, Alan Diego. “Leonardo Boff’s Social-Environmental Ecology: Exposition, Analysis, and Appropriation for Lutheran Theology.” MA Thesis, Concordia Seminary, 2018. 107pp.

Ecological issues throughout the world present an urgent need for a deepened theological approach to the doctrine of creation. In fact, recent studies have shown that such issues point to a more serious problem with the entire system at work shaping social relations today. This situation calls Christian theologians to rethink the doctrine of creation in light of ecological issues. This includes Lutheran theologians, who still need to address the current situation involving ecological issues and to offer reflections and responses from a Lutheran perspective, identifying ways by which the doctrine of creation helps Christians to live out their faith within God’s creation in the face of such reality. The question is how to do this. This thesis contributes to an answer by considering answers already given by theologians of other Christian traditions on the topic. Specifically, this thesis exposes and analyzes the most influential works of Leonardo Boff on ecological issues, and considers insights and recommendations for Lutheran theology. As a result, this thesis identifies Boff’s reflection over the question of what it means to be human and what is the relation human beings have with other creatures and the rest of creation as his most basic contribution. More specifically, Boff’s perspective analyzes how aspects such as society, economy, politics, etc. affect and give shape to the human relationship to creation today. In conclusion, this thesis argues that Lutheran theology should not dismiss Boff’s theology but acknowledge and appreciate the relevance of his reflection on current issues. Accordingly, this thesis offers recommendations and possible appropriations from Boff’s approach to Lutheran theology, especially on ways of rethinking the doctrine of vocation in light of current ecological issues.

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