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Lehre und Wehre Band 68 herausgegeben von Fakultät des Concordia-Seminars aus dem Jahr 1922. (Lehre und Wehre Volume 68 edited by Concordia Seminary Faculty from 1922.)

Januar (January)

Friedrich August Crämer. .1 (Friedrich August Crämer. . 1)

Ist 2 Sam 7, 12-29 eine messianische Weissagung? .8 (Is 2 Sam 7: 12-29 a messianic prophecy? . 8)

Literatur. .13 (Literature. . 13)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .22 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 22)

Februar (February)

Friedrich August Crämer. .33 (Friedrich August Crämer. . 33)

Unsere Pilgerväter. .40 (Our pilgrim fathers. . 40)

Literatur. .47 (Literature. . 47)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .53 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 53)

März (March)

Verfassungsnöte der Landeskirchen Deutschlands. .65 (Constitutional needs of the regional churches in Germany. . 65)

Literatur. .79 (Literature. . 79)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .87 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 87)


Verfassungsnöte der Landeskirchen Deutschlands. .97 (Constitutional needs of the regional churches in Germany. . 97)

Unsere Pilgerväter. .104 (Our pilgrim fathers. . 104)

Literatur. .116 (Literature. . 116)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .122 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 122)

Mai (May)

Die Apologie des Aristides. .129 (The Apology of Aristides. . 129)

Verfassungsnöte der Landeskirchen Deutschlands. .136 (Constitutional needs of the regional churches in Germany. . 136)

Literatur. .144 (Literature. . 144)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .156 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 156)

Juni (June)

Warum glauben wir der Heiligen Schrift? oder: Wie wird uns die Heilige Schrift eine göttliche Autorität? .161 (Why do we believe the scriptures? or: How does the Holy Scriptures become divine authority for us? . 161)

Verfassungsnöte der Landeskirchen Deutschlands. .168 (Constitutional needs of the regional churches in Germany. . 168)

Literatur. .174 (Literature. . 174)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .182 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 182)

Juli (July)

Warum glauben wir der Heiligen Schrift? oder: Wie wird uns die Heilige Schrift eine göttliche Autorität? .193 (Why do we believe the scriptures? or: How does the Holy Scriptures become divine authority for us? . 193)

Welche Briefe stammen aus der Zeit der dritten Missionsreise Pauli? .200 (Which letters come from the time of Paul's third mission trip? . 200)

Literatur. .207 (Literature. . 207)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .217 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 217)

August and September

Eine Lehrverhandlung vor fünfzig Jahren. .225 (A teaching negotiation fifty years ago. . 225)

Welche Briefe stammen aus der Zeit der dritten Missionsreise Pauli? .233 (Which letters come from the time of Paul's third mission trip? . 233)

Ein Missionsfreund in der apostolischen Kirche. .243 (A missionary friend in the Apostolic Church. . 243)

The United Lutheran Church und das Federal Council. .248 (The United Lutheran Church and the Federal Council. . 248)

Das Luthertum in Kongreßpolen. .258 (Lutheranism in Congress Poland. . 258)

Die Fliednersche Mission in Spanien. .265 (The Fliedner Mission in Spain. . 265)

Literatur. .271 (Literature. . 271)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .279 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 279)

October and November

Das Christentum als absolute Religion. .289 (Christianity as an absolute religion. . 289)

Luther und die Bettler. .291 (Luther and the beggars. . 291)

Delitzsch, Harnach, Sellin - - ihre Stellung zum Alten Testament. .308 (Delitzsch, Harnach, Sellin - - their position on the Old Testament. . 308)

Literatur. .324 (Literature. . 324)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .340 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 340)


Der innere Zusammenhang der messianischen Weissagung Ies 7,14. .353 (The inner context of the messianic prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. . 353)

Pastor Louis Harms. .359 (Pastor Louis Harms. . 359)

Literatur. .368 (Literature. . 368)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .376 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 376)


kirchlich-zeitgenössische Geschichte(ecclesiastical-contemporary history), Deutschland(germany), Mission(mission), Friedrich Krämer(friedrich crämer), die dritte Missionsreise von Paulus(paul's third missionary journey)


Biblical Studies | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | History of Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

2 Samuel 7:12-29; Isaiah 7:14;

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost


Lehre und Wehre Volume 68
