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Lehre und Wehre Band 56 herausgegeben von Fakultät des Concordia-Seminars aus dem Jahr 1910. (Lehre und Wehre Volume 56 edited by Concordia Seminary Faculty from 1910.)

Januar (January)

Vorwort. .1 (Preface. . 1)

“Der neuentdeckte Römerbriefkommentar Luthers aus dem Jahre 1515/16”. .14 (“Luther's newly discovered commentary on Roman letters from 1515/16”. . 14)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .39 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 39)

Februar (February)

Die satisfactio vicaria nach Iesaias 53. .49 (The satisfactio vicaria according to Isaiah 53. 49)

Gebrauch der Ausdrücke καλει̂ν, κλη̂σις, κλητός im Neuen Testament. .55 (Use of the terms καλει̂ν, κλη̂σις, κλητός in the New Testament. . 55)

Was wir von der Gnadenwahl lehren. .65 (What We Teach About Gracious Choice. . 65)

Vermischtes. .67 (Miscellaneous. . 67)

Literatur. .70 (Literature. . 70)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .80 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 80)

März (March)

Die satisfactio vicaria nach Iesaias 53. .97 (The satisfactio vicaria according to Isaiah 53. 97)

Gebrauch der Ausdrücke Χαλξτν, χλη̋σις, χλητός im Neuen Testament. .106 (Use of the terms Χαλξτν, χλη̋σις, χλητός in the New Testament. . 106)

Vermischtes. .120 (Miscellaneous. . 120)

Literatur. .122 (Literature. . 122)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .125 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 125)


Die satisfactio vicaria nach Iesaias 53. .145 (The satisfactio vicaria according to Isaiah 53. 145)

Die “Verdammungssätze” des Athanasianischen Symbolums. .154 (The "damnation sentences" of Athanasian symbolism. . 154)

Literatur. .176 (Literature. . 176)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .183 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 183)

Mai (May)

Die satisfactio vicaria nach Iesaias 53. .193 (The satisfactio vicaria according to Isaiah 53. 193)

Luthers Sterben. .202 (Luther's death. . 202)

Literatur. .219 (Literature. . 219)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .225 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 225)

Juni (June)

Die satisfactio vicaria nach Iesaias 53. .241 (The satisfactio vicaria according to Isaiah 53. 241)

Pelagius. .252 (Pelagius. . 252)

Was lehrt die Schrift von der Seele? .262 (What does scripture teach about the soul? . 262)

Literatur. .276 (Literature. . 276)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .279 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 279)

Juli (July)

Hat Luther die Bibel verstümmelt? .289 (Did Luther mutilate the Bible? . 289)

Die “andere Geist” der reformierten Kirche. .302 (The “other spirit” of the Reformed Church. . 302)

Was lehrt die Schrift von der Seele? .308 (What does scripture teach about the soul? . 308)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .315 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 315)


Die “andere Geist” der reformierten Kirche. .337 (The “other spirit” of the Reformed Church. . 337)

Die Gnadenmittel nach dem Bekenntnis der Presbyterianer. .344 (The means of grace according to the Presbyterian creed. . 344)

Literatur. .365 (Literature. . 365)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .371 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 371)


Zur Geschichte der Kindertaufe. .385 (On the history of infant baptism. . 385)

Die “andere Geist” der reformierten Kirche. .394 (The “other spirit” of the Reformed Church. . 394)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .409 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 409)


Beleuchtung der norwegischen Vereinigungsthesen. .433 (Illumination of the Norwegian unification theses. . 433)

Literatur. .466 (Literature. . 466)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .469 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 469)


Unser Gesangbuch. .481 (Our hymn book. . 481)

Ein Nachtrag zur Erklärung von Römer 5,19. .501 (An addendum to the explanation of Romans 5:19. . 501)

Literatur. .506 (Literature. . 506)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .513 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 513)


Noch ein Wort über das Wesen des Glaubens. .529 (One more word about the nature of faith. . 529)

Die “andere Geist” der reformierten Kirche. .542 (The “other spirit” of the Reformed Church. . 542)

Zur Geschichte der Kindertaufe. .550 (On the history of infant baptism. . 550)

Literatur. .558 (Literature. . 558)

Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .560 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 560)


Kirchen- und Zeitgeschichte(ecclesiastical- contemporary history), Jesaja(isaiah), reformierter Geist(reformed spirit), Säuglingstaufe(infant baptism), Luther(luther), Seele(soul)


Biblical Studies | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | History of Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep

Scripture References in this Resource (separated by semi-colons)

Romans 5:19

Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars

Submission Cost


Lehre und Wehre Volume 56
