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Lehre und Wehre Band 46 herausgegeben von Fakultät des Concordia-Seminars aus dem Jahr 1900. (Lehre und Wehre Volume 46 edited by Concordia Seminary Faculty from 1900.)
Januar (January)
Vorwort. . (Walther/ pastors & congs; Loy- Walther & Krauth, church govt- F Pieper). .1 (Preface. . (Walther / pastors & congs; Loy- Walther & Krauth, church govt- F Pieper). . 1)
Evolution. .(Bente). .8 (Evolution. . (Bente). . 8)
Der Spiritismus. .15 (Spiritism. . 15)
Vermischtes. .24 (Miscellaneous. . 24)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .26 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 26)
Eingesandte Literatur. .32 (Submitted literature. . 32)
Februar (February)
Vorwort. .33 (Preface. . 33)
Evolution. .39 (Evolution. . 39)
Der Spiritismus. .47 (Spiritism. . 47)
Literatur. .59 (Literature. . 59)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .59 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 59)
März (March)
“Weltmerism”. .65 (“World Merism”. . 65)
Der Spiritismus. .75 (Spiritism. . 75)
Vermischtes. .84 (Miscellaneous. . 84)
Literatur. .85 (Literature. . 85)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .88 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 88)
Ist der Synergismus vernünftig? .97 (Is the synergism reasonable? . 97)
Der Spiritismus. .101 (Spiritism. . 101)
Vermischtes. .111 (Miscellaneous. . 111)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. . (Synodical state defined- F Pieper). .119 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . (Synodical state defined- F Pieper). . 119)
Mai (May)
Das Hohepriesterthum Christi nach dem Hebräerbrief. .129 (The high priesthood of Christ according to the letter to the Hebrews. . 129)
Evolution. .135 (Evolution. . 135)
Der Spiritismus. .142 (Spiritism. . 142)
Literatur. .152 (Literature. . 152)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .152 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 152)
Juni (June)
Wie gelangt ein Lehrer der Kirche zu der rechten Gewißheit in Bezug auf die christliche Lehre? .161 (How does a teacher of the Church get proper assurance about Christian doctrine? . 161)
Evolution. .164 (Evolution. . 164)
Vermischtes. .171 (Miscellaneous. . 171)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .178 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 178)
Juli (July) and August
Wie kann und soll eine Synode die Gemeinden und die einzelnen Christen bewegen, den Synodalbeschlüssen Folge zu geben? .193 (How can and should a synod move the congregations and individual Christians to obey the synodal resolutions? . 193)
Der gefangene Simson am Mühlrade der Philister. .200 (Samson caught at the mill wheel of the Philistines. . 200)
Evolution. .217 (Evolution. . 217)
Vermischtes. .239 (Miscellaneous. . 239)
Literatur. .241 (Literature. . 241)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .241 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 241)
Eingesandte Literatur. .256 (Submitted literature. . 256)
Das Hohepriesterthum Christi nach dem Hebräerbrief. .257 (The high priesthood of Christ according to the letter to the Hebrews. . 257)
Der gefangene Simson am Mühlrade der Philister. .270 (Samson caught at the mill wheel of the Philistines. . 270)
Formula Concordiae, Artikel II: De libero arbitrio. .280 (Formula Concordiae, Article II: De libero arbitrio. . 280)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .285 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 285)
Das Hohepriesterthum Christi nach dem Hebräerbrief. .289 (The high priesthood of Christ according to the letter to the Hebrews. . 289)
Der gefangene Simson am Mühlrade der Philister. .300 (Samson caught at the mill wheel of the Philistines. . 300)
Formula Concordiae, Artikel II: De libero arbitrio. .307 (Formula Concordiae, Article II: De libero arbitrio. . 307)
Literatur. .317 (Literature. . 317)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .317 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 317)
Das Hohepriesterthum Christi nach dem Hebräerbrief. .321 (The high priesthood of Christ according to the letter to the Hebrews. . 321)
Zugeständnisse und Angriffe der Unirten. .329 (Concessions and attacks by the Unirten. . 329)
Wie man im evangelisch - lutherischen Ministerium von New York von der Gnadenwahl lehrt. .338 (How to Teach by Grace in the Evangelical Lutheran Ministry of New York. . 338)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .346 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 346)
Zugeständnisse und Angriffe der Unirten. .353 (Concessions and attacks by the Unirten. . 353)
Der gefangene Simson am Mühlrade der Philister. .364 (Samson caught at the mill wheel of the Philistines. . 364)
Rede gehalten beim Schlußactus im Concordia - Collegium zu Fort Wayne, Indiana am 27 Juni 1900. .367 (Speech given at the closing act at Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Indiana on June 27, 1900. 367)
Kirchlich - Zeitgeschichtliches. .384 (Ecclesiastical - contemporary history. . 384)
Kirchen- und Zeitgeschichte(ecclesiastical- contemporary history), Evolution(evolution), Spiritismus(spiritism), Hebräer(hebrews), Philister(philistines), Priestertum(priesthood), simson(samson), pieper(pieper), unirten(unirten), Walter(walther)
Biblical Studies | Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | History of Christianity | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
Submission Type
Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep
Submission Audience
Laity; Ministers; Scholars
Submission Cost
Recommended Citation
Concordia Seminary Faculty, "Lehre und Wehre Volume 46" (1900). Lehre und Wehre. 46.
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Biblical Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, Practical Theology Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons