Submissions from 2022
Pentecost (Year C): Bad Babel to Good Babble: Restoration in a Divided World, Vincent Otto and Joe Eggerman
Trinity (Year C): Acts 2:14a, 22-36, Luke Elowsky and Erik Hart
Easter 6 (Year C): John 16:22–33, Alex Smith
Easter 4 (Year C): Revelation 7:13–17—Dwelling Among Us, Samuel Schick and Sean Shepherd
Easter 5 (Year C): Revelation 21:1-7, Samuel Schick and Sean Shepherd
Easter 2 (Year C): John 20:19-31—Peace Be with You, Erik Hart and Samuel Schick
Easter 3 (Year C): John 21:1-14—The Dawn of a New Day, Samuel Schick and Erik Hart
Easter 1 (Year C): Luke 24:1–12—Forgetful Disciples, Kendall Davis and Kendall Davis
Palm Sunday (Year C): John 12:20–43— The King Uplifted, Vincent Otto and Kendall Davis
Lent 5 (Year C): Isaiah 43:26–21—Waters of Life and Death, Kendall Davis and Christian Einertson
Lent 3 (Year C): Ezekiel 33:7–20; 1 Corinthians 10:1–13; Luke 13:1–9—Driving Us towards Repentance, Vincent Otto and Erik Hart
Lent 4 (Year C): Isaiah 12:1–6—Isaiah's Song of Thanksgiving, Erik Hart and Vincent Otto
Lent 1 (Year C): Luke 4:1–13—The Temptation of Jesus, Kendall Davis and Ben Vanderhyde
Lent 2 (Year C): Philippians 3:17–4:1—Following the Examples of the Saints, Kendall Davis and Ben Vanderhyde
Submissions from 2021
Easter 7 (Year C): Acts 1:12-26 - Judas in the Psalms, Ben Leeper and Kurt Hellwig