A series of lectures presented by the faculty at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis for the laity covering topics of Old and New Testament as well as issues confronting the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod at the time.
The Christian in today's society Lesson 6
Martin Haendschke
Recorded in 1975 for the laity at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Gospel reductionism: what does it mean?
Jakob Heckert
Recorded at the Lay Lecture series, Issues/1975 held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, May 8, 1975.
Recorded with: Heckert, J. Gospel reductionism : what does it mean? And Schmelder, W. God's Law : do we still need it?
Preparation, certification, and placement of pastors
Roland Hopmann
Recorded at the Lay Lecture series, Issues/1975 held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, May 8, 1975.
Recorded with: Warneck, R. The layman's role in Synod today.
Preparation, certification, and placement of pastors
Roland Hopmann
Condensation of lay lecture series sent to lay delegates to the Anaheim Convention of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
Preparation, certification, and placement of pastors
Roland Hopmann
Discusses the importance of the placement of the Lord's prayer in the Small Catechism and the role it plays in the faith life of a Christian.
The Old Testament: relevant for today.
Horace Hummel
Lay lecture series: Issues/1975. Recorded at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 17, 1975.
The Old Testament: relevant for today.
Horace Hummel
Lay lecture series : Issues/1975. Recorded at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 17, 1975.
The historical critical method : What's it all about.
Erich Kiehl
Lay lecture series: Issues/1975. Recorded at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 10, 1975.
The historical critical method : What's it all about.
Erich Kiehl
Condensation of lay lecture series sent to lay delegates to the Anaheim Convention of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
The historical critical method. What's it all about?
Erich Kiehl
Lay lecture series: Issues/1975. Recorded at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 10, 1975.
Must I believe everything the Bible says?
H. Richard Klann
Recorded at the lay Lecture Series, Issues/1975 held at Concordia Semlinary, St. Louis, April 24, 1975.
Must I believe everything the Bible says?
Richard Klann
Recorded at the lay Lecture Series, Issues/1975 held at Concordia Semlinary, St. Louis, April 24, 1975.
The handbook structure for service.
John Klotz
Recorded at the Lay lecture series, Issues/1975 held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 17, 1975.
The handbook. : structure for service.
John Klotz
Lay lecture series: Issues/1975. Recorded at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 10, 1975.