In this lesson, you will learn about the what the people ate and what they drank in Bible times. As you learn of what they ate, also notice that each of these foods had a spiritual application. People in Bible times understood their connection to God, so the Bible uses everyday pictures to teach about the way God works with us.


Submissions from 2015

Lesson 4.01 - Water, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.02 - “Breaking Bread”, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.03 - Flour, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.04 - Mixing Bread Dough, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.05 - Baking Ovens, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.06 - Simple Camp Stove, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.07 - Vegetables, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.08 - Meat and Vegetable Stew, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.09 - Meat, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.10 - Fish & Fowl, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.11 - Milk & Cheese, Ron Friedrich

Lesson 4.12 - Butter, Ron Friedrich