Concordia Theological Monthly
Oscar Cullmann and Paul M. Bretcher (Translator)
Laurentius Valla (1407-1457): Renaissance Critic and Biblical Theologian
Marvin W. Anderson
A Critique: “Two Levels of History."
David W. Lotz
Moving Toward Lutheran Unity
Oliver R. Harms
Interaction: Ecumenism and Confessionalism
John E. Groh
Thomas Coates
Living with the Brothers in the Lord
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Some Thoughts on the Church in the Lutheran Symbols
Herbert J. Bouman
Brief Studies
Egon W. Gerdes
Theological Observer
Richard Klann
The Presence of Christ's Body and Blood in the Sacrament of the Altar According to Luther
Norman Nagel
The Theology of Communism
Martin H. Scharlemann
Thomas More and the Wittenberg Lutherans
Carl S. Meyer
Brief Studies
Frederick W. Danker
Tribute to John W. Behnken: Ministry in the Acceptable Time
Alfred O. Fuerbringer
The Spirit of Man: The Subject as Seen by Theologians
George W. Hoyer
The Complete Centurion
Robert W. Bertram
References to Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Extrabiblical Literature as Noted in the Outer Margins of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament
Trenton R. Ferro
Sexuality, Marriage, and Divorce in 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:16
Walter J. Bartling
Those "Divorce and Remarriage" Passages
Harry G. Coiner
Theological Observer
Martin H. Scharlemann
Book Review Article
Frederick W. Danker
Chapel Semons
Erwin L. Lueker and Richard Klann
Religious Music Among the Jews
Walter E. Buszin
Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608): Theologian, Mystic, Hymn Writer, Polemicist, and Missiologist: A Biobibliographical Survey
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
The Church Hymn and Its Way into Music
William Mudde
Development of Worship Skills
George W. Hoyer
Lodge Practice Within the Missouri Synod
John W. Constable
The Day of the Lord
Ralph W. Klein
The Shape of Hope: Jeremiah's Book of Consolation
Theodore M. Ludwig
The Message of the Deuteronomic Historian
Carl Graesser Jr.
Consolation in 2 Cor. 5:1-10
Frederick W. Danker
The Theological Significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Joachim Jeremias and David Zersen (Translator)
The Future of Theological Education
Samuel I. Goltermann
Hermeneutic(s) ( Reading Programs in Theology)
Martin H. Scharlemann
Theological Observer
Pope Paul
In Many, Much
Richard R. Caemmerer
Biblical Humanism and Roman Catholic Reform: (1501-1542) Contarini, Pole, and Giberti
Marvin W. Anderson
Notes on "Spirit-Baptism" and "Prophetic Utterance"
Victor Bartling
Our Common Confession and Its Implications for Today
Robert Bertram
Brief Studies
Carl S. Meyer
One Hundred Years of Social Ministry-Now What?
Leslie F. Weber
Civic Order
Martin H. Scharlemann
Race and the institutional Church (Reading Programs in Theology)
Robert L. Conrad
Brief Studies
Herbert J. Bouman, Erwin L. Lueker, Arthur Carl Piepkorn, and Donald Heinz
Index for Volume XXXIX
Homiletical Helps
Richard Hoyer
Mack Goeglein
Andrew M. Weyermann and John Damm
A. von Rohr Sauer
Anton Jehn
George W. Hoyer
A Topical Sermon
Andrew Weyermann
George W. Hoyer and Martin H. Scharlemann
George W. Hoyer and Ralph L. Moellering
George W. Hoyer and Mack Goeglein
Book Reviews
Book Review. - Literatur
Erwin L. Lueker
Book Review. - Literatur
Carl Volz
Book Review. - Literatur
Edgar Krentz
Book Review. - Literatur
Carl Graessner Jr.
Book Review. - Literatur
Erwin L. Lueker
Book Review. - Literatur
Arthur Carl Piepkorn
Book Review. - Literatur
Frederick W. Danker
Book Review. - Literatur
Edgar Krentz
Book Review. - Literatur
Edgar Krentz
Book Review. - Literatur
Edgar Krentz
Book Review. - Literatur
Edgar Krentz