"The Role of the Self in Counseling and Its Application to Pastoral Cou" by David Ludwig

Concordia Theological Monthly

Publication Date


Document Type



self, concept, counseling, individual adjustment, rogers, anxiety, cooley, mental health, pastoral, relationship, buder

Submission Type

Bible Study; Lecture; Sermon Prep


Recent experimentation has shown that what a person thinks of himself, that is, his self-concept, is very important in his ability to adjust to life's problems. This article will examine the importance which the self-concept plays in counseling and the way in which pastoral counseling will deal with this self-concept. Since the aim of secular counseling (and pastoral counseling to a large extent) is to help the individual adjust to his marital and other situational difficulties, this article will show that the counselor must be concerned with the typical low self-feelings of his counselee and should try to adopt a technique of counseling that will help the person to accept himself more fully and so be better able to adjust.


Practical Theology

Submission Cost


Submission Audience

Laity; Ministers; Scholars
